. (Continued from page 1) regularly to the hospital. A touch of cheer was given at Easter when plants were placed in each room and candy baskets given to the ehildren in the hospital. At Christmas, a tree is dec- orated and placed in hospital, also decorations for the trays. Cakes and puddings are appre- : ciated from anyone who wishes , Catia "to donate at this season. : New drapes have been added to the children's ward. One of the new projects is a gift of da pair of bootees to, each new baby born in the hos- pital. 75 pairs have been giv- en out this past year. Two sets of twins received complete sets of sweaters, bonnets and boot- ees. We do extend our thanks for friends who do the knitting for this project. We are most grateful to the L.0O.B.A. from Blackstock for their generous donation enab- ling us to purchase a Mayo table for operating room. This was a 10th anniversary gift and was received most sincere- "i 7 ~ for the hospital to carry on efficiently. This past year the hospital board arranged to have oxygen | piped in several rooms in the \ hospital and the auxiliary as- | sumed half of the cost--appro- RN ximately $1500.00. On May 12th National Hos- pital Day was celebrated when the hospital board held Open House and the auxiliary assist- ed by serving afternoon tea. By the efforts of a number of ladies holding diminishing teas pal La during the winter and donations from organizations we were 'able to turn in a substantial : amount to the oxygen piping. § ANNUAL L ® Special ly as equipment is essential In the LEGION HALL, WHITBY Thursday, Dec. 12th, 8 p.m. HON. MIKE STARR, M.P. Ontario Riding ELDON WOOLLIAMS, M.P. Bow River Riding EVERYBODY WELCOME ) (Ontario Progressive Conservative Association) iB SENENEENEEENEENENENENNEEI EEE EAE EAE NENA Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary - The summer project was the ; raising of talent money. The financial returns were most gratifying and we do appreci- ate the efforts put forth to this endeavour, Since 'the last annual meeting a successful dance was held. Plans are under way for an- other in the near future. This is an annual and popular event in other hospital auxiliaries and we. hope it will become such with us. The annual Doll Draw is planned for December. This event always creates much in- terest and proves most success- ful financially. In the absence of a guest speaker president Mrs. Dymond gave a very interesting talk on the work of a modern hospital. A hospital is no longer just a place where people go to die; it is a community cornerstone, a great heart which throbs every minute of every day and night, ministering to the sick and injured of every nationality, class and creed. This "Sen- tinel which never sleeps" citizens who must inform them- selves of its needs. Destruct- ive "armchair" criticism is un- realistic and defeatist. A mo- dern - hospital is- a scientific institute and it takes a great deal of money to enable it to function successfully. Miracles are performed in a hospital currence must