gg Pkg. » WV Ee xy ad. ks wl ap hse & Wh Te WE Fire Destroys Weekly Paper Public School Children Will Collect For UNICEF Hallowe'en Hallowe'en will be taking on a new dimension this year when children of Port Perry join the many thousands of othér --t Canadian children who share-their Hallowe'en fun with less fortunate children in the world through UNICEF. Last Fyiday afternoon the pupils of Port Perry Public | School learned how children of many countries benefit by as- vistance through the United Nations Children's Fund. They saw Danny Kaye in the film "Assignment Children" which showed him on a trip he took around the world for UNICEF. Mrs. D. K. Stiles, chairman of | the Oshawa & District UNI- CEF Committee, explained how they could take part in the UNICEF Hallowe'en Program, | if they wished. When they dress up and go out on Hallowe'en to collect treats ,they also can take a carton along with them to col-' lect pennies for UNICEF. The principal, Mr. -Roy Cornish, is preparing permission sli ps which the pupils may get from their teachers. The signature | of one of their parents on the slip will indicate the parent's | approval of their participation. Only pupils with signed permis- sion slips are given UNICEF cartons. On Friday, Nov. 1st, the day after Hallowe'en UNICEF col- | lectors are asked to turn in! their cartons at the store for- | merly occupied by Stone's Men's Wear, between 12 and 1 or af; ter 3 o'clock. If there are any | who are not able to get to the store that day, they may take their cartons to 647 Queen St. the home of Mrs. Ken Bateman, chairman of the Port Perry UNICEF Committee. When many children take part' in the program and household- | ers put many pennies in the cartons, no child collects enough to be a problem. However, we suggest that UNICEF collectors --X--- A fire believed to have start- ed in the offices of the Watch- man-Warder, a weekly news- | paper in Lindsay threatened to! destroy the main business sec- tion on Monday night. Firemen from Lindsay and all the mutual aid areas fought | the blaze and about 20 residents | in the surrounding apartments had to flee, The damage was estimated to re about $250,000. Receives Gold Cord From Her Captain is the highest award any girl can obtain. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archi- bald -MacMastér of Bigelow Street, Port Perry. See article about the presentation on another page in this issue. The happy girl in the picture above is Susanne MacMaster. who has just received her Gold Cord from Mrs. Gerald Nelson, captain of the second Port Company. Susanne is the ninth girl guide to receive this honour in Port. Perry, which | by "Branch will hold'a Remembrance | travel in 'groups--not alone. It is not the amount of money which is the most important as- pect of the program, but the number of children who care | enough to volunteer to take part. | Their knowledge of the United Nations and UNICEF will have | greater meaning when it is! combined with this personal ef- | fort on behalf of sick and hun- gry children in the world. Last year, more than 6,000 children in Ontario County took part in the UNICEF Hallowe'en Program which has been going on for eight years in Oshawa. Fach year the numbers increase because the children feel that UNICEF makes Hallowe'en! even more fun than before. As one small bok said, as he pre- | pared to take out a UNICEF, 'arton for the third year, "Mummy, what was the reason | for Hallowe'en before UNICEF?" ' Legion Branch Will Observe Armistice. Day The Port Perry Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion will observe Armistice Day with a Church parade to Grace United Church, Scugog Island at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday, November 10th, | Members of the Legion and the Auxiliary are requested to meet at the Post Office at 10.30 a.m., where the parvaders will go by car to the service at Grace : United Church, -Scugog Island. The service will be conducted | the Branch Fadre, - Rev. Claude C. Gilbert. LI After -the service members will return to the war memorial . at the Port Perry Library where | wreaths. will be laid in honour! of the fallen of the last wars. On Saturday, Nov. 9th the Day Banquet in the Legion Hall on Bay Street. Perry Guide Volume 99 Mrs. Louise Patterson seen in. the above picture in her home | on Bigelow Street displaying some of her fine handicraft. ~--Star Photo. 'the Mrs, Patterson told the ing rugs as a very young girl when she lived in Halifax, N.S. At that time she was using the . "oldfashioned" methods but now i she has turned to a more mo- | dern way of hooking rugs. Three years ago she started | classes in her home and has the present time she has a class of six students all keenly inter- ested in the art. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1963 * Star: that she learned the art of hook- Number 2] 'Creative Port Perry Lady Teaches Rug Hooking She regrets the fact she is not able to design her own pat- | terns, but says she receives . wonderful cooperation from Rit- i termere Rug Studio in Vineland i who designs them all for her. The rug seen in the picture . Mrs. Patterson is holding was' awarded second prize at the { C.N.E. in 1962, and the framed since that time taught about 30 | tapestry shows the Crest of the people how to hook rugs.. At, Canadian Women's Institute i done in the colours of the or- | ganization. --Star Photo Port Perry Chamber of Commerce Elects Mrs. R. Oke 1st Lady Pres. A special meeting of the Bd. Board of Directors. of Directors of the Chamber | was called this week to accept the. resignation of President C. Williams, who unfortunately for us, is being transferred to' the new Peterborough store of the L.C.B.O. ,to be opened soon. Mr. Williams has been active in Chamber work since coming to : | Port Perry, having been a Di- rector for 4 years and the past year serving as President. Mr. Ted Griffen on behalf of the Board thanked Charlie for his interest and work on the Board {and wished he and his family well in his new position. Mrs, Roger Oke, 1st Vice- President' of the Chamber, was unanimous choice of the Board of Directors, to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Wil- liam's move. "Beth" will com- plete the balance of this year as President. Mrs. Oke will be the first Lady President of the Local Chamber, and one of the few ladies in Ontario to hold this position in a Chamber. Pro- prietor of The Elizabeth Shop, "Beth" was one of the early members of the Chamber and has been an active member for the past 2 years, serving on the Members are urged to keep Wed., Nov. 6th as an open date for a General Dinner Meeting to be held at the Flamingo Restaurant. Decorative Street lighting and this year's Xmas promotion will be presented at this meeting: * Mr. Ed. Knookes of the Ontario Chamber of Com- merce will be the guest speaker. Badminton Club Seeks Members The Port Perry Badminton Club are beginning their activi- ties and are looking for new members for the Club. The club. meets every Tues- day evening at the Port Perry High School at 7.30 p.m., for their games dnd social activities. Several rackets are available for use by new members. Any- one who has never played Bad- minton, and would like_to do so, or those who have played"in the past' and would again like to play, should be available at the high school any Tuesday 'eVehs ing or contact Dr. John Diamond.