- BIRTH os Tv -- WILBUR -- Hillis & Carol wish to announce the safe arri- val of their son Todd Leverne on Friday, October 18th, 1963 | (a brother for Scott). "CARD OF THANKS Ross and Della Luke like to thank neighbours, relatives and friends for cards, and gifts on the occasion of their 40th wed- ding anniversary. 'Reach Township FIRST NOTICE OF POSTING OF VOTERS LIST, 1963 Township of Reach, County of Ontario | Notice is hereby given that | | have complied with Section 9 of | the Voters' List Act, 1960, and i that I have posted up at my: of - | fice, Manchester, on the 25th i day of October, 1963, the list of i all persons entitled to vote in | the Municipality at the Munici- pal Elections. Many thanks to relatives and| And I hereby call upon all friends for the lovely cards and voters to take immediate pro- visits during my stay in hos-| ceedings to have any omissions pital and since 1 came home; | or errors corrected according to; also thanks to the staff of Com- | 18W, the last day of appeal be- munity Hospital and Dr, St.!iD& the 8th day of November, Jona. | 1 Puted at Manch h 1 of ated at Manchester this 25th . . Grace JTaylo { day of October, 1963. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff and | Nov. 7 ALEX JOHNS, Clerk Family extend thanks to all who| = - z made their 40th Anniversary R h T hi Such a pleasant occasion with edcl Owns p est wishes, cards and gifts. | COURT OF ' ohS | , OF REVISION Ala, Toni and Betty appreciate | Take notice that the Court of the shower given in their hon- Revision for the Corporation of, our' in the evening. ____ | the Township of Reach will be "held in the Township Hall, Man- NOTICE 'chester, on Friday, November | 8th, 1968 at the hour of 10 a.m. © Sunday, Oct. 27th-- | : (Church Services i © CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN | Rev. Owen R. Orr, M.A. S.T.B. ANGLICAN-- Friday, Nov. Ist-- All Saints 7.30 a.m.--Holy Communion Saturday, Nov. 2nd-- | © Commemoration of the faithful Departed. 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion Sunday, Nov. 3rd-- 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A. Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday School | 11 a.m --Kindergarten and | Nursery 11 a.m.--Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A, Minister Sunday, Nov. 3rd-- ' PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., OCT. 31st, 1963--9 | | | | - Bowling News | Spitfires... 2 35 Helicopters ........... b 32 , Kittyhawks ............ 0 24 FORTNITERS' LEAGUE PIYers oarsmen 7 . SE Team Standings as of Oct. 23-- Bombers ............. 5 217 | Spitfires ............... 20 Sunderlands .......... 5 25 Buzzards ........ccco...... 19 Mosquitoes ............ 2 24 Rod and Gun ...... 17 Lancasters ........... 7 21 ream Puffs... 11 Jets oon. Srseaieansne 2 20 Falcons tetris sttaarsrrenrnas 9 | Hurricanes eennaes 0 17 ACES cians 8 ' High Triple-- "High Singles-- Rose Willoughby---635 D. Wilkin--270; T. Dean--253 . --83; J. Healey--83; B. Pearson | October 28 Standing-- G. Wilson--=243; C, Hastings-- | 246, 229; F. Hastings--238; A. | . Menzies--225b. . High Triples-- C. Hastings--654; D. Wilkin | --650; A. Menzies -- 643; F.| | Hastings--639; M. Spears--~612. | Lemons-- T. Dean--62, 93; H. DeShane --88; B. Bell--97, LADIES 'MONDAY NIGHT | LEAGUE High Single-- Freda Cochrane--273 Over 600 Triples-- Rose Willoughby--635; Merle St. John--629; Elaine Bailey 614; Kacey Harper--602. Over 210 Singles-- Freda Cochrane--273; Elaine | Bailey -- 242, 268; Rose Wil- loughby--219, 242; Kacey Har- per 236; Bonnie Bell -- 234; Merle St. John -- 233; Mabel Cook -- 229; Marlene Doupe-- 228; Doris Taylor--222; Irma Lewis--222; Barbara Bradbury --220; Joy Ballard--221; Reta I have been advised by my physician to give up active par- ticipation in Minor Sports acti- vities. I have resigned as Pre- sident of the Port Perry Minor Hockey Club and Director of the Junior Team. I have enjoyed. my various duties during the last seven years and hope that 'my successors will also. On re- igning, I would like to remind to hear and determine appeals | against the assessment roll of! the Township of Reach for the! year 1964 and any other mat-. ters that may properly come be- fore the court. Nov. 7 ALEX. JOHNS, Clerk: Reach Township Notice to