Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Oct 1963, p. 9

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oy f) 0 0] 2] | NJ pov 0 Tony: CEE EL 'Clerk. King Twp., Corner of St. John's 1.00 p.m. As this is a large sale _ ty of Stanley Barradell & Son, | Lot 32, Con. 5, King Twp, 6 Auction Sales Church Services | THURS., OCT. 17th -- Farm | Soid, Auction Sale of ¢*axm | Stock, Implements, Hay, Straw, Grain, Furniture, 46 Holsteins, | Ford Tractor No. 860, Ford Dex- ter Diesel Tractor, New Holland Baler, I.H.C. Combine, Etc., the property of Walter Rate, Lot 10, Con. 7, East Gwillimbury Twp. 3 Corner of Hwy. 48 on the Sharon & Mt. Albert R§. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 12.80 p.m. Rex Soyieh, | Mt. Albert U.C.W. will serve Lunch. REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer. ! ¥RI., OCT. 18 -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Threshing Machine, Tractors, Implements, Hay, Grain, Straw, Registered Yorkshire Pigs, Fur- niture, Etc., the property of Clifford White, Lot 25, Con. 3, Sideroad, and 3rd Con. 1% mile north of Aurora and 2% miles west of Yonge St. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Farm Sold. Sale at it will start sharp on time. : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers SAT., OCT. 19th -- Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 30 'Cattle, Hogs, Tractor, Truck, New Hol- | land Baler, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture, the pro-' perty of William Clarke, Lot 4, Con. 2, Mariposa Twp., 3 miles North-East of Seagrave. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m Roy Scott and Geo. Greenway, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer.! SAT. OCT. 19th -- Auction Sale of Furniture and Antiques including Combination Radio & | - Record Player, Juno floor pol- isher, Washing Machine, Chrome Table & Chairs, rose glass hang- ing lamp, crystal, Many An- tique items, selling at property of Mrs. Carl Puterbough, Lot 3, Con. 10, Reach Twp., 2 miles east of Uxbridge on Hwy. 47. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.30. pm. = LLOYD. WILSON, Auctioneer. THURS., OCT. 24th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture, 54 Pure Bred Shorthorns, Team of Horses, New Holland Baler, LH.C. Threshing Machine, the proper- miles west of Newmarket and 1 mile south or west of Aurora and 1 mile north of Aurora- Schomberg Rd. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 12 Noon, This is a large Sale and must start on time. Yunch will be served on the grounds. Robt. Leonard, Clerk REG JOHNSON and FRANK BENNETT, WED., OCT. 23rd -- Auction Sale of Farm Stock, 100 Steers, Feeder Pigs, Team Hoyrses, Sheep, D.17 A.C. Tractor, Dion Thrsher, Baler, Full Line of Modern Implements, the pro- perty of 'Russell K. Earle, Lot 16, Con. 11, Cavan Twp., 1 mile east of Ida. Terms Sash. Sale at 12,30 p.m. Lunch available by U.C.W. Fairmount Church. Ed.- Johnson and Ted Spenceley, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, SAT., OCTOBER 26th, Lind- say Comunity Sales Barn; 500 Head. The sixth annuall sale sponsored by Eastern Ontario Aberdeen - Angus Association, All sired by an Angus bull. The feeder and. stocker cattle, 400 of them, will be calves and year- lings, both steers and heifers. There will be 100 head or more of breeding cattle, most of them registered. Many cows with calves at foot and re-bred. And also complete dispersal of the herd of Mr. Oswald Gibbs, Campbelicroft. Sale will start at 11 a.m. commencing with the Gibbs' herd, which also includes his good herd bull and the re- mainder of the breeding cattle, and the others will follow. Ad- ditional entries from any farmer in Ontario will be accepted up to sale time. Lunch available on the premises. Eastern Ontario Aberdeen- Angus Association, James Mowbray, Pres., Willowdale, Ont. Malcolm Bailey, Sale Manager, Oct.24 Uxbridge, Ont Tel. Port Perry AA CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. Owen R. Orr, MLA. S.T.B Friday, Oct. 18th-- St. Luke--17.30 a.m. Holy Communion. Sunday, Oct. 20th-- 11.30 a.m,--Holy. Communion. Church School Thursday, Oct. 24th-- 8 p.m --Institution and Induc- tion of the Rev. O. R. Orr' as Rector by the Bishop of Toronto, The Rev. O. P. Prichard, Rector of the Redeemer, Toronto, will preach. