WHITBY TWP. COUNCIL A Regular Meeting. of the Na Township of Whitby was held in the Council Chambers, Brook- lin on Monday, October Tth, 1963 at 7.45 p.m. with all mem- bers present. Deputations & Interviews-- Mr. Tedence V. Kelly, solici- 5 tor for Mr. A, Eyers and Mr, Eyers was present with Mr. | Kelly discussing the Eyers and | Township. of Whitby situation with regard to a building alleged to be erected in contravention of Zoning By-law 1784. Two charges were laid by the Town- BROOKLIN and DISTRICT | ship with the case being heard | that the building was erected by in Magistrate's~Court in Whit- the A, Parrinder farm and will "obtain possession on October 16! Mr. Eyers in ignorance of the by on Sept. 26th. The first | ing lost by fire and another charge of building without a By-law and replaces one build- permit was dismissed on a te-! ing lost by fire and another chnicality and the second charge | building which was falling down. of erecting a building and using | It was thus contended that this tke same in contravention of the | does not constitute any expan- Zoning By-law was heard and | sion of the non-conforming use. . nh : I judgment reserved until Oct. | Mr. Eyers then assured Coun- 25th next. i cil that no more pigs will be Mr. Kelly informed Council | kept on the property in question that Mr. Eyers has an option on | and in answer to a question by Deputy Reeve Dryden, proposed { to use the new building for and at that time will move the | broilers. pigs from the building in ques-| Reeve Goodwin explained that tion to the farm barn. Also! the charges had bRen laid due LLL LL TT Ee TT TTT TTL LT LL TL TL TL TTT | i A.W. BROCK] IMs WE. : un N n f DEPARTMENT STORE ¢ u ; be » - | om ) THESE WERE A SELLOUT WHEN FIRST - = INTRODUCED BY TIP TOP TAILORS | | 2 : i BY POPULAR DEMAND - nS E . " Ce) wm = EXCLUSIVE ALL-WOOL WORSTED ] : DURA-PRESS SLACKS ¢ = i" : , , 5 Ul LANKIII J. E = sine To + = i j : A TIP TOP EXCLUSIVE = H ¢ Here's the famous crease that will 2 k never cease . . in handsome dress A] = slacks styled to keep you at your ] = comfortable best! Newest styling = | . . your choice of the season's E u latest male shades! All sizes. x x Choose yours now! | H H | enmome go oF § 13.95 § | E § £ - u H - i 2 5 i EF [| i f E ot 1 | | f rb E BROWN, GREY : 5 = 2, |] i and CHARCOAL Colours 3 PE .: I ! 14 IEEE: Dura - Press 2 (& Slacks ALL WOOL -- TIP TOP $13.95, $16.95 Sport Jackets - . i Cra "Coats - Men S19.95, $2495, $29.95 Bluestone Ties - $1.50 $29.95 hi Suit - $69.95 Tie and Sock Sets ; Arr pan Shi be - $2.95, $3.50, $3.95 - WHITE or SPORT -- $5.00, $6.00 Overshoes 3 Shs o FLEECE LINED - WARMTOP Viyella Shirts - Arrow MEN--$5.95. BOYS--$4.95 PLAIN COLORS -- $12.95 JUNIOR =- $395 New 1364 Wallpaper go. rol) and up - in stock PRE - PASTED WASHABLE ) DO IT YOURSELF LINES Special Sample Books for a Complete Line A PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT. 17th, 1963--3 to numerous complaints from | the surroundingwc-sidents and a lack of co-operation with the | Building Inspector. Promises | by Mr. Eyers earlier in the year had not been lived up to and these had also forced this action, With regard to the suggestion that the building be allowed to remain, Reeve Goodwin inform. ! ed Mr. Kelly and Mr. Eyers taht no decision would be made until the Magistrate gives his decision. Mr. Kelly then assured Coun- cil that regardless of the Ma- gistrate's decision the pigs will be removed from the property in question. Mr. Bill Kirkton, 118 Kendal- | wood was present to ask about the lofation of the Kendalwood exit from the Shopping Centre to see if it will be opposite his lot or not. Upon examination of the site plan as approved by The Ontario Municipal Board the exit would appear to be di- rectly opposite 113 Kendalwood Rd. Mr. Kirton then asked that his objection to this location of the exit be duly noted in the minutes. Mr. Kirkton informed Council that he had purchased the pro- perty about one month ago but Just found out about this situa- tion today. Mr. Kirkton sug- gested that-he intends to con- sult his lawyer as to his rights in the matter and also that if the situation is not rectified at once an assessment appeal will be entered and supported by a property valuation taken by a real estate valuator., } Reeve Goodwin informed Mr. Kirkton of the various authori- ties approving the location of the exit and that Mr. Rankin, our consulting "architect will be contacted to see if any change is possible. The Reeve also as- sured Mr. Kirton that the Coun- -cil will try to find a solution to the problem but if any change is possible it will likely take RESOLUTIONS 1. Moved by Don Roberts, Seconded by Frank Thompson that the Assessment Roll as presented by the assesor for 1963, for 1964 taxation be ac- cepted. 