eT re---------- Eight Clubs In Janior Circuit 'Chic' Carnegie Will Coach Port P. The Central Ontario Junisi > 4---- Hockey League schedule has: been set with the opening on Tuesday, November 6th at Stouffville, The league with 8 teams runs through until the: middle of February. The "C" Clubs are Orangeville, Lindsay, Aurora and Newmarket. "D" Clubs include Uxbridge, Port Perry, Stouffville and Sutton- Cannington (a combined club playing games at Sutton and Cannington arenas). Several clubs have ex-pro coaches and trials are being carried on in all centres. Aurora has Bob Hassard, former Maple Leaf star. "Rags" Raglan who played in the A.H.L. and New York along with Gus Bodner, former Maple Leaf, will assist the Lindsay entry. Tod Sloan, tormerly with Toronto and Chi- cago will help the Sutton-Can- nington club. Newmarket have Billy Forhan, who came up through their Minor hockey and did well for himself in Senior competition. "Chic" Carnegie, fermer Junior by will coach Port Perry. "A" with Whit- | \ First Scugog Is. Guide Company time Monday evening. After; attendance was taken, Captain reminded the girls to have their | insurance money in this week for certain, Games played were 'Compass Clap' 'and 'Match the Tracks'. Test Work included Tenderfoot, Compass and Nature. At Pow-wow, a Hallowe'en Party was discussed, and plans made for our next meeting. All! former Guides as well as the present ones are most cordially welcome to join in our fun. All you need is to come in costume. A few 'rounds' were sung and | then 'Taps'. ~ Tuesday after school those | interested in religious training, | will meet with Rev. Gilbert. Both boys and girls are welcome. This is the class that will 'en- able the Guides to obtain their " Religious and Life Emblem. Please keep in mind the usual | S.S. at 11 o'clock next Sunday. Then at 3 o'clock all are wel- come to attend the annual an- niversary service, . Special speaker and music. *-. Recent company with Mr, and Mrs. R. Butson were Mrs. L, Fox and daughter Miss Alma Fox, Mrs. J. Ellis, Mrs, Wm. Butson all 'of Toronto; Mrs. E. Wagg and son Lorne, Oshawa. Mesdames Stanton, McKeri- ! han and Luke and Mr. A. Bond accompanied Mr. M. Luke when all enjoyed a colorful motor trip to Algonquin Park for Thanksgiving, Last Tuesday near twenty- i two of the senior folk of our midst were entertained to an antique tea at the Beacock home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newnham and Gary were guests at the Kim- merley - Beddington wedding held at Torrence. They and others enjoyed remainder of time at a cottage at Canal Lake. Mrs. E. Mulvey accompanied ! Mr. and Mrs, M. Goode to Ot- | tawa for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Love have returned from a trip in various sections of Massachu- settes, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Huston i spent a few days in Kenmore, | 000666006008 000006600000000 POPU 00066 PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT. 24th, 1963--16 N.Y. with Mr. and Mrs. Spoor. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hunter enjoyed three days in Beamsville with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow and sons and travelled in other directions too. Misses Ethel and Alice Dodd, Port Perry, were Sunday dinner guests with the Beacock's. --X-- The evening unit of the U.C. W. met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Stone for their October meeting. The devotions for the evening | followed the theme of "Thanks- giving", with Mrs, Lillian Truax presenting the topic. Mrs, Velma Foster presided over the business thanking Mrs. Stone for her hospitality, and Mrs. Brenda Gibson's group for the devotional period. In the absence of the secre- tary and assist. secretary, Mrs. | Jean Kerry read the minutes and correspondence. Treasurer's report