2--~PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, OCT. 17th, 1963 on LIRR sre ENN = REO Ee a He AON Ma Due to shortage of space dur ing the last couple of weeks the above picture of Grant Tum monds did not get its place in the Star it really deserved. However, bétter late than never, and here he is winning the pole vault event during the Inter- school Track meet in Uxbridge a couple of weeks ago. + By Michael Starr, M.P. After a long period of delay and search for a solution of the Great Lakes Shipping problems, ~the Government has eventually Union to moved on the implementation of the Report of Mr. Justice Nor- ris, and has introduced legisla- 'tion for the consideration of the House of Commons in order to put into 'effect the recommenda- "tion of Myr, Justice Norris with regard to the unsatisfactory condition of shipping. on our Great Lakes. --__One_of the most Wuarant aspects, however, is still unre- solved and that is the retalia- tion that may be put into effect in American ports'against Cana- dian ships by the refusal of members of the Longshoremen's load them. Very strong representations to the United States Government are: necessary to make sure that this retaliation does not occur. Strong "representations are being made to the Federal Gov- ernment regarding their action on the Municipal Winter Works Incentive Program, because of their cut-back in the period of time by some six weeks. The Government is being pressed in the House of Commons by vari- ous 'members to reinstate the period of time that had been introduced by the former Gov- ernment for the carrying out of Winter Works in order to pro- vide employment through the ~ winter months. There has been no direct re- ply from the. Government re- garding the increase to blind and disabled 'people in conjune- tion. with the $10 increase to Old Age Pensioners. It has always been the practice in the past that when an increase was made to Old Age Pensioners, the blind and disabled would re- ceive a similar increase. The reply that has been made by the Minister of National Health and Welfare to this question is that the matter is ander consultation with the provincial governments at the moment, "The blind people have algo re- quested from the Government a gpecific -allowance of at least! "Report Fi som n Parliament i 'Test, to help cover the extra --Star Photo. WE SA; 4 y-- $25 a month, free of a Means costs arising from blindness. The Minister stated that while this matter is under consulta-- tion with the provincial govern- ments she would not comment on what will be done in respect to it. This is a fairly evasive an- swer to a very important ques- tion which affects the lives of those who are in need and de- pendent upon these pensions. The Government has placed on the Order Paper a Resolu- tion dealing with re-training of the unemployed, as well as to amend the Technical and Voca- tional Training Act. This is a program ' that was started in December of 1960 by the pass- age of legislation to put this important program into effect. The only difference seems to be that, in the field of training of unemployed, where the for- mer Government had raised the Federal contribution from 50% to. 76% of provincial 'expendi-. tures, the present Government proposes to raise this still (fur- ther to:90% of provincial ex- penditures. There is also an extension of the building program of tech- nical and vocational schools, in that the Government has set a ceiling of some $468 per capita on the 15 to 19 vear population of the provinces. = This means that very little additional aid is. going to the Province of Ontario but a great deal will be available for provinces like Quebec and others who were not active in this area of the school building program since April 1961." DIAL 985. 