7 SOO E® . | : PORT PERRY STAR, THURS 963--¢ ) " A S ] G b nk N § ' tS.,, NOV. 14th, 1963--9 uction Males Greenbank News Church Services | | HED, NOY, 27th--Complete | Services as usual next Sun-|---- | | olstein ispersal, Marydale | day morning and on Saturday| N a " C A Ww K E R B R 0 S Herd, Accredited, Listed, Vace., | evening at 8 o'clock the Young CHUR( Wi ASCE RSION $ Tascied, property of Ronald People's group will hold their Rev Own R *Grr M.A. S.T.B . p J. Stiver, 7 miles north o X- meeting in the S.S. room of the : ' Pon Ee Re ; ¢ bridge, at Leaskdale, on Wed., Church. Sunday, Nov. 17th-- . Devon Rindless Bacon-1 S 59 yd Nov. 27th. Terms Cash. Sale On Nov. 18, 19, and 20th a| 130 am.--Holy Communion is at 1 O'Clock. Orvan Chambers,' Rural Life Workshop will be TNE Livadamis Yelibnan, | u \¢ 1h Pedigree Announcements, held in Sunderland at 7:30 on oi On ar Wik colelrate Tender Win Steaks 19 Lon ; be Wold and preach. vee TED JACKSON, !each evening. The purpose of Church School LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneers | these meetings is to make a 7.00 --R : | Nov. 2 (ame of the changes in tne "Rn WHERE | Boneless Pot Roast Beef 45" SAT., NOV. 23rd -- Auction | South-western part of Lindsay and preach . . | Sale of Furniture, the property | Presbytery. These are public! -- MAL ' > o of Mr. and Mrs. Robt Midgley Meetings and members of the! PORT PERRY | ®¢ BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS e at Bert Midgley's reside noe | various congregations are in- UNITED CHURCH 1 I . . Prince Albert. Terms Cash. | Vited to attend. Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A. ! | 2 REE I'own DELIVERY Every Morning Sale at 1.30 p.m. C. Heayn, | eps. alse: Su] Minister Until 11 O'Clock. 91!1¢C " ' i Sunday, : -- : : o fo . 11 a.m ---Kindergarten and -- - tpn rar rrr 95 Far Congratulations to Mrs. Cou- gariey : A BY rm, Bold, ves who celebrated her 81st, Nursery PRT, | ' ments, Tractor, Hay, Grain and Pirthday last Sunday at the 11 a.m.--Morning Worship | Furniture, the property of Jack | home of her 0h and daughter- | ST. JOHN'S | Come and See Graziotto, Lot 6, Con.' 2, Mari- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur! PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH posa Twp. at Fingerboard, | Couves. Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No' Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and | Minister N H L OLDTIMERS Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. | boys visited with relatives at' Sunday, Nov. 17th-- omEoinde Roy Scott, Cler. Nov. 21 Bowmanville on Sunday. 10.00 a.m.--Church Service vs , 3 3 TED JACKSON, Aletioneer. Congratulations to Mr. and 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School | Harold Howsam on the birth of| The United Church of Canada UXBRIDGE BLACK HAWK a baby boy, also to Mr. and Mrs.| SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE | Harry Hill on their new arrival, ! Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. | IN "a boy. Winter Schedule | Miss Carol Smith of Whitby | Sunday, Nov. 17th-- ; spent the week-end at her home| 'SCUGOG--10.15 a.m, | UXBRIDGE ARENA here in the village. { MANCHESTER--11.15 a.m. | 3 woo .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon: Prentice MT and Mus. Robert Brandon, | _PROSPECT--1.15 pm... 1 a : op § . . OR . -- -- [ : to on Gull Like (or the weck-cng| Beare, and Miss Olive Real| PORT PERRY | Friday, Nov. 22nd : ; '| attended a get-to-gether of rel- BAPTIST CHURCH ' ° Miss .Ruth Wilkinson of Ux-|¢ : as atives held at Woodville on Pastor--J. H. Brown bridge was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wed '. ' | Wednesday of last week. Sunday, Nov. 17th-- Br ntize on Wednesday, 9.50 Sunday School Admission--$1.00, © Under 12--25¢ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pickett of Greenbank friends will be so| 33 qa, % Sunday School 10n--31.00, nder 12--25c. 11.00 a m.--Morning Worshi Sault Ste Marie were visiting |sorry to learn of the death at : y hing Hip y a 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worsh Dheje penis and friends over | Whitby of Mrs. Garnet Roberts Monday. 7.00 wig 3p 4 8 e_weel-eno, the former Helen Boe, daugh- ye Dil tt Da De Ds Congratulations to Mr. and|ter of Mrs. Maude Boe and the Wednes be UT ) P rs. ig Houghisna on the late Alex. Boe. To | Prayer Meeting B I L L S ir of a daughter, a sister ki , for Ester and hier. { Mr. and Mrs. -H. McMillan Tr Cad A YS LCONE~ i spent Sunday with the Hood --Oervices being he Cora to se 08, SU i RADIATOR REPAIR ph Harry i on ny val Best wishes for a speedy re-| ~~ Municipal Offices. or their son, a brother for Erla.| covery to Mr. Stan Aldred who FE ln , " So ard Mrs. Wallin oo Unichient surgery last week in| PERSONAL-- (1 14 Miles North of Manchester ) 8 of Brooklin called on Mr. and! ital. ) rs. C. H. ise- Hoe Asn of 'Broocaie ret POPHAL CM end bis, 0. crise PLUGGED UP RADIATORS and Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry on! € cuchre parties can't seem om ., : Wednesday, "to get off the ground this year | Morton and. ware mor iaRoY BOILED OUT and REPAIRED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman | as there was another small s s . 