wt poy [ is 4H Club Hold Championship Show At Scott Fair The Sixth Annual Port Perry 4-H Dairy County 4-H Club Championship Calf Club Show was held at Scott Fair, Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Uxbridge, on Saturday, Octobér Dairy Calf Club 12, with fifty-one boys and girls Brougham 4-H Dairy from all over Ontario County Calf Club taking part. The 4-H clubs re- Mara 4-H Dairy and presented were: : Beef Calf Club Calf Clubs-- Beaverton 4-H Dairy and Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club Beef Calf Club Sunderland 4-H Dairy | Grain Clubs-- Calf Club * Brock 4-H Grain Club a Scott 4-H Grain Club Port Perry Lions 4-H Grain Club Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Grain Club © The Championship Show is sponsored by the 'Scott Agricul- tural Society, a number of Ont. County Livestock Breeders, the Uxbridge Farmers' Co-operative and other interested organiza- tions. ' The winners in the various sections were as follows: Champion Holstein--Janice Ormiston, Oshawa 4-H Dairy Club (Orvan Chambers Trophy) Champion Ayrshire--Gary Cooper, Oshawa 4-H Dairy Club. Champion Jersey--Doug Batty, Oshawa 4-H Dairy Club. Champion Guernsey--Charles Cooke, Port Perry 4-H Dairy H Club. : y + Champion Group of three Holsteins (Elmeroft Trophy)-- Port Perry 4-H Dairy Club. Champion. Dairy Showman-- George Smith; Port Perry 4-H Dairy Club, (Roy Ormiston s8 .| Trophy). Champion Beef Heifer--Ian Hogg, Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club. Champion Beef Steer--Paul Webb, Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club, (Ontario County Veterinarians' Trophy). (* Ontario (fe) 001-012) = ale RA QV {412 ALL-NEW HOMELITE CHAIN SAW Lightweight, only 18% Ibs. (less bar and chain) Ross Bailey, Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club. : © New 'Slim-Trim' design for easier handling. .® New, easily accessible ols. ENO. To Hold 2-Day Exercises ; On October 26th and 27th i there is a double exercise being "run by the Emergency i oe ures and Survival Forces in the © New low paris prices. | areas of Port Perry & Uxbridge. As can be seen in an adver- tisement on another page in this issue an invitation has been ex- tended to the citizens of Port Perry and Uxbridge to visit a Public. Information Centre lo- © Famous Homelite short- stroke engine in tough dle- cast case stands up to toughest . usage. © New 'Perma-Hard' Tip Bar. GET A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODAY | BOYNTON FARM EQUIPMENT General Repairs and Service R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. bridge. .-, Army personell and vehicles will also be -stationed at Elgin Fark in Uxbridge where emer- gency exercises will take place. Remembrance Day Banquet | 1963 Saturday, November 9th "AT 7.00 P.M. Royal Canadian Legion BRANCH 419, PORT PERRY Tickets available at Flamingo Restaurant and Don Carnegie's Men's Wear Shop : , Poo TE Oct. 31 no ---- ff | Annual Church Parade 1963 | Royal Canadian Legion BRANCH 419, PORT PERRY The Annual Church Parade of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419, Port Perry, will be held on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10th at GRACE UNITED CHURCH, SCUGOG ISLAND at 11.00 a.m. : Services will be conducted by our Branch Padre, the Rev. Claude C. Gilbert, and the wreath-laying ceremony will take place at the Port Perry 'Memorial Library. Marchers please parade at the Port Perry Post Office at 10.30 a.m. - | gular issue stamp were announ- | Champion Beef Showman-- : cated. in the Music Hall in Ux-| Oct. 31 Post Office Give | Details 0f New Canada Stamp Details of a new 15 cent re- ced recently by the Hon. Azellus | Denis, Postmaster General. The | stamp is to be placed on sale across the country on October | 30th. The new stamp shows four | | Canada Geese in flight and will | be printed in blue. The draw- | ing of the four geese is the work | of Angus Shortt, noted orni-! thological artist from Winnipeg. ! The layout of the stamp is the | work of Paul Arthur of Ottawa. In addition to the four geese, | the words "Canada, postes, postage" and the denomination appear at the lower edge of the | stamp. In making the announcement, | ' Mr. Denis pointed out that the 7 cent air mail stamp showing a | single goose had been very po- | pular with philatelists and the public for many years. Since | this stamp is being replaced | , PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, OCT. 24th, 19635 the only waterfowl which bears early in the new year, it was felt that the Canada Goose should 'be kept on at least one' of the regular stamps, both be- cause of its popdlarity as a stamp subject and because it is The stamp will be printed by the steel line engraving process and will be in service for some years. If you are in Need of | JOB PRINTING the name of Canada. The new stamp is of the large | size, in a vertical format. The 15 cent denomination is. used Call most frequently for air mail Pe letters' overseas and for parcel PORT PERRY STAR post. 1 CAWKER BROS. Devon Sliced Bacon-1's .. 65" Boneless Pot Roast Beef . 45" Fresh Spare Ribs ....... 59°". | eo BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo FREE Town DELIVERY Every Morning Until 11 O'Clock. ----_--. 1 I! a complete assortment of MAGNETIC INK ENCODED BUSINESS CHEQUES NOW available... Cor) &;é; VAN LINES re 100 CHESTMUT ST. \ ' YOURTOWN, PROV. z 1 Pay.o Tue - pe < ORDER OF. Tyee co DoLLARrs 09 YOUR FAVOURITE BANK 1234 MAIN ST. AT QUEEN YOURTOWN, PROVINCE & = N 4 Ye vorzaumsern 890m 1230 A « ; : .. MODERN VAN LINES see our new 36 page illustrated catalogue and choose the cheque 3 that suits your - * 4 "an . I} 9) , / eines I " | BUSINESS CHEQUES (3* on-a-page) . "Gos ' N Magnetic Ink Encoded Business a =" _ = i ; S . Cheques designed to meet the speci- i fications of The Canadian Banker's -------- - Association are now available. These CT - Ee cheques carry an imprint of the name of your company and stock cuts are available to indentify a wide range of products and service. Each cheque "and stub is numbered and the cheque VOUCHER CHEQUES SErRar . | A , mr ad ye iy Ta pad is bound in a handsome, long- airy wearing, vinyl cover, \, A . Port Perry Star Company Lid.