: Point. © 116 am. Cf ~__ Hallowe'en Party, Scugog Hall, 7 pm. = All Guides and Gold Cord Presented Local Girl Family, Friends Attend Ceremony By Alma Reesor * Friday evening, October 18th, | 1993, will always remain a fore- | mast memory of Guide Susanne MacMaster, of Port Perry. Susanne received, in the pre- | sence of her fellow Guides, | Brownies, her family and some | fifty friends and neighbours, Ler Gold Cord, a symbol of the! highest achievement in Girl, Guides. Susanne is the ninth, Guide in the period of fifteen | years of Guiding in Port Perry | te receive this coveted award. This happy occasion was held | in the Port Perry St. John's| Presbyterian Church. The Rev-. erend H. M. Buntain conducted | the devotionals and Mrs. V. P.| Stouffer presided at the organ. | Following the opening pro-' cessional hymn and the Na- | tional Anthem the Colors were presented by Guides Gail For-| der; Marsha Mulholland; Lynne MacGregor; Joanne Jackson; Grace Bassant and Linda Jef-! Tord. . : i Mrs. Arnold Roach, District. Commissioner of Scugog Divi- sion, acted as mistress of cere- monies and, after welcoming everyone, called on Guides Shar- | or: Eade and Martha Carnegie | tc sing the Guide Laws to the! accompaniment of Guide Susan Roach. This was succeeded by the Brownies and Guides re- peating their respective prayers ir unison. After the Guide Hymn "God Wro Touches Earth With Beau- ty" was sung three Brownies, Leslie DeNure; Mary Lynne and Betty Jane MacMaster (sisters of the Gold Cord winner) gave the ceremonial salute to a Gold Cord Guide. The big climax of years of work then arose. Guide Sus- anne MacMaster was presented with the Gold Cord by Mrs. Gerald Nelson, Captain of the 2nd Port Perry Guide Company. 'Other presentations made were: The gold Tenderfoot pin, which Mrs. George Hall, presi- dent of the Guide and Brownie Mothers' Auxiliary had the hon- | Alaska Diamond Necklace and | earrings was presented by Bren- | | held ' Church. The daintily arranged i with its golden chrysanthemum ' centrepiece and gleaming silver. example of young womanhood with a Sterling Silver Guide Spoon and a beautiful Black da Webster representing the] Brownies, of which she was a| Packie for several years. Divi-! sion Commissioner Mrs. Clar- | Cord pin on her sister. Guide Sharon Sweetman, on behalf of the 1st Company presented her our of pinning on Susanne Mac- | Master. Brownie Mary Lynne | MacMaster pinned on the Gold ence Carter introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, M. B. Dymond. As usual, Mrs. Dymond gave a delightful informal thought-pro- voking talk which proved both serious and humorous and held the entire group of all ages in- terested throughout. Her topic regarding the various "Bumps" one may develop and improve upon left each one with some- thing to, remember and ponder over. After the closing hymn "In Christ There, Is No East or West" the colors were retired and the blessings of the Church were given by Reverend Mr. H, M. Buntain. Foliowing this very impres- sive ceremony a reception was. in the parlors of the tea table was most attractive Mrs. John Ballard and Mrs. Rae Webster, former leaders of the honored guest poured tea. Among the distinguished guests was the Camp Advisor for the Central Area, Mrs. R. Nesbitt, of Oshawa, who, did a great deal to encourage and pass Guide Susanne MacMaster in her work. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Mac- Master, Bigelow Street, Port Perry are the proud parents of the Gold Cord Winner. Con- gratulations are extended to a girl who is setting such a fine in this community. SCUGOG NEWS -- The- deepest sympathy of thet Island is extended to Mrs. John- son in the tragic death of her grand-daughter, who was buried at West Hill. Mrs. Allan Carter and Mrs. Doug Crozier spent Monday-in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison and daughter of Toronto and Mr .and Mrs. E, Pearson of Osh-. awa, recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. Miss Gloria Fralick spent the week-end in Montreal, attending a teacher's convention. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crozier recent visitors with' friends in Ottawa. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCul- loch of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick. Miss Sharen Crozier spent the week-end with friends in Whitby. Miss Kathie O'Conner of Tor- onto spent the week-end with Miss Sandra Fralick. Greetings to Mr, and Mrs. Tyrell of West Hill, who have purchased the Innes property. It is nice to have you at Pine Mr. and Mrs. A. Brodie, Mrs. Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore, Mr and Mrs. Robertson and fa- mily and Mr and Mrs. Croll and family and Mr, and Mrs. Chap- elle of Toronto at their cottages on Sunday. 