gate to the Convention in Tor- onto. Mrs, J. lanson, Mrs. R. Baird, Mrs. N. Smith to be the com- mittee to work with the hall i Board. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., OCT. 10th, 1963--3 "South and North Ont. Plowmen | Sponsor Junior Plowing Matches cial half hour together. ¥ * LJ About thirty of the ladies en- . joyed the bus trip to Niagara notony and weariness, | Couves. Motto. A change of | pace gives the little lift to the programmes that prevents mo- 7] " ] =) 7] w ] -] ] ] 1 ] 7] = ¥e He Garbage Collector and Dog Controller, for the [||B & HANDCUT AND TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE | period of 24 months starting October 21, 1963, |||@ | =Y T'® TOP Taiors ~ ONE Rice ¥7/ 500 | "will be received by Council. Tenders to be left = : | MADE: TO MEASURE i with the Clerk by Friday Noon, October 18, 1963. mg SUITS 5 Contract Forms may be seen at the Municipal u ry -- | Office. = Lowest or any tender not necessarily . = | | | 3 | @]% tailors $75.00 - 1 = accepted. " i l JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk, ] = i "Oct. 17/63 Village of Port Perry ||/m ; i. I -- = H BLUESTONE MEN'S -- Special Quality Line 1 - - a . -$ = - 0IL Sock and Tie Sets Dress Panis - $16.95 E tl « - FUEL 01] Si A I 3 : u $2.95, $3.50, $395 ¥ X EVERY DAY MORE PEOPLE ARE TURNING || TIES -- $1.50 Dack Shoes = | TO OIL FOR THEIR WINTER i dr COMPLETE LINE ] A (A : } 3 Shi 1 4 Available at City Prices 3 ; $20.50, $22.95, $24.95 | {a HOME HEATING g AITow Juris 320,50, SE ¥ : i ] WHITE -- $5.00, $6.00, $6.95 . " - { ® [1] ' | COMFORT B SPORT SHIRTS--$5.00, $6.00 Hush Puppies J : i : , el » NE ar SHOES BY GREB wt We have been serving this community with J MEN'S SUEDES -- $9.95 - | ~ their Heating Fuel for 33 years and are still in - BOXER SHORTS -- $1.50 pr. PLAIN LEATHER -- $9.95 B | «cn a position to serve with the Best of "Heating Oil. H PYJAMAS -- $4.95, $5.95 _ OXFORDS, LOAFERS in Black w We offer Automatic Delivery and a free equip- Bodiam Plain Lesher, Leather Soles $10.95 " ment service. You choose your Service Man and -] MEN'S ALL WOOL TT HAUGH C] we pay the bill. All you pay is for the oil we - = recossury, on oud for nny parts at arc (8 Dura Press Trousers | Panis and Overalls § necessary, oi - : : 2 | n ol WORK PANTS--$5.50, $5.95 REESOR FUEL & LUMBER [§ "=o >omor OVERALLS -- $5.95 E LA G LUIDL $13 95 MENS CONTINENTAL SLACKS ~ PORT PERRY PHONE 985-7951 i . $4.95 and $5.95 isd LLL LL DELL LLL ELT LLL LL CT LTT . 8 ments, and to encourage their Mrs. H. Phoenix to be dele- Tenders for Garbage Collector and Dog Controller ' VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Sealed Tenders, separately, for the position of new excellence! TIP TOP proudly announces the debut of the "Fleet Street" custom tailored the arrival of our new all-wool fabrics from Britain's foremost mills. Twists, Worsteds, Flannels and more=--in the season's latest patterns and colours--await you now. In the incomparable FLEET STREET manner, TIP TOP will hand-cut, hand shape and tailor NY your choice for you alone . . . to an entirely Canadian standard of custom tailoring suit . . . and STOCK HERE MEN'S JACKETS | $29.95, $35.00 On Saturday, September 21st, | participation in the senior mat- oi Tali reported on the start Falls, sight-seeing, shopping & Roll Call--An interesting ar- the Suh ONtatio Junios Pls Thes. : Seral : souvenir hunting, ticle from "Home and Country". NL Img Match was held at the farm wwnerd i lass for| The President, Mrs, Smith| Greenbank W.I. will hold its Hostesses -- Mrs. A. Couves, ' : ars 2 class ' 1 ireenban dow 101d ats of Mr, Bert Guthrie, Whithy, Whi devi in Joe 4 he thanked the Honeydale Ladies October Meeting, Wed., Oct. 16, | Mrs. H. Howsam, Mrs. Ander- R.R. 2. This Junior Plowing who had plowed before, were--. | for their fine programme, also| 830 at the home of Mrs. A. son. : Match was sponsored by the . ' the committee who planned the| --- + = ep " -- Brooklin Junior Farmers and| 1st--Barry Timbers, picnic and the Institute display | Jt3838e888esests8sststssttsesestttsstssssstssstststestsetese $EEEELTESSEILALIILLLLLIILLLYS the South Ontario Plowmen's Mount Albert, #3 at Port Perry Fair. Congratu. : : Association, 2nd--Ron McGuckin, } lations to the ladies as they|f# UXBRIDGE ROXY UXBRIDGE : Mr. Donald