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Oct. 20th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m --Kindergarten and Nursery 1 ~a.m.--Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A., Minister Sunday, Oct. 20th-- There will be no services of worship because of the Anni- versary Services in Ashburn. Sunday School--11 a.m, The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, Oct. 20th-- Thanksgiving Service 915 a.m.--PROSPECT 10.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER IL 15 'am --SCUGOG PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, Oct. 20th-- 9.60 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship Monday, 7.00 p.m.-- Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting --EVERYONE WELCOME-- NOTE--Services being held temporarily in the Munigipal - Offices. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 'Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 Pah Divangelistie Service Wed., 8 p "Prayer & Bible Study. Oct. 31 Ontario County Jr. Farmers ANNUAL CHURCH SERVICE Leaskdale Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, OCT. 13th, 1963 } 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr, Bruce Taylor Musie: Jr. Farmer Choir with Director Mrs. F. Hastings. All are Welcome Auction Sales WED.,. OCT. 30th -- Auction Sale of Furniture and Antiques, the property of Mrs. W. S. Croxall, Queen Street, Brooklin on Wednesday, October 30th at one o'clock. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Oct.24 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., OCTOBER 30th, 1963 --Large Extensive Clearance Auction Sale of Automotive Supplies, Sporting goods and Hardware. The Complete stores New Inventory Stock, Property of GILBERT AUTOMOTIVE and Sports Supply Store, at #40 Pine Street, village of Wood- bridge. Sale at 12.00 noon. No Reserves. Ptopriétor quitting Business. Terms. Cash. Hee sale Posters for full Particulars. Jame Spencer, Clerk. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Markkam 294-3161, Auctioneers Oct. 24 THURS, OCT 31st. -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 66 Here- ford Cattle, Pony, Saddle, Farm Tools. Property of Thomas C. Graham, Lot 21, Con. 9, Fene- lon, on Hwy. 121 just south of Fenelon Falls. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Sale at 1.30 o'clock. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Oct. 31 SAT., NOV. 2--Auction Sale of Tractor, Implements, Feed, Furniture, the property of Lionel Drew, Lot 6, Con. 8, Twp. Reach; 1 mile north of Epsom on Saturday, Nov. 2nd at one o'clock. Oct. 81 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. , munity is extended to Mr. Ern- PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT. 17th, 1963--9 PROSPECT NEWS Inspect Homes The sympathy of the com- est Gordon in the passing of Mrs. Gordon. The, summer schedule "for | Prospect church (9.15 a.m.) will | remain until and including Sun- | "Comé, Ye | 4- -13. The lesson thoughts, in keeping with the season of the day, November 10th, The U.C.W, met at the home | of Mrs. Jack Holtby on Thurs-! day evening, October 10th. The devotion opened with the Motto and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Hymn 577, Thankful People, Come" was. sung. Sylvia Dia- mond read the scripture taken. from Philippians, Chapter 4 vs. year, were based on Thanksgiv- ing Fragrance as written by Ruth C. Ikerman in her book of devotional programs. A read- ing on "Thanksgiving" was given by Sylvia. Hymn 578 "Sing to the Lord of Harvest" concluded the devotional period. | In the absence of the presi-| dent, the Vice-Pres., Jean Holt-! by conducted the business. The | minutes were read and approved and the treasurer' reported a bank balance of $221.26. $20.00! was voted to the Flower Com- mittee and $20.00 to the Hos- pital Auxiliary. A letter from Helen Parrott was read and we were glad to hear of her safe | arrival at the mission field in' Arabia. Tot Holtby