Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Oct 1963, p. 8

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dian Legion. Jackpot $110. COMING EVENTS COME ONE -- COME ALL Hot Turkey Supper on Fri- day, October 25 at Prince Albert United Church from 5.00 p.m. until all are served. Adults-- $1.50; Children -- 75¢.; Pre- school children Free. Oct.24 BANQUET ; Scout Hall, Port Perry, Rod & Gun Club. 6.30 p.m., October 30th. Price $2.00. BAZAAR AND TEA To be held Saturday, Novem- ber 16th at 2.00 o'clock in the Legion Hall, Bay St. Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion. : ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting of Bible So- ciety, Port Perry Branch, will be held Thursday, October 10th at 8.30 p m. in Port Perry United | Church Sunday School Room. The film "The Crowded Way" will be shown, featuring life in| Hong Kong. Everyone Welcome. | Admission Free. Oct.10 their friends, neighbours and relatives at the Masonic Hall, Port Perry on Saturday, Octo- ber 19th from 7.30 to 10 p.m. on the occasion of their 40th 'Wedding Anniversary. Oct.17 AT HOME--Mrs. Maria Field- | ing will be at home to her] friends and relatives October | 13th (Sunday) from 2 until 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the home of her son Arthur Field- | ing, Manchester, on the occa- | sion of her 90th Birthday, AT HOME -- Mr. and Mrs. friends on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary, in the - Senior: Citizen's Club on | Friday afternoon, October 18th * from 2 until 4 o'clock. --_------------ "TEEN DANCE" at Myrtle Hall, Saturday, October 12th. | Music by "The Chevelles". Admission: 75¢ BINGO -- Thursday, October 10 at 8 p.m. Sharp, Legion Hall Bay St. Sponsored by the La- dies'. Auxiliary of Royal Cana- ~--'FEA--The Women's Hospital Auxiliary of the Cottage Hos- pital, Uxbridge, do cordially in- vite you to tea at the beautiful country home of the Baronees von Diergardt, eight miles west of Uxbridge on Newmarket Rd., on Thursday, October 17th, 1963 from 3 to 6 p.m. Tea 50c. GREENBANK United Church Friday, October 18th. at 8.15 p.m. 'Barber Shop Singing by Oshawa Choir. Admission 50¢, Under 12 Free, Oct. 17 ANNUAL BAZAAR, Tea and sale of handiwork, stuffed toys, home-baking table--the work of Fairview Lodge residents will be held at the Lodge on Wed- nesday, October 23rd, at 2.00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Oct.17 |- TURKEY : SUPPER -- The Sunderland United Church Wo- nen are serving their annual Hot Turkey Dinner with Plum Pudding on Wednesday, October 30th, 1963, commencing at 5.00 p.m. until all are served, in Sunderland United Church. Admission: Adults $1.60, Child- ren T6¢. : Oct.24 BE: S| RE TO COME! ildren's Program With, Aunt Betty and Dainy, the talking dummy with "THE. MUSICAL PUPPETS" Surprises - Songs - Stories TUESDAY - SUNDAY OCT. 15" to" 20th ° 4.15 to 545 pm. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 110 Lilla Street Lorne Duff will receive thei [OF the flowers cards, letters of for the prayers and intercessions {| Mothers IN MEMORIAM HALL--In loving memory of our dear mother and grand- mother, Olive Hall; who passed away October 15th, 1960. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever, Our loving remembrance of you. Ever remembered by her family and grandchildren. 'CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincete thanks and appreciation to Blue Ray Chapter, my friends and relatives for the lovely flowers, cards and gifts sent to me while in Toronto East General Hos- pital. Jeanette Hutchinson I wish to thank the Nurses and Staff of Port Perry Com- munity Hospital for their kind attention and care during my stay in the hospital. Also Dr. Rennie and Dr. Hollows and all my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for their many deeds of kindness during my stay at hos- pital. Wesley Boynton. I wish to convey thanks to Dr. John Diamond, the nurses, and friends for flowers and] cards received during my recent stay in Port Perry Community Hospital. Co Mrs. Hoppett. We wish to thank.the many" relatives, friends & neighbours sympathy and countless acts of kindness during our recent be- reavement in the loss of a. dear husband and father. We were, and are, conscious and grateful made on our behalf. Thanks also' to the ladies of the Guide Mo- thers Association and the Scout Auxiliary for their willing and helping hands. The McDonald Family | footboards; TO RENT 100 ACRE FARM, Nine-room House, large Barn, Chicken House, Garage. Location Lot 22, Con: 9, Twp. of Reach. Oc- cupancy November 1st. Phone 985-7495. T.F. APARTMENT for rent. 8. rooms, self-contained.