Greenlees, Sun- Mount Albert, #3 came 2nd at the Fair. 2 PH. 852-3661 PH. 852-366] § . . bury, was the official coach and 3rd--Larry Bagshaw, Wilfrid : . : v judge for the competition, Moi Wianers in the class for boys| Mrs. E Ppsty gave a read- | MANAGER and LESSEE -- T. BURROWS ; competitors were given a dem-| 15 years old and under, who had | Ing on "Bui Destroy". Mrs, |§ HIRE FBI AVY OAT rer : onstration on making = their | pot plowed before--. Anderson gave a reading on |§ THURS., FRIDAY, SAT. OCTOBER 10 - 11 - 12 : \ crown and first 'furrows, and| 1st--Michael O'Connor, "Old-fashioned Remedies". Mrs. |§ A VINCENT PRICE in : : 'also a demonstration on a fin- Rathburn P. Diamond read an iter from { " "" 3 i ish for their land. 2nd--Bruce McKinnon, the paper on Pioneer Village. i Master Of The World : gd! The purpose of the Junior Orillia, #6 Also a splendid paper on the |8 : Plowing Match is to give the| 3rd--Alex Duffy, Uptergrove | Motto, Lorhaps you cannot be ($## Added Attraction-- : *. Junior Plowmen an opportunity | Winners in the class for boys | a star but you need not be a|§ " ING" : { to receive instruction on plow- 16 to 20 years inclusive, who | cloud". : SABU AND THE MAGIC R : ing, and proper plow adjust-| had plowed before-- "Look away from yourself, ; MIDNIGHT SHOW : | Thetits, and to encourage their 15--Bil} Duffy, Uptergrove. | Practice lifting your mind every | § : participation in the senior mat- inners in the class for boys | now and again above the rush|§ : ches. : : WT A, 16 to 20 years inclusive, who | and confusion around you. Take | § SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th # i The winners in the class for| had not plowed before time out during your busiest |#§] BORIS KARLOFF in ! ' boys 15 years old and under, 1st--Lawrence Schulz, day to think of something pleas- | § " " : le who had plowed in competition Washago, #1 ant. Then the clouds willl} e dC oom before, were-- 2nd--John Thornton, vanish." : ADULT 3 Bob Tran, Claremont, #2 " Washago #1 : After closing our meeting, |} " : | Stan. Kerswell, Stouffville, 3| _3rd--Barnard Reaty,~ singing the Queen and the Tn. Also -- "MR. SARDONICUS" -- Adult : | Ken Wilson, Port Perry, #8 Orillia, #6. stitute Grace, we enjoyed a so- al Winners in the class for boys " hl ; Big seston reenter et eee - ] 15 years old and under, who ai - ld i had not plowed before-- ENNENNENE nL LL LLL LLL DLL N : 1 Earl Lewis, Claremont, #3 k Ww | =] I Harold Guthrie, Whitby, #2 Gr eenban od, |m I Grant Mustard, Uxrbidge, #2.; . - A » Winners in the class for boys A very pleasant and enjoy- - ~ i' 16 to 20 inclusive, who had| ype wining was spent in [] & yo yl Plowed 'In competition before| Greenbank Hall when the W.I, § ere-- SI was hostess te Honeydale W.I:- I! Bob Fawns, Port Perry, #1. | for its Sept. Meeting. The D E p A R T M E N S 0 R E y : Honeydale ladies brought with i i - }| wa On, Saturday, September 28th, | them their sense of humour and ] y) gl the North Ontario Junior Plow- good wit conveyed through Mrs. . tl | ing Match was held at the farm Smeltzer and Mrs. Moase, in J i of Mr. Archie Gilchrist, Orillia, their readings. My! how they Trey 1 R.R. 6. This Junior Match was can rib one another. They must | gg dF RR EPS BN a 1! sponsored by the Beaverton Jr. have good times together! The Ti To | Farmers and the North Ontario lines on our faces which are be- or . 'i Plowmen's Association, coming furroughs were erased 2 _. Mr. Fred Timbers, Stouffville, | for an hour or so. We also en- Q * MEDALIST SUIT i -l was the official coach and judge joyed Mrs. Robertson Sr.'s : STOCK 4 for the competition. The com-! piano solo. 1 petitors were given a demon- The Agriculture and Cana- t I stration on making their crown ' dian Industries Convener report- $69 45 it and first furrows, and 'also a] ed on the handling and process- ; * a demonstration on a finish for|ing of the potato crop. Public CUSTOM CLOTHES If their land. : Relations convener reported on - gl j : The purpose 'of the Junior | the work of the W.I. in the Br. IN {| </ Plowing Match is to give the Isles. | THE FINEST TOP COATS FOR E ™ Junior Plowmen an opportunity | Mrs. R. Cookman reported on IMPORTED BRITISH i to receive instruction on plow- the progress of plans of bus FABRICS ~ FALL 1 ing, and proper plow adjus-| trip. ae = "