and Marion Webster volunteered to rear- range the groups and appoint the necessary officers to form the new executive for next year. A notice was read stating that Presbytery will meet at Prince Albert Church on October 31st --sessions to begin at9 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Theme song and prayer closed the meeting. Sylvia conducted a 'Cloth Contest" with Kaye Smith the winner. The hostess and group in charge served a salad plate and a social time enjoyed by all. Owing to the Anniversary Services to-be held at the Head and Grace Chunches, the ser- vice. at Prospect will be with- drawn next Sunday, October 20. --_--X-- Obituar y- GORDON -- Maryanne, Eliza was born on June 3, 1881 at Bristol, England. She came to Canada as a small girl and on October 7, 1909 she married Ernest James Gordon in St. Cy- prene's Anglican Church, Tor- onto. community for the past 50 yrs. and passed away on her fifty- fifth wedding aniversary at the age of 83 years. Left to mourn are her husband, Ernest James and one son, Charles, of Wel- landport. Nine grand-children and seventeen grand-children survive. The funeral was conducted by Capt, E. Reed of Whitby Sal- vation Army, assisted by Lieut. Lang from the Funeral Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry. Pallbearers were Leslie and Lloyd Smith, Horace and Burnsell Webster, Jim Smither- man and 'Mr. Amell. Interment was at Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, on. Wednes- day, Oct. 9th. The funeral was attended by many outside cities such as Niagara 'Falls, Dunn- ville, = Wellandport, Caister Centre & surrounding Districts. 'Deaths LAVIOLETTE, Joseph, Wil-|' fred -- Suddenly, at Oshawa General "Hospital on Monday, October 14, 1963, Joseph Wil- fred Laviolette, in-in his 50th year, beloved husband of Elva 'Wright and loving father of Mrs. W. Collins (Antoinette) of Manchester; Mrs. 'B. Herring- ton (Joan) of Port Perry, dear brother of Mrs. H. Laverns (Antoinette) of Ottawa; Mrs, Daze (Harriett) of Ajax, Ont. and Edward" of Brooklin. Fun- eral on Thursday, October 17th at 2 pm. from the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, Oshawa. Ser- vice was conducted by Major Lewis of the Salvation Army. Interment, Oshawa Union Ceéme- Mrs. Gordon lived in this | In Fire Area "2 Seagrave News Every home in Fire Area No. Mrs, C. Dalgleish of Balsover visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Bruce and daughter of Oakville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce. Our community was shocked to learn on Friday, of the sud- den passing of Mr. Howard Brown, brother of Mrs. C. Tait, in the Oshawa Hospital. He had suffered a heart attack on Tuesday morning, and was taken by ambulance to the Hos- pital, where another seizure of Thursday night proved fatal. The sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mrs, Tait, Mrs. H. Brown and the family.- 2 will be visited during the month of October and inspected on request. As well Fire Pre- vention literature is to be dis- tributed. A Baby Sitters Class will re- ceive instruction on mouth to mouth resuscitation and instrue- tions for guidance in case of emergency. Fire Chief Watson was com. plimented by Fire Chairman F. Thompson_on the efficiency of his brigade and the planned ac-. tivities for Fire Prevention. Use the CL ASSIFIED SECTION of PORT PERRY Phone 985- 2331 THE STAR Ted) ACKSON FIRST v FIRST IN CANADA WITH ~ TELEVISION! 2 FIRST IN CANADA WITH 2 YEAR PIGTURE TUBE GUARANTEE Model C93 THE BRIDGEPORT PHILIPS PHILIPS tery. LOOK WHAT IT DOES! Adjusts Contrast--Controls Brightness -- Monitors House Current -- Locks Picture---Adjusts Fine Tun- ing . Automatically! PLUS CLOSED CIRCUIT TV The Brideport is equi with a Videcon rig or Closed Circuit T.V. camera - -- designed for those who enjoy the ultimate in home entertainment! Truly an out- Standing Schiavernent _- from Philips 1 APPLIANCE PORT PERRY YOU PAY ONLY Monufacturer's Suggested List 499-95 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $399. % Other Models From $249.00 TED JACKSON T.V. Kd 986-2272

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