- $35.00 per month. 985-7062. Oct. 10 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, centrally located. Apply Box 62 Port Perry Star. T.F, APARTMENT FOR RENT--3 roms and bath. Phone 985-2181. T.F. 'FOR SALE 2 SMALL end tables; Library table; hall mirror; double bed frame & springs with solid panel and wood finish head and kitchen cabinet Phone 985-2553, 'Barnet'. 'LARGE Space Heater, 75,000 B.T.U. with Blower. Phone 985- 2580. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -- 24 Holstein Heifers freshening soon. Ivan Mountjoy, Black- Oct.10 stock. 986-4737. Lefs Face It Snow Tires Needed Soon--1 Free Wheel with each new pair of snow tires 670 x 15 at $17.95 750 x 14 at $19.95 (Not re-treads) Above prices less liberal | trade-in allowances. . HOSKIN'S Blackstock 60-PCS. SERVICE for 8, Com- munity Plate, Lady Hamilton pattern, many pieces never used. Apply Port Perry Star, Box 63. xr 7° FOR SALE --"Warm Morning" Coal Stove, Findlay Oil Space|- Heater; gateleg table; Buffet; coke cooler. Phone Whitby 668-4106. FINDLAY Gas Range. Phone 985-7866. i WORK WANTED LADY wants work, general cleaning 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or part-time. Phone 985-2870. CUSTOM PLOWING done rea- DOLL CARRIAGE, white and coral. 31%" pusher, 8" Wheels. Phone evenings 985-2033. 1949 MERCURY Sedan, new 760 x15" Tires, in good run- ning condition. Norman BE. Wilson, 985-2006. soriably. Phone 985-2144 Be- tween 12 noon and 1 p.m. RETIRED Accountant wants part-time or temporary work-- financial reports, typing, etc., in Port Perry Area. Apply Box 61, Port Perry Star. Oct. 17 CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened. $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--50¢ pair, 24 hr. service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box 590 Uxbridge, Ont. rd Dec. 26/63 ~ WANTED * EXPERIENCED bookkeeper to take charge of small office in Port Perry. Mature woman with knowledge of typing pre- ferred, Apply in handwriting | to Box 60, Port Perry Star. WANTED: Schoolmaster's Desk Phone 985-7723. : WANTED--Wood-burning Cook' Stove in good condition. 985- 2934. ' WANTED -- Boys' 'Hockey Equipment, Sizes 6 - 8 years. 985-2046, 7 TRANSPORTATION-- WANTED---Gent requires tran- sportation to and from Oshawa. Working hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 985-7978. : HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Waitresses, full or part time. Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel, Osh- awa, ; SRI 8 RT Oct.10| "Brock Motor Sales You are invited to come in and view the 1964 Chevrolet © cars and trucks." ; ' 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door station wagon, 6-cyl. auto- 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4-door hardtop, 6-¢yl. automatic * transmission, white with - red trim Sn 1958 'Pontiac coach, 6-cyl. automatic [1967 Vauxhall sedan ; 1956 Plymouth coach' 19556. Ford station wagon 19565 Pontiac coach i 19568 GMC 3-ton H.D. chassis and cab finde : A' few 1963 Chev. cars and trucks in stock for immediate delivery ,at substantial savings: BROCK MOTOR SALES 'Phone' 235, Sunderland, Ont. A General Motors Chevrolet- a» Oldsmobile Dealer, BIRTH BRADLEY -- Mr, and Mrs | Donald Bradley (nee Eleanor Hutchinson), Ottawa, wish to announce the birth of 'a baby son on October 2nd, 1963, a brother for 'Karen. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hutchinson, Toronto and Mrs. A. Bradley, Ottawa. FULFORD--Albert and Eli- zabeth (nee St. John) are happy to announce the birth of their son, John Edward, 11 lbs, 3. ozs. on September 29, 1963 at Com- munity Memorial Hospital. » "costs are sooner paid.. Notice is "Elm, ete. Deal with an estab- REAL ESTATE | 100 ACRES for sale located in Bancroft area. Good bear, deer, moose and duck hunting. 