Ti 10--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., DEC. 5th, 1968 -E. G Kennedy USE The CLASSIFIED SECTION of The PORT PERRY STAR BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOUSE? Check our Special Rates for homes under construction. EMMERSON Insurance Agency Port Perry, Ont, sept 26 Earl Wallace Roofing Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint for house or barn We will contract for all kinds - of roof work. Phone 985-7964, Port Perry Dec. 2 63 Real Estate FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS . MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR Sunderland, Ont. Phone 303 Agents: Fred Brooks 985-7168 Joan Bagg 985-7379 21/63 Nov. 3 GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1--Des, a, '63 Music Teacher Piano and Organ GLORIA HASTINGS 985-2539 Dee. Bh ® Pit Run Gravel ® Washed Sand and Stone ® Brick Sand and Chips. FOR QUICK SERVICE - Call 985-7982 1--Deec. 5/63. Cash on the Spot" ornn 'for Dead or Crippled Farm 'Stock, Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM | TYRONE Licence No. 245-C-63 iA Oct, 64 OPTOMETRIST A. E. Johnson, 0.D. MARY ST., PORT PERRY Wed. 9 am. - 1 pm. Appointments - Phone" 985-2383 Jan, 2/64 "SIGNS 'POSTERS L. Langille 985-2016 TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and | Harmony. Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7563 Feb. 29/64 ; or Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7081 Specializing in small business and farm operations. Dec. 19th ; Uxbridge--ULster 2-3319 | No charge to you." We pay all | 8 BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 25 Caleb Street, Port Perry Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon. Evenings by appointment only. Telephone No. 985-2127 Jan. 23/64 RIMAR MEMORIALS GRANITE MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723 - 1002 Dec. 12/68, NICK'S Dead | Stock Service Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses. Hogs and small animals removed free. For fast service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- Phone: telephone charges. Prop. NICK MONTAGUE | 8 'License No. 172-62 RR. No. 1, Foxmead Dec. 26/63 $ Seplic Tanks : Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb, 28/64 Septic Tanks Cleaned WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Orten Michie 986 - 2207 | November ¥ i = i -- - hi = M § -- i me = | ds x Nov. 28 Obituary- LEWIS J. FITZE Mr. Lewis John Fitze passed away after some few weeks ill- ness, on November 26, 1963 in his 85th year. The late Mr. Fitze was born in England on December 18, 1878, oldest child of Edward Fitze and Elizabeth Osborne of St. Austell, Cornwall. In May, 1879 the family emigrated to Canada, staying with a brother John Fitze in Darlington. Later they lived on the first conces- sion of Cartwright, then for some years on the Dave Wil- son farm. In 1901 they bought the former John Greer farm, Lot 24, Concession VIII, Cart- wright. The father was killed by a threshing machine in Septem- ber 1904 leaving a family of four boys and two girls: Lewis, Joseph, William, Maggie (Mrs. Gordon Stinson) Wilmer and Fanny (Mrs, Frank Harris) all now deceased. Lewis remained on the home- stead after the rest of the fa- mily married. His mother kept house for him until her death in February 1933. © In Febru- ary 1935 he was united in mar- riage with 'Ellen Jane Ney of Midland. They farmed until 1951 when they retired to their home in Blackstock. He was a member of Devitts L.O.L, 42 and Devitts R.B.P. 1398 and an adherent of Nestle- ton Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his widow and serveral nieces phews. The funeral was held on 28, 1963 from Me- Dermott - Panabaker funeral Home, Port Perry, where Rev. Fred Swann of the Presby- terian Church spoke comforting a The beautiful floral tributes were silent testimony of the