all owners of Property in this Municipality In the matter of Section 30 of, the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1960,' Chapter 296---and in the matter! i of an Application by the Corp-' | oration of the Township of! Reach for approval of its Re-: stricted Area By-Law #1886 passed on November 5th, 1962. Appointment of Hearing The Ontario Municipal Board hereby appoints Monday, Nov-' ember 18th, 1963 at the hour; of half-past ten in the Forenoon,: at the Municipal Hall, Manches- ter, in the Township of Reach, noon Thursday, thence to St. Ontario, for the hearing of all John's Anglican Church, Black- parties interested in supporting | stock for service at 2.30 p.m. Or opposing this application. Interment St. John's Cemetery. Dated at Toronto, this 15th B. VICKERS, Secretary | meee om Joy of October, 1963. Brock Molor (Cedar Creek Sales the parent of the boys to "get in there and pitch" and try to lighten the duties of the Exe- cutive. CARL LUKE WILSON, Beatrice Irene--; Suddenly at her residence, Caesarea, Ont.,, on Tues, Oct. . 29th, 1963, Beatrice Armitage, dearly loved wife of Clare Wil- son, dear mother of Donald and Fred both of Toronto. Resting at the Chapel of MeDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry until Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Briggs and daughter of Peterborough ' Monday, 7.00 p.m.-- 10.00 a.m.--Church Service 11.00 a.m.----Sunday School The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, Nov. 3rd-- : Thanksgiving Service 915 a.m.--PROSPECT 10.15 a.m.--MANCHESTER 11.15 a.m --SCUGOG PORT PERRY oo BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, Nov. 3rd-- 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship 'Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting --EVERYONE WELCOME-- ! NOTE--Services being: held temporarily in the Municipal Offices. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service | : Wed., 8 p.m.-- Prayer & Bible Study. Oct.31] Se ---------- Auction Sales SAT., NOV. 2--Auction Sale| Sugar Pops ............ 7 29 Cooper--213; Gloria Hastings-- Grape Nuts ............ 7 24 213; Ruth Short--=212. Twinkles ....cccueeee. 5 22 Wheaties ................ 0 19 Cocoa Puffs ............ 0 19 Cheerios ......cueen... 5 18 Rod & Gun Club Crispy Critters .... 5 18 Trix .oocovveeeeernineneennnn, 5 16 | . Shreddies .............. 2 13 H Id M Sugar Smacks ........ 2 11 | 0 eeting Muffels ....cocicinn 2 1 Alphabets ................ 2 10 © At the last meeting of the High Triplée-- Norma Jakeman--706 High Single-- Norma Jakeman--309 Club, held at the home of Mr. . Ben Smith Prince Albert, the ; various committees reported the . --206; Jessie Cook--206; Alice | Elsie Pogue--201; Anne Mulder 'Audrey Chapman--200. 600 & Over Triples-- Norma Jakeman -- 706; Rita Underhay--656; Ella Dickenson --634; Alice Edgar--604; Wan-! da Durham--=601. 200 & Over Singles-- : Norma Jakeman -- 309, 259; ' Rita Underhay--274; Ella Dick-' ; enson--248; Joyce Emmerson-- 232; Wanda Durham--230, 204; Yvonne Edgar--230; Edna De- Shane--228; Joan Godley--223; Alice Edgar -- 216, 208; Elma . Vernon -- 214; Jessie Goode-- 212; Lil Moore--208; Florence Davey--206; Marion Lawrence | Seriver--202; Marg Hayes--201 --201; Tina Vanderby -- 201; LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE October 23rd, 1963-- North Stars ............ 5 38 | progress of their various achie- ! vements, the dinner committee reported that all was ready, and announced the guest speaker. Films were left in the hands of Miss Ilene Fell as she knows the previous films that have been shown at the Club dinners. The Conservation Committee reported the number of persons that have fished on the Cause- way and Lake, the number of fish that were taken from the Causeway, were many very fine catches of Bass, perch, suckers and Carp. Of Carp there have been about 700. So far as the Lake fishing is concerned, there were very few fish taken; this information must come from the boat liveries as they are con- tacted. The next business meeting of the Club will be held at the home of Mr. Ben Smith, Prince Albert the second week of Nov- ember, date to be announced later. view the 1954 - Chevrolet ember, 1963. Dated this 31st day of Octo-| ber, 1963. --' 8 V. MALCOLM, Clerk, Nov. 7 : 2 ee ~~ -You are invited to come in and ' were last Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Frank Harris. 