1383 Ae In order tw ive: better ser- vice to su vertisers the two new telephone numbers, The nuniber to- dial is 985- 7383. If this number is busy, your call will automatically switch over to the second number 985-7384. : a Port Perry 'Baptists To Have New Church ~ For many years the members' the work progresses all the men i of Port Perry Baptist Church . have dreamed of having a new ' place of worship. { did it would be to have enough | room to separate the five Sun- | day School Departments with | something more substantial | than curtains, a sound-proof | "bawl-room" or nursery, a con-. venient kitchen in which the fuses didn't blow. when the ket- | tles were plugged in, a more in- viting auditorium for appearance. | members decided to give sub- stance to their dreams. After much prayer, age and the old church building were sold in one week. With the money already in the build- ing fund this provided enough to start on the building and enter into an agreement to pur- chase plans and materials from Church Enterprises Ltd. Several friends of the church have given encouraging dona- tions. Members and friends are being asked to pledge enough to carry the mortgage and bank loan. They expect, by means of volunteer labour to have a "thirty thousand dollar building for twenty, thousand. One de- dicated member has been laying the blocks on his "holidays". As -e000808 0 ~e003 LI RR e 6 ele 0Ce D0 020000 808 eC 1 both the parson-| (and who knows? maybe the | ladies too) will have opportun- How splen- | worship | 'and a more attractive exterior | pastor's Believing this would glorify! i God under the leadership of the present pastor, J. H. Brown, the | ity to donate time on their spe- cialties. The exterior will be ands] somely finished 'in brick and! stone. The natural: cedar in- terior will feature fir aches. The main auditori- um will seat one hundred and] fifty. There will be room for | the Sunday School Departments, | crib and toddlers' nurseries, washrooms, kitchen, office and | study. Behind the | pulpit and platform will be a baptismal tank. It is hoped that the new building will be ready for use| early in 1964. Meanwhile ser- vices are being held in the Mu- | nicipal Hall. Watch the corner | of Queen, and Rosa to see the progress of this new ediface. DEATH BALFOUR, Edgar--Suddenly at the Community Hosp. Port Perry on Monday, Oct. 14th, 1963, Edgar Balfour, beloved husband. of the late Ida Amelia | Holmes, dear father of Harley | 'of Toronto, Dorothy (Mrs. O. Beare) Port Perry, Audrey (Mrs. D. Lade) of Pickering and Lloyd, of Oshawa, in his 83rd year. Service from the -McDermott-Panabaker Chapel, L300 30 0.0 9000000006 08060 0000008 JO08C 8080008 Port Perry on Wednesday. In- terment Pine Grove Cemetery. One Year Term 'To Be Continued In Whithy Twp. Chairman J. Goodwin reported | on the matter of the Ward sys- tem and the 2 year term for Council as follows: We recommend to Council laminated | that no action be taken on im- | plementing the ward system in Whitby Township for the: fol- lowing reasons. (1) That the ward system ap- pears to be designed for muni- cipalities that are having diffi- culty giving representation to the various areas. There has | been no suggestion that this is the case in Whitby Township. (2) The ward system breeds "Sectional Politicians" -and the members of this Council feel that- they are representing all areas of the Township. We further recommend that. until the cost of annual elec- tions become exorbitant or a -burden that no action be taken to implement the two year term, Moved by D. Roberts, Sec- onded by F. Sturch that the re- port of the Committee of the Whole Council be adopted. --_--X-- Use the CLASSIFIED SECTION of THE PORT PERRY STAR Phone 985-2331 EI REP SL Se D800. 80820008°0080 > 000000 02020202 10000 Port Perry * Merchants" Bally Club CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND YOUR LADY AND YOUR Es Es H - FRIENDS, TO ATTEND - THE 193 ANNUAL Thanksgiving Dance AT THE NEW PORT PERRY LEGION HALL ~~ CS On Saturday, October 19th, 1963 MUSIC BY CHUCK COCHRANE AND HIS ORCHESTRA J $3.00 Per Couple. Em --. te" Be fi 1} a Co DIAL 985-2231 - i it a RoR fri: - he dW Te "LAWRENCE'S REXALL ONE CENTS Thursday Oct. 17th thru Sauay oct. 2th TEN BIG DAYS SHOP NOW FOR REXALL REMEDIES VITAMINS; HOUSEHOLD DRUGS; TOILETRIES ; COSMETICS; FIRST AID SUPPLIES; STATIONERY ; CHRISTMAS CARDS AND GIFT MERCHANDISE. A M LAWRENCE THE REXALL STORE PORT PERRY acs inti gt unt Foc BE Admission: : ; H+ 4 : | : EE ., S2328%6%6%5%°%3° nS hi Foo i as -s ise £ _DhNe mE. Sie oie ie Si ai J a LE ¢