2 : Mr. and Mrs. Watts of Tor- onto recent visitors at Pine Pt. Congratulations to our two recent brides, Miss Flewell and Miss "Eden. Our anniversary services were a success. The morning ser-; vice was held at the Head Church with the. evening ser- vice at Grace. It was nice to have Blackstock Choir with us for our evening service. Next Sunday we will meet you at our morning service at Grace at Brownies are invited, Mr. and Mrs, G. Minty spent the week-end with their daugh- ter and son-in-law in' Toronto. week-end. | and Mrs. J. Newman, Particia, | Billy and Debbie 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eden. ; Mr. Gordon Flewell & friends spent Sunday in Muskoka. Miss Clara Minty visiting with her brother Mr. and Mrs. G. Minty. Mr. Mike Romanak of Osh- awa at his home here over the Mr, and Mrs. Roger Hope and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sam- ells-and daughter, Miss Isabelle Jeffrey of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and family of Rice Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardener and family of Elmira, guests of Mr, and Mrs; J. Beckett. * % % The sun shone brightly through the windows of the little Head Memorial Charch on Sunday morning as dfice again the pews were nearly filled, up- on the occasion of an Anniver- sary Service. The atmosphere was further brightened by an abundance of flowers and fruits of the harvest. . Mrs. R. Boun- dey sent a beautiful basket of mums in memory of Mr. and Mrs, Herk Barry. Mrs. S. Rod- man donated a lovely chrysan- themum plant in memory of her husband, Mr. Stewart Rod- man. The visiting minister Rev. Rex Norman of Ajax in his prayer remembered those of the past who had given us our place of Worship and laid the founda- tion for our present church. The message was stirring and reminded us that as Pro- testants we need to do less pro- testing and do more worship- ping and turning to God to solve our problems which cause so many frustrations and emotion- al break downs. We need to realize .that the wrong we do must still be labelled as "sin" and not just "mistakes". It was drawn to our attention all the reasons people give for not attending places of Worship. selves and thought they ex- cused us, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson of Burketon were welcome visitors to the Island again on Sunday. Rev. Gilbert and the people around the Centre had a busy time on Saturday when two of our Island girls, Isabell Flewell and Bonnie Eden were married in successive weddings. . Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Carl®Graham were Mrs. S.° Rodman, Mrs. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tra- LLL TTTT Styled by = TROTTER LENGTH coat with leatherette rimmed buttons and piping down front, colar and pockems ......ccouunnieinine IRVING POSLUNS $29.95 buttons and piping .......... PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. OCT. 24th, 19633 vell, Mr. and Mrs, E. Phillips with Mrs. Savage all of Osha- wa and Mr. and Mrs. Will Heron of Sunderland. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins who enjoy- ed their 43rd wedding anniver- sary on Sunday. It was an exciting evening on Monday when many little Is- land boys attended their first "Cub" meeting under the lead- nothing compares with our leatherette SU K LUXURIOUS BORG LINER ensures 'ultimate warmth. Trotter length with 'leatheretfe rimmed All in loden, coffe, brown, or chamois, sizes 8 to 20 id, leather . . . or trimming to accent the fabulous Suedella coats! linings or deep-pile Borg. ership of Mrs. June Crozier and Geo. Freeman, They decided their project will be a paper drive for this month. As Fri- day is a free day while the tea - chers attend convention, the boys will be out in force to col- lect your bundles. Please have them out by 3 p.m. Kindly tie magazines, papérs, and id paper such as feed bags separ ately. } A.W. BROCK DEPARTME STORE stroked EDELLAS! eyed to fashion's lust for Irving Posluns. uses leatherette piping smart detailing of his All insulated with quilt 1A JAUNTY JACKET with leatherette buttons and leatherette bound collar and pockets. Warmly quilt lined eessnrines Poslun Coats LADIES -- $22.95, $24.95, $20.95, $19.95 TEEN AGERS -- $19.95, $22.95 Men' en's FOR MEN $12.95, $19.95, Craft Coals $29.95, $35.00 Sport Jackels TIP TOP $24.95 $24.95, $29.95, Overcoals LAMINATED COATS TWEEDS FOR BEST WEAR. Tip Men's Suits 'MADE TO MEASURE -- $75.00 Top - $69.95 G50) | Men Yes, we have heard. them all Boys Coats $9.95, $12.95, $19.95 sometimes used them our-WNNENNNEN) FRRNENRRNENANNANRNN NNER NENA R ANN RANE E ANNAN NNER RARE 's All Wool Trousers DURA PRESS -- TIP. TOP $13.95, $16.95