showed a balance of $302.23. | Two visits were reported by: the visiting committee. Thos. Mrs. Roberta Baird reported Prince Albert News lon plans for Oshawa Barber Shop Chorus for Oct. 18. Mrs. R. Beare moved that ad- mission be b0c. and 25¢. for this evening, seconded by Mrs. M. Gibson, Mrs. V. Foster reported on the U.C.W. rally held during the latter part of Sept. at Pine- dale United Church. Mrs. R. Baird moved, Mrs. H. | Thompson seconded that Mrs. M. | Stevens be asked to speak at i the Thank-offering service on Nov. 17th or 24th, On Oct. 16 an executive meet- ' ing will be held at Fenelon Falls. Some bale articles desired for ' next bale are old nylons and | money for blankets instead of | | quilts. The evening unit 'will collect for the Bible Society. Mrs. B. Phair moved, Mrs. M. Gibson seconded that we have a | worship service, tea and sale of work on Nov. 20th. Mrs. R. Harris will be the speaker. A birthday gift will be sent to Nicole, the French child ! sponsored by U.C.W. It was moved that the nursery | high chair be sold. The meeting closed with the benediction. Lunch was served to 22 members. 06666600000000800 0666666000000 00 6066060006 PY ° * 1232333 TITTITIILLL TTTLTITIZLIX $33383388388s 32222 222222 2222222222222 TTLITES 2333338 $33333333388 838088888 333333 S 32LITLT ere eeeeetees $2388282288838838333833882888888888883332288388882 I3TIXLT 33333 132 1080000802004 *9 9099999 ORANGES | da 00 | TOMATO JUICE MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE iis . 9 2-5 7 oz. Jar { QUICK or INSTANT 3 1b. Box Sil Soe corre 196 | QUAKER OATS AU : { EMPEROR al oer 2 1S. 29¢ 10 FATHOM -- i PRGEEN or TT SLICED YARGY Aibihs 1..." % | COD FILLETS ........ 3% | |" IN BONUS TAPES -- J- Receive: $10.00 in Bonus Tapes fe AEROWAX LIQUID Wax ... Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes Duncan Hines CAKE MIX, 19 oz. Pkg. TIDE DETERGENT Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes Delmonte Fruit COCKTAIL, 20 oz. tin Downy Fabric SOFTENER, Keceive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes Tulip Coloured MARGARINE KRAFT CREAM CHEESE, 8 oz. Pkg. Pasco ORANGE JUICE, Frozen Reg. 20% YOU Price Discount PAY Short Cut, Standing RIB ROAST .......... Ib 85¢ 17¢ 68¢ Rolled, Prime RIB ROAST ........ 98 20c 78¢ Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROAST .... 1h 67¢ 13¢ 54¢ Boneless BLADE ROAST .... 1b 77¢ ~~ 15¢ 62¢ Short RIB ROAST 1b 71c ~~ 14c 57¢ Cross Cut RIB Rst. 1b 79¢ 16¢ 63¢ Boneless CROSS CUT RIB ..1b 89¢ 18¢ Tle Boneless SHOULDER Roast 1h 75¢ 15¢ 60¢ = noche Ee ~ B 1 ] ] OVER 2,000,000 POUNDS OF BEEF WILL BE SOLD. Prices Effective me ROLL Ib 98 20c 78¢ Oct. 23, 24, 25, 26 Pot Roast ' N We feserve the OUTER RIBROLL 1b 75¢ 15¢ 60¢ DURING THE | GA TABLERITE BEEF ROUND up right to limit Bone In . : | : quantities PLATE BEEF ... 1b 32¢c 6c 26¢ Eg # in A a / ROLLED PLATE 1b 49¢ 10c ¢ Del Monte Round Up ons Pineapple - Grapefruit 48 oz. i Halloween Features BRISKET POINT 1b 85¢ 17c 68¢ onte Dri 3 Borel Delmonte Drink 3 IGA HALLOWEEN casi on To STEWING BEEF 1b 6% 1dc 5¢ Fancey Sliced Halves 28 oz. bl q th 4. Ph. RIB STEAKS .... 1b 98¢ 20c 78¢ Peaches ee 39 ALLENS KISSES Bea lekioeseiugapanstanit 25¢ GROUND CHUCK 1b 69¢ 14e 55¢ | | | PK. .of 25 BEEF Steakettes 1b 69¢ 14c 55¢ 28 on eA LOLLIPOPS ......cccooooueeriiuemnnnecriuns renee 25¢ Nutritious | | Bar tleit Pears onion 55 In Shell 8 oz 16 oz. BEEF LIVER ... Ib 59¢ 12¢c 47¢ : i His PEANUTS ...oooeveiieeneenns 21¢ 37¢ BEEF KIDNEYS 1b 42¢ 8c 34¢ G B 9 _ p 10 BEEF TONGUES 5% 12 ~~ 47¢ reen neans . xe : BRAISING RIBS 1b 45¢ 9c 36¢ . LIBBY 48 oz. Ti A Total of $ South Africa Valentia ou tins | EXTRA amor $40.00 Qt. Tin Giant Size cores e 174 oz. 3 1b. unit 2 - 6 oz, Tins COOKED MEATS Taberite 6 oz. Pkg. ES, No. 1 Grade, Ont. of P.EL 10 Ib. Bag' " "HOPE IGA MARKET - PORT PERRY --