8 Cars: and Trucks. , also visited Frank Harris, who : USED CARS lis a patient in Oshawa General ! 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door| Hospital. : station wagon, 6-cyl. George Kilpatrick and Ralph. automatic. i Somerville were in Toronto on; 1959 Olds 2-door hartop, very ' Thursday evening attending the | clean. | funeral service at the Cook 1958 Chev. 4-door sedan, | Funeral Home, Bloor St. West, R radio, 6-cyl. | for the late Miss Angeline Ab- 1955 Plymouth coach ' raham. The service was con- 1955 Pontiac coach . ducted by the Rev. Gordon W.| 1958 GMC 3-ton H.D. chassis | Philpotts, Minister of St. John's | and cab. | Anglican Church, West Toronto. A few 1963 Chevrolet cars and Interment was in Oshawa Union trucks in stogk for immedi-' Cemetery on Friday morning. ate delivery §t substantial The late Miss Abraham was! savings. =f in her 90th year and is survived | 2 For A Better Buy! . by one sister, Alice and one bro- Better Try! | ther, Harry. The Abraham fa- mock. Motor sums mis and the lain mil Phone 235, Sunderland, Ont. Jong rienns | A General Motors Chevrolet- | ' Mr: and Mrs. Victor Larocque | --_ and Mrs. Larocque's brother "and iy » oo Mrs. Stan Mills, who have been visiting ? Towns hip of { the past week, spent the week- - - rend at Magnetawan. Cartwri ht {Miss Marilyn Farrow of (J i South River is staying with her CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST | sister Mrs. Norris Doherty and |' POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST family. | Voters' List Act, Sec. 11, Form 4 Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Faulk- Voters' List, 1963, Municipality | enham of Oshawa visited Mr. | " of Township.of Cartwright, | id Mrs. Ron Larocque on Sun- ' County of Durham ay afternoon. i Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that ---- I have posted up at my office at Blackstock, Ontario o ithe A AS day of October, 1963 the hist of . 2B) > " 0) oo Pa ods entitled to vote in I y Q) AV R I= bY the said Municipality -at Muni- | ORGANS cipal Elections, and that such B list' remains thas fo7 Wspection. | And TI hereby call upon all", 1 ' voters to take immediate pro- Your, Keys to the (ould of Music | : ceedings to have any errors or yg Pleased to Announce that omissions corrected Jecording tn} ; ; law, the last day of appeal be-| J h 0 d I" ing the Fourteenth day of Nov- 0 Nl Y e PORT PERRY IS THEIR SALES | REPRESENTATIVE Corporation Twp. of Cartwright For LOWERY ORGANS pian { They | , of Tractor, Implements, Feed, Furniture, the property of Lionel Drew, Lot 6, Con. 8, Twp. ' Reach, 1 mile north of Epsom o'clock. Oct. 31 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV. 9th -- Auction full line of Farm Implements, the property of Fred Cowling Estate, Lot 7, Con. 3, Cartwright Twp., on the Purple Hill County Road. Terms Cash. Sale at : 1.00 p.m. ~ C. Heayn Clerk. { TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. ! Nov. 7 | TUES., NOV. 12th -- Auction { Sale of Hereford Cattle, Hogs, i Seed Drill, Sleighs, Hens, the & property of Norman W.™ Os- orne, Lot 11, Con. 2, Mariposa Twp., 5 miles south west of | Little Britain. Terms Cash. 'Sale at 1.30 p.m. Geo. Green- { way, Clerk. ! TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Nov. 7 : SPALEK TRICIAN s+ LAUNDRY ROOM, | 700,'LET US INSTALL | PROPER LIGHTING FOR YOU; ELECTRIC PAAURRAY | ELECTRIC HEATING .._ 4 .on Saturday, Nov. 2nd at one! Sale of 45 Herefords & Short-! horns, Sheep, Hogs, 2 Tractors, | REC-ROOM; GARAGE) |} 1 | | Vea aa Ca Ca CROLL OR OS OR OR OS ORO OR OR OR ORO OL ORO OR ORONO OS OS OF ORO ORO OR ORO RTO 4 | | i 1 Politics and Personality i Guest Speaker--Dr. John Rich, B.A., M.D., D.P.M. - Toronto Psychiatrist at the C.R.A. Building, Gibb St.,, OSHAWA Sunday, November 3rd, 11 a.m. 1] Service of Unitarian Fellowship, Oshawa 1 ALL VISITORS WELCOME. 3 WEEKS OVERSEAS . (OCT. 1st - MAY 1st) ~ SAVE $150. - at: Four Seasons Travel(Oshawa) 728:6201 57 KING E. © BILL'S RADIATOR REPAIR (1% Miles North of Manchester ) PLUGGED UP RADIATORS _BOILED OUT and REPAIRED "THEY WORK LIKE NEW" FREE PICK UP and DELIVERY Phone = 985 - 75631 Oct. 10 -PT. PERRY | ty