i cement silo collapse on Satur- "dash in Simcoe County. Oct. 16 - Nov. 2-- "Peel County; York County; 14--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT, 10th, 1963 Manchester News Sacrament was observed in the United Church here on Sun- day morning, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and lobert visited in Sunderland and Mount Albert on Sunday afternoon. : Garth Brooks spent the week- | end with the Keith Dyke family at their cottage. Grant Franklin had the mis-| fortune to have a freshly filled | day evening. Quife a number from this area | attended Marktam Fair on Saturday. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. | Aletha Holtby in the death of her cousin, Miss Queena Pear- son, Oshawa. Mrs. A. Roach, Miss Susan Roach and Mrs. Crosier called on Stouffville friends on Sun- day afternoon. --X-- Pheasant Season In Ont. County For the benefit of hunters open seasons for pheasant in the Lake Simcoe District in ef- fect this year, are az follows: Oct. 5 - lov. 2-- Townships of Nottawasaga, Sunnidale, Vespra, Oro. Flos, Tay, Tiny, Orillia and Matche- Townships of Rama, Mara, Thorah and Scugog in Ontario County. Bag limit--3 per day. Dufferin County: Townships of The U.C.W. met at Mrs. A, Fieldings last Thursday after- noon with an attendance of fourteen. The meeting opened with hymn "God works in a Mysterious Way". The Seript- 'ure lesson was read by Mrs. Fielding and Mrs, Jo Bain gave the topic "The Undiscovered County". Following roll call and min- utes, correspondence was read and discussed. Treasurer's re- port stated $105.00 received for catering for a recent wed- ding. $168.22 clear from the bazaar. Plans were made for catering for Donlands Dairy on Oct. 15th and for a turkey din- ner October 29th. The meeting closed with theme and prayer. Mrs. Aletha Holtby gave a reading and Mrs. Jo. Bain as- | sisted the hostess with serving * lunch, _---- Use the CLASSIFIED SECTION of THE PORT PERRY STAR Phone 985-2331 Pickering, Reach, Scott, Ux-| bridge, E. Whitby, Whitby in Ontario County. Townships of Tosovontio, Es- sa. Innisfil, Adiala, Tecumseth and W.- Gwillimbury in Simcoe County. Bag limit--3 per day, not more than one of which may be a female. Shooting time -- 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Township licences required in Regulated Town- ships. THE BEST OF BOTH ---- TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-yeat, butiget terms) "hE Ohiay L ; i Pata E HOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU BURNFIELD - BALLARD Plumbing and Heating 985 - 2491 Port Perry St. John's Church 107th Anniversary Sunday, October 13 St. John's Presbyterian Church here in Port Perry will cele-! brate the 107th Auniversary of the organization of their con- gregation on Thanksgiving Sun- day, October 18th, with special services of worship at 11.00 am. and 7.00 p.m. The Rever- end W. J. S. McClure, B.A., of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, will be . the Guest Preacher for the day. The choir are preparing special music in keeping with the oc- casion. During the past weeks the renovation of the Church Hall has been proceeding and with it the installation of a new heat- ing system for Church and Hall. A new floor has. been laid in the Hall, the walls and ceiling are being recovered, and the re- | sulting effect will present a| 'very pleasing appearance as well : | as make the space more usable. All are cordially invited to | worship with St. John's congre- | i gation in their Anniversary Ser- | » vices on October 13th. NO -- . SPECIAL. PRICES IN EFFECT FOR OCTOBER Regular Price Sale Price $65.00 71.00 79.00 83.00 » 87.00 91.00 95.00 for for for for for for for $55.00 61.00 69.00 73.00 77.00 81.00 85.00 FRANSSEN TAILORS SPECIALS for OCTOBER TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS AND TOPCOATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN YOUR CLOTHES MEASURED BY EXPERTS L. Franssen CUSTOM TAILOR AND DESIGNER Ladies' and Men's 45 Years in the Tailor Business (Next Door to Municipal Offices) PHONE 985-7061 PORT PERRY ats HED i "the interesting place to shop" - HOW TO GET THERE. FROM HIGHWAY 401 EASTBOUND -- Exit to Stevenson Road, then north on Stevenson Road. FROM HIGHWAY 401 WESTBOUND -- Exit at Park Road, north on Park Road to Elmgrove Avenus, west on Elmgrove. f Ll 'At OC, park as long as you like. Free! Parking is always free at Qshawa Shopping Centre. There's space for over 3,000 cars -- all the room you could .ask for. After you park, 54 interesting shops (including a major department store) await you. You'll find everything your family needs among these well-laid-out shops: high:grade merchandise and specially-priced bargains. Enjoy OC's complete one-stop shopping, service trades, covered mall and fashion selection. Make it a habit. It's a good one. at Thickson Road, take North or South Side Road | Fl A 2 wi