2. Moved by John Dry#en, . Seconded by Fred Sturch that the Reeve and the Treaurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on General Accounts Sheet No. 10, number- ing 1 to 57 inclusive, amount of accounts $5,936.10. 3. Moved by Frank Thompson Seconded by John Goodwin that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on Road Accounts Sheet No. 11, number- ing 1 to 27 inclusive, amount of accounts $8,747.90. 4. Moved by Fred Sturch, Seconded by Don Roberts that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on Wel- fare Accounts Sheet No. 10, numbering 1 to 5 inclusive, a- mount of accounts $315.00. 5. Moved by John Dryden, Seconded by Fred Sturch that grants to the following organ- izations in the amounts set out be authorized for payment by the Council of the Township of Whitby: 'Salvation Army--$75.00 Brooklin Jr. Farmers--$50.00 South Ofitario Plowmen's Assoc.--$35.00 Ontario County Soil & Crop Improvement Assoc.-- $25.00. some time to accomplish. Groveside Cemetery--$400.00. Hydro Cooking Demonstration Sponsored by Scugog LO.D.E. "Quick tricks in cooking" was a demonstration put on by the 'Hydro Commission and spon- sored by Scugog Chapter, 1.0. D.E. .It was held in the Unit- ed Church basement, and at- tracted housewives eager for suggestions for last-minute snacks or meals. Miss Eliza- beth Wilson, was an adept and amusing demonstrator, ably abetted by Mr. May, Hydro man- ager, Uxbridge, the master of ceremonies. Door prizes were given to the +following-- Mrs. Al Prentice, electric mixette; Mrs. Melin- ouski, electric can opener; Mrs. Espie and Mrs. S. MacFarlane, hose from Brock's; Mrs. Albert Allen, Mrs. Coke, Mrs. Linstead and Mrs. Hill, preparations from Jessie's Hairdressing; Mrs. Beadle, the cherry pie and Mrs. Jack Dowson, the chicken cas- serole, Preceding the demonstration a most interesting film was shown of the Hydro develop- ment of the Niagara area, from the pre-power days to the pre- sent gigantic set-up. ST. JOHN'S WMS The regular monthly meeting of St. John's W.M.S. was held at the home of the President, Mrs. Louise Patterson, on Tues- day afternoon, October 8th, with a fair attendance. Mrs. Patterson conducted the meeting, which began with the reading of a poem entitled "A Prayer" and the singing of the hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour". The Scripture was read by Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Patterson led in prayer. Follow- ing the reading of the minutes, the Roll Call was answered by a verse of Seripture containing the- word "love", It was reported that Mrs, Helen MacMaster and Mrs. Joan Christie would, be the leaders of the Explorers for the coming year. Miss Margaret Stuart stated that for Sick and Wel- fare she had made 40 calls. Further reports included the sending of the bale, the read- ing of a letter from Formosa by Mrs. Armstrong, and the work of the Home Helpers. scriptions for the 1964 Presby- terian Calendar are to be re- ceived. Miss Marjorie Williams and Mrs. Donald Milne were ap- pointed as a. Nominating Com- mittee. dar 'Plans were then finalized for the Autumn Thankoffering Ser- | vice to be held in the Church on' Sunday evening, October 27th, at 7.30 p.m. with Mrs. A. Wil- liamson of Uxbridge as Guest Sub- | hb] Speaker. Invitations are to be sent to neighbouring auxiliaries. The meeting was closed with the repeating of the - Lord's Prayer and the Mizpah Benedic- tion. | | S-- ] i | Homemaking Club Hold Meeting The first meeting of the 4-H Homemaking Club was held at | i the home of our leader, Miss Alice Dodd. The officers for this "Working With Wool" are: President-- Catherine Jefford - | Vice-President-- Wendy McNenly Secretary--Greta Vanderby unit Press Reporter-- Janice Williams The girls new name, is the "Port Perry Eager Beavers", The next meeting will be held at Miss Dodd's, on Oct. 16th, at 7.00 p.m.