16--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT. 17th, 1963 Film From Hong Kong And Korea Shown At U.C.W. A brief business meeting was held in the Church basement, Tues., Oct. 8th, with Vice-Pres. Mrs. Wm. Moase presiding. A cordial welcome was extended to our visitors from St. John's Presbyterian Church, and Prince Albert United Church. Hilltop Herald By: Jody Eade Port Perry were i hosts to the Sut- ton Football squad on Friday, October 11. The favour. Port rng iy! in Uxbridge on Friday the 18th. Our activity periods officially began last week. Various clubs were set-up to accomodate stu- dents interested in Intramural Sports, Choir, Rifle Range, Chess Club, Interschool Christ- ian Fellowship, Band Practice, Crafts and Leatherwork, Drama Club, Geography Club, Debat- ing Club, Poetry and Prose Club, Stamp Club. Friday, October 18th marks another monthly Tea Dance sponsored by the Students' Council. | { tion 915 a.m. final score was' 6-1 in Sutton's! Perry will play! October Meeting The following items of 'busi-|§ ness were brought up for discus- sion. Plans are under way for a Friendship Tea, the appointed committee being Mrs. Roy Cor- nish, Mrs. Wes. Lane and Mrs, Geo. Lee. °° ' A Regional meeting will be held in Prince Albert Church, Thurs., Oct. 31st--morning and afternoon sessions. Registra- Dinner will be served at the noon hour. May we draw attention to the Annual Fall Bazaar, which will be held, Sat., Nov. 23rd, in the church basement. 192 calls were made by mem- bers during the summer months. Corr. Sec. Mrs.. Geo. Hall re- ported 12 cards sent out since the last regular meeting. A letter was read from our new | foster child--a Korean boy. Following the business period : all assembled in the church au- ditorium. The worship service was un- der the direction of Unit #17, Mrs. J. Saunders, Mrs. M. Bur-! nett and Mrs. R. Litt partici- pating. A special feature of the even- | | ing was the educational film entitled "The Rim: of To-Mor- row", presented by Mr, Ray Litt. The film was introduced | by Mrs. Litt, and depicted the | many frustrating problems of | the Asiatic people, in. the area | around the - eastern rim of f sections. INNER 840 "About 800 people accepted the invitation from the proprietors of the Red and White Store, Mr. and Mrs, Merlin Dowson to their free Smorgasbord Wednesday a week ago. In the above picture are just a few of the , Korea, Hong Kong, ete. Christians are in the minority there, but Christian Churches have been established in some' A shack is a luxury to these people, as they are { living in the streets, overcome | by famine and poverty. Efforts | are being made to provide houses. They need to work to survive. Compassion for the homeless and jobless--these are signs of the church, The need is great,--to plant the spirit of Christ--that is the challenge. At the close of the mesting, the store. refreshments were served by | by Mrs. A. Buckner, the theme Unit #9. xk * r UNIT #3 The Oct. meeting held at Mrs, | S. Ploughman's home on Tues., Oct. 1st, was well attended with | 12 present. The meeting open- | ed with Prayer. The handy date Calendars are to be sold again this year --anyone wishing to iy please 'pet in touch, with Mr. | Ploughman. Sick calls reported--25, col- lection amounted to $9.30! | many who help themselves to the many delicacies available. 20 door prizes and the crowd was enter- tained by a band while lined up outside Draws were made for - --Star Photo The 'Devotional - was s conducted being "Thanksgiving". Mrs. L. | Beadle gave a reading and Mrs. ' L. Wakeford read the Scripture. | Mrs. Buckner read an article of interest from the Tillsonburg news, which was in keeping with | the theme. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Thomas and Mrs. L. Colbear. Mrs. H. Honey offered her home for the"Nov. meeting, with | Mrs, W. Walker and Mrs. A. Buckner in charge f refresh- ments. > TL ----_ tts CASH SAVER! ~ You Save 5¢! -- Plain 24-0z. Jar . | ROSE Brand DILLS 2: 69. CASH SAVER! -- You Save 4c! -- Pink Lotion 'Lancia - For Fishes MAPLE LE LEAF AF Detergent i: a 6 =X Full flavored, Ont. No. 1, large stalks CELERY Rlord7. poikTogs EFEAET Carrots... ht «= 50 1b. bag | | SPECIALLY SELECTED -- BONELESS LEGO PORK; ' Golden, Tree Ripe ORANGES doza3cf "For Roasting Crisp, Curly 10 0z. cello bag SPINACH 2 for 33c Trend - Tendér - Tasty Skinless. -- Cello Packed Specially Selected - Value Check'd Rib Steaks 79: Fresh Baked! - Weston or. Furpsim ¢ @ ] . DISCOUNT PRICES! Grandma -- Regular 55c 'WIENERS 1b i5e Esgular Sic! 100 to Bil. i Mild Seasoned - Pure Pork Tray Pack Arona Well Streaked Sak BAYER ASPRIN 9c Spice Cak e 5 5 | Sausage red 575 BACON _o69c Jf |FSO0RT mow ome 5 = J | STRIPE TOOTH PASTE 49¢ "Supreme 12 to Pie | Donuts Froth 29 CASH SAVER! - You Save 4! - New "Celebration" Package Te: oy) Eien 7 "55 * Bid Antiseptic C| cnristles RO BIN -- HOOD Gake Mises Large 43 z BT. Baby Powder 59¢ Cheese! Nips 23 of Qu AKER 0 ATS Quick or Instant 44. Save 17¢! - With Pork 20-02. Tins [TEEGoEN FOODS! CASH SAVER! -- You Save 8c! -- Kraft 1-1b. Package York BE ANS 6: 0 s] HADDOCK VELVEETA CHEESE §7c soni imimere ome PADRE | CASH SAVER! -- You Save 17c! Bor. Tins AERO- WAX 79 es hi 49c gy Save 6c! - For Dishes 24-02. Size | FRENCH FRIES LIBBY 3 Fancy P EAS 6is1 SUNLIGHT Liquid 59: A : Bag 49: 2 ad AF INSTANT MIL-KO ~~ 69: | CASH SAVER! -- You Save 22¢! -- 15¢ Off Deal Package GIANT OMO Detergent 71: CASH SAVER! -- You Save 25¢! -- Twin Pack - gen or Coloured f i BALLET TISSUE 10:51 Dowson's Food Market Queen St. Port Perry. ~ Phone 985-7942 "4 A i A A SS te amc Sete