sympathy of Orange Order, church, community and friends. Pallbearers were two former. neighbours Messrs, David and George Johns; a cousin Wilmer | -| Fice of Oshawa; and three ne- phews . Lewis Stinson of Cad- mus; and Arthur Cox and Ewart Mayes of Barrie. Inter- ment was in Nestleton Ceme- | tery. Friends were served lunch and a warm drink by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church' be- fore leaving for their homes in Ottawa, Manotick, Midland, Barrie, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Burlington, Peterboro and sur- rounding area. | Sunday. and ne-| -- Prince Albert News By Mrs. Les Beacock Rev. E. S. Linstead delivered another worthwhile sermon on The congregation was favoured with a beautiful vocal solo by Mrs. B. Jeffs. Offer- ing gathered by Mr. W. Vance and Grant Beacock. During the opening exercises at S. S, the -Supt. Mr. E. Martyn announced regret to learn two of the teachers Mrs. H. Holtby and Mrs. C. Newn- ham were hospitalized. Mrs. B, Jeffs presided over an in- structive film based on Korea. Birthday pins were presented to Mrs. R. Butson and Douglas Blain, Remember the combined white gift service next Sunday, 1 o'clock. The November meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Terry Hodgins, 14 pre- sent. Devotion given by Mrs. M. Pugh and Mrs. L. Beacock. The president Mrs. Pugh pre- sided over business matters. Minutes read ,also an invitation to attend Raglan bazaar. Trea- surer reported on recent bazaar which sounded successful. Nominating committee ap- pointed to line-up executive for 1964 are Mrs. H, Hodgins, Mrs. C. Love and Mrs. B. Smith. Fruit - Flower committee made up a partial list of names for Christmas boxes. The vote car-! ried. We again accumulate a! bale for Victor Mission, Articles please be left at church parlors or contact a member not later than Dec, 8th. Being no fur- ther business on the agenda all repeated Mizpah. Delicious salad and rolls served by Mrs. Linstead, Mrs. Love and Mrs. O. Brown. Mrs. H, Hodgins gra- ciously offered her home for the Christmis meeting. Mr. Wm. J. Martyn, and Mr. and Mrs, J. Lake and baby with Mr. and Mrs. E. Martyn and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson have returned from visiting relatives in Rodney. Mr. and Mrs. W, Vance were pleased to have their grandson Rodney Simons, Pickering, for the week-end. Mrs. Gladys Dolling, of Van- couver Island, spent a few days with her cousins Mr. and Mrs, F. Gibson. Mr. and' "Mrs; Ww. Roy Hope and family were' Sunday visit: ors with her sister Mr. and Mrs, L. Stainton, Enniskillen, DIAL 965-7383 In order to give better ser- vice to subscribers and ad- vertisers the .Star now has two new telephone numbers. The number to dial is 3%5- 7383. If this number is busy, your call will automatically switch over .to the second number 985-7384. Personalized "Just for You" J otebtaining accessories- - ~-- dinner napkins, cocktail napkins, coasters, matches initials, add a personal parties. They do so much and playing cards -- printed with your name or and festive touch to your , yet cost so little, and are always socially correct. Before your next party, drop in and see the complete ~ samples of Personalized "Just for You" en accessories, stationery and thank-you cards at PORT PERRY STAR R CO. LTD. A Chance To See N.H. L. Hockey At MAPLE LEAF GARDENS EQUIPMENT - Ae SKATES Tols-3. 99 up Misses' Figure. 99 up Men's-8.99 up Women's Fig. -1. 99 up BIGGEST SELECTION OF STICKS IN TOWN Hespler Green Flash--$1.79 Sher-wood--49c. up -- Special Slap Shot Sticks Mic M BAUER -- C.CM. -- DAOUST -- DUNNES Special 'Team Prices On Sporting Goods - - MIDTOWN SKATE EXCHANGE NEW LOCATION 30 WILLIAM ST. 8., LINDSAY (Formerly Douglas Bicycle & Tire Shop) . Last Year's Winner Carolyn Dlarkson, Woodville ack--$1.99 . "i > Cine w eww eye fe : ps EA AT a TERR A a rt i i