' . PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, NOV. 28th, 196811 {I --1 + 4 an em Nw mms ate ------- ------------ 1 eekly Newspapers Participate i In Ontario-Quebec Tourism Meet The weekly press co-operated 'differences' which attract in the first Ontario- -Quebec | tourists to the two provinces. conference on increasing the | Mr. Auld told the meeting! flow of tourists both ways over | that some of Ontario's tourist | the Ontario - Quebec : border. booklets will be printed in| Meeting in Quebec City, the|French this year, and serious three-day conference sponsored | consideration is being given to by 'the Ontario Department of [a bi-lingual printing for the | ' zi Travel and Publicity delved: into | i following year. Upper Canada | ad a crowded agenda and came up| Village billboards in Quebec i» with a number of suggestions | will be in French, he said. As| that the ministers of both pro- well, he told the group, some ! vinces will turn over to their i booklets will be in other lang- departments for study. 'uages for New Canadians. Tourism represents $600,000, Mr. Prevost said the Quebec 000" a year to Ontario, the Hon. government will shortly release | James A. C. Auld, Minister of @ 30-minute color film, "Land | Delegates attending the Ontario-Quebec Gazette, Bracebridge, Ontario. Travel and Publicity, told the ©f Good Neighbors", in which -- copelt fl Cte C00 OF OnE ROW BACK ROW -- (left to right) Mr. Gerry 'oup of weekly and daily edi- Quebec communities will be' (left to right) The Honourable James Scott, Gananoque Reporter, Gananoque; Z fors, and representatives of twinned with those in Ontario' Auld, Minister of the Ontario Department Mr. John Morris, Prescott Journal, Pres- y o 1 sag] di | and other provinces. + of Travel and Publicity; Mr. Wm. Cranston, cott; Mr. Robt. Giles, Jr, The Watchman, ki national magazines, radio anc tre i i Chairman, Tourist Industry Committee, Lachute, Quebec; Mr. Lynn Lashbrook, television. f William H. Cranston, Wo} Ontario Economic Council; Mr, Ribt. Pre- Rodney, Ontario, President, Ontario Week- This represents ten cents in, land, Ont. chairman of oo vost, Assistant Pepity Minister, Depart- hy Newspapers rsoeiptions Mr. Roger every dollar of the pay envelope Tourist Industry Committee, ment of Tourism, Fish and Game; Mr. Alarie, ¢ Guardian, Verdun; Mr, Fern- of Ontario itirdnn. and mere) | Department of Economics and | Robt. Boyer, MPP, Bracebridge Herald and Berthiaume, L'Argenteuil, Lachute. pbs for 300,000 people, five per ' Development, was chairman A BE SW A rR a "Towed by the Devotion, taken cent of the province's "popul- the sessions held at the Chateau | by Mrs. Clayton Miller, the ation. Frontenac. | subject being "Listen to the Robert Prevost, Deputy Min-: Representing the weeklies Words of Jesus". After sing- ister of Tourism, Fish and Were: Ontario, Lynn Lashbrook,: The S.0.S. (Support Our sented with their Raglan Public ing of anashey Hymy, the Scrip. Game for Quebec said Ontario | Rodney Mercury, president of . School) Club of Raglan School : School Pins. It was agreed ture was rea y irs. lusse _. met recently in the School. that the Club would buy an Corner. The Secretary's re- tourists were coming over the | the CWRA! 4. A, Mortis, Pres There were 18 present, includ- clectric kettle for use in the povs was gijen, Jy rs. Lone border in tremendously hej Cot Journal: Robert Boyer, Ing the Principal Mrs. Florence School. Slute an the Yeatwors Jeo. creasing numbers, accounting | MPP, Bracebridge Herald Gaz- | I Auld. port by Mrs, Harold Bray. It The meeting adjourned fol- was agreed that a donation be for 583,000 cars of the 600,000 ette: G. A. Scott, Gananoque, Mrs, Elmer Layng, the Presi- lowing the o. Mh of "God' given to the Sunday School. A counted last summer entering | Reporter. Quebec, Roger Alarie, | dent, assumed the chair, oben- Save the Queen". Lunch was nominating Committee was Québec at the 15 border points. { The Guardian, Verdun, presi-| Ing the meeting with the Lords served by the committee con- named, consisting of Mrs. Lioyd | Prayer. The minutes of the isting of Mrs. Lloyd Evans, asohafeo . ie a. The group combed tourist; dent, QWNA; Robert Giles Jr.. "last. meeting were read by the Mrs, BL oonard Slute, Mrs. J. Mahaffy and Mrs. Stan Manns. literature from both provinces, | Lachute Watchman, and Fern- Secretary, Mrs. Clayton Miller. Glover and Mrs. Neil Smith. The December meeting will be and brought up suggestions for:and Berthiaume, L'Argenteuil,| Mrs. J. Glover gave the Trea- . There will be no December, in the C.E.B., Raglan Church, ik i a "ug : 3 DE surer"s Report. The children ting. - 12.30 t improving the invitation to the Lachute, of the School will have their Tec in8 ee De 4% oe 124 sat, at tourist. They discussed tourist own Christmas Concert in their! Mrs. Lloyd Evans entertained WPICh Ume, as is the cus ; accommodations, the potential " Use the respective ng the after- the Raglan United Chureh, U. taking Hens, the Mothers will - . i noon of Dec. 20th. A concert, C.W. at their evening Novem- entertain the Grandmothers. 2 tev) restons os 50 wl CLASSIFIED SECTION prepared by the pupils, will be | pe) meeting, The President, Benediction was said, and lunch be noes © er tonal facllities i of given for fhe parents, 7 Rod Mrs. Leonard Slute opened the: was served by the hostesses a ~! THE PORT PERRY STAR | 21st, ' ry] this time the 1963 meeting and a Hymn was sung. Mrs. Lorne Slute and Mrs, J. PHONE: 985-7383 Graduation Class will be pre- The Lord's Prayer was said fol- Glover. a 5 © | Did you know the new electric heating in ot was simple and inexpensive to install, economical to operate { - ' J and its the cleanest, gafest, p quietest heating qustem 1 . ~~" ever deviced ? p ly } go oy - i ! fF 4 FE § od Aa o Ps v i ] Youve certainly been brushing up E in " I | on the subject! f. 2 - i & ul ¥ ALI ; MN A p Personalized "Just for You" oH i stationery and thank-you 4 cards add that extra touch } of warmth to your 3 wrrespondence. Your name | 0 WEREA Gaia oaogaeoan and address or initials are PR printed on white or coloured | quality writing papers in ! beautiful raised lettering. i: The impression is dignified, : and oh so harming; i et the cost is very low. vo . . = 4 : Choose your personals oy Got a chilly bathroom? Adding a new bathroom? . Centre can give you complete information on th a. 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