'Apply -John McClure, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Phone 985-2971. E Oct. 10 PORT PERRY--Why Rent? Free apt. for owner, plus apt. now rented -- for $70.00 per month, 11 rooms in all; 2 kit- chens; 2 bathrooms; oil furnace; $1900. Down. Full Price ask- ing $13,900. With easy month- ly payments, Phone: Joan Bagg, 985-7379. * * * FRINGE of PORT PERRY-- \ acié plus Tovely few' buiga- low, full basement, Qil furnace; 3-pc. bath; many extras, includ- ing drapes, . Full price $10,000. Terms. Phone: Fred Brooks 9865-7168. * * * NORTH of MANCHESTER-- on Hwys, 7 & 12. Like new, mo- dern brick family hoine, all con- veniences on large landscaped lot. Full price $12,000. Terms, * NEAR BEAVERTON -- 16 acres; 7 room house, garage, henhouse; hydro; well... Full price $3800. Down $1200. SUNDERLAND Village: Nice clean 4-room bungalow, garage; hardwood floors; oil furnace, 3 pe. bath; Town, , water. Full price $8500. hi \ x kk : 100 ACRE FARM--Full set of good farm buildings; hydro, etc. On good road, Full price $16,600. with very reasonable down payment. : MARGARET BALLARD, Realtor -- Sunderland Phone Sunderland 303 COUNTY OF ONTARIO SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WAR- RANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bearing date the 19th day of August, 1963, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the House, - Whitby, at the hou¥#6f ten o'clock in the fore- noon on the 10th day of Decem- ber, 1963, unless the taxes and hereby given -that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the fs- sue of September 7th, 1963. Copies of the said list may be had at my office.. : DATED at Whitby, this 9th day of September, A.D, 1963. WM. G. MANNING, -. Treasurer, County of Ontario, 416 Centre Street South, WHITBY, Ontario." Dec. 5/68 "WANTED TO BUY Hardwood logs and bush Tots. Maple, Basswood; O=k,: Ash, lished company and be sure of best prices, measurement and payment.: We will help you farm your bush on a substan- tial yield basis. Please write for prompt estimates on large or small lots. .H. M. KYTE LUMBER Co. Ltd. Blackstock & Mount Albert : T.F. ¥ FOR | WARBIE FLY 'CONTROL USE C0-0p CATTLE FEED TROLENE Usbridge Co-Op 852-3321 STAR CLASSIFIED PAGE Notice To Creditors ' AND OTHERS In the Estate of Hugh Lucas Wright, late of the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, Retired, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Hugh Lucas Wright, who died at Port Perry on the 17th day of May, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before the 2nd day of November, 1963. After that date, the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall by then have had notice. "DATED - this. ..27th day of September, 1963. G:- RUSSELL R. FRAME, ESQ. 2 College Street, ._Toronto, 2. Solicitor for Louellen Mary Wright, Administratrix MISCELLANEOUS HOME available for lady. Ap- ply to Henry McCartney, R.R. 1, Port Perry. ON AND AFTER this date I will not be responsible. for any debts contracted in my name without my written consent. William G. Wilson R.R. 1, Nestleton NEED A MORTGAGE LOAN? Private party to invest in 1st and 2nd mortgages; agreements for sale and mortgages pur- chased. Low rates; your mort- gage problems gladly discussed. No fees, no waiting. Call any time, Oshawa 728-3291 .or 7265-2539. Oct.10 ON AND AFTER this date I will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred in my name without my: written con- sent. ih = Oct 17 RAYMOND J. WREN Oct. 10 OPPORTUNITY Exclusive = Sales Rights for Avon Cosmetics available to capable, energetic woman. P.O. Box 512, Oshawa. : RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in Port Perry & Picker- ing Township. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity Full time. Write Rawleigh's Dept. J-343-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. . Attention Farmers! It is always hard at this time to get all of the Seil Testing ~ done before the Freezing weather sets in WE HAVE EXTRA Soil Probes and Boxes, se, if you have an hour to spare, please help us out # WE WILL EXPLAIN HOW YOU CAN DO YOUR OWN FARM 3 Uxbridge Co 0p 852-3321 Deaths GORDON, Maryann Eliza-- At the Community .Hosp., Port Perry on Mon., Oct. 7th, 1963, 'Maryann Humphries, dearly loved wife of Ernest Gordon, dear mother of Charles of Well- andport and Elsie (Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon) of Oshawa, in her 83rd year. of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry on Wednesday. Inter- ment Groveside | Cemetery, Brooklin. : SAMELLS, Charles David-- Suddenly at Scugog on Thurs- | day, Oct. 8, 1968, Charles. D, | Samells, beloved husband of the late Vera Jackson, dear father of Edna (Mrs. J. Beckett), George and Helen (Mrs. R. Hope), loving brother of George Samells and Flossie (Mrs. S. Ploughman) of Port Perry, in his 66th year. Port Perry on Saturday. Inter- ment Pine Grove Cemetery, Service from chapel - Service from the McDermott - Panabaker Chapel, -- 1 a 3 LA

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