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Mur-|crowd last Friday night. The SNA Sonim 'n Oshawa "THEY WORK LIKE NEW" phy of Richvale called on Mr. high lady was Mrs. J. Ianson,|--- - : rer cawn and Mrs. John Millman and Mr. | the low prize went to Reggie SCOUT MOTHERS FREE PICK UP and DELIVERY " ~ and Mrs. H. Kerry one' day Foster (playing as a lady). The AUXILIARY recently. high gent was Jonn Thompson, Phone 985 - 7531 Oct. 10 Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott and|and low was W. Carnegie. The The regular monthly meeting _Krestin of Toronto visited her boo Ml went to Donnie] of the Scout Mothers. Auxiliary | 5 8 we : ree parents Mr. and Mrs. A. T.|Blakely and John Thompson | will be held Mon., Nov. 18th at Powell on Monday. won fats long hana travelling 8 p.m. at Murs. John Jefford's i ------------------y prize. Next party on Friday,| home, Cochrane St. Mrs. Jef- : wo¥elcome home to the newly | November 22nd. (ford 'will be showing pictures UXBRIDGE ROXY UXBRIDGE . . . HY) . " H 4 4 Powell. We welcome Jean Jei-| ape Topenn Scout & Cub t PH. 852-3661 PH. 852-3661 -- fery the bride to her new home| Sur = C ] Mothers welcome. ; - - _ -- and hope "she spends many! prise uouple # THURS. FRI, SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 15, 16 Welcome also to our new . || § -- WALT DISNEY"S -- neighbours "Mr. and Mrs. Stou- 0 A . : f I] ghten and family who have Il nniversary Hillto Herald : Ten Who Dared moved into the Rogers former : home. : Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fralick I § with BRIAN KEITH " a Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bushell| were pleasantly surprised on By: Jody Eade : ADDED ATTRACTION: and girls of Oshawa were sup- SHurdny, Novimbe) Sly yh) " "Commencement | § PF per guests at. the home of her| relatives an riends gathered| . . i : S h T D R k parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Ash-| at Be home of Mr. and Mrs. | il hath he iv, : fagecoac 0 dancer S oC : ton on Sunday. Donal Crozier, Scugog, to hon- A ents was very, § Actually filmed in the Grand Canyon Mr. John Millman has gone| 21. en W fhe aOR of | successful. Any- | § -- : or deer hunting for a few days oes edding Anniver one who attended | § SATURDAY MATINEE -- 2.00 P.M. a and Kerry is in London in his : : . senior commen-{§f ----- -- 9 oN re uy Nr paymend Jealiok Litmg JOM cement will sure- | § hn NOTE NEW TIMES Mrs E. Wilson had lunch| Bo Coq the happy souple wich | Th WWMM 1y agree that af Thurs. and Sat, at 8.00 p.m., Fri. Continuous with ky Mrs. Chas. Geer| roo DY OO th gd jJhonks Jon he ox-| § From 7.00 p.m. -- Sat. Matinee at 2.00 pm. : | motif, silver candle holders and ath. iy al ox asn tiie toes boss Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey and| fi, 01 ain oement. : Guest speaker, ghd Bruce Bal- A Mrs. J. Moore of Oshawa at- : Inger, the valedictorian for . . frites tended the fg of iid aunt (They were A150 ig recipients ein wojoraile contribution to - ss Neta Coates of Orillia on| of a five piece silver tea ser- . aw J sh Saturday. vice, a remembrance from their| Next Monday the majority F UE L 0 I L k Lo witis 5 children. =~ The celebration was | of the grade ten students wil Thanks to all who in any i oncluded with a delicious buf- | be attending the Royal Winter way helped make our U.C.W.| fit cunper Fair held in Toronto, ~~. Bake Sale a success last Sat. gh. SUpDOF, On Tuesday, the 19th, Port EVERY DAY MORE PEOPLE ARE TURNING Don't forget the Red. Cross Guests were present from | Perry High will be starting Blood Clinic on Thursday, Nov. | Toronto, Oshawa, Whitby, Port | their curling season. : TO OIL FOR THEIR WINTER 14. An appointment is not nec-| Perry and Scugog, Students are starting to real- essary, donations are hecessary.| © Mr, and Mrs. Fralick were | i%2e how fast a school term can HOME H o an NE Cr I AN I .| married on November 12, 1938| Pass. A few days ago the N by the Reverend F. G. Joblin| time table of the Christmas at the Scugog Manse with Mrs. | ©Xamination was posted. The Causeway Donald Crozier and Mr. Cecil | examinations are scheduled to FORT Fralick as attendants. start on Friday, November the - ¥ 22nd, . 2 A . . . . Bowling Lanes ET A Tw rT or mi a yet We have been serving this community with : & POP POPP PPPOE " } apy Ce : : their Heating Fuel for 33 years and are still in 0 po HEN . X a position to serve with the Best of Heatin Oil. g OPEN : am We offer Automatic Delivery and a free equip- NOW : : (OCT: 1st = MAY 1st) ment service. You choose your Service Man and WEEK ENDS 3 we pay the bill. All yeu pay is for the oil we : - 3 he S AVE $150. -- at: deliver to your tank and for any parts that are : $ : necessary. hoe. WANTED -- 18 Couples for , : ; ] Ay : . wee tee vise" 3 Four Seasons Travel(Oshawa) ( REESOR FUEL & LUMBER g : iE fs, 2 i" A oF, Lae PHONE 7985.53529 728-6201 57 KING E. PORT PERRY HONE 985.7951 ' NBG) AY WAY ORONO ONON 4 : :