12--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, OCT, 3rd, 1963 Point Winners At Track Meet Brock High School became cham- pion school during the Interschool track meet ih Uxbridge last week, winning the three school trophies. In second place was Port Perry High School and above are a few of the point winners. The smil- ing girl to the left is Frances An- drews crossing the finish line in the 440 relay for intermediate girls. In the top picture from left is senior champion Larry Davidson, ard third from. left Bill Draper, who was runner-up in the inter- mediate class. The twa girls in the back row, left are Betty Medd, junior runner- up and Marilyn Fralick, intermedi- ate runner-up. Congratulations! You all brought honours to your school, --Star Photo. © 3 pi SEES mm -l < - » ea HES Poit Perry or ot Cae "Bvéryihinig for the Well Groomed n : i At Man" ' ma, son CORE CEP Shirts by Forsyth HE Socks by Bj . Suits by Johnston Sweaters by Waren Jork. Clothes' by G.W.G. Slacks by Riviera hl SUITES PRICED Filo $69.50 CLOTHES by W. R. JOHNSTON (Clothiers Since 1868) - z 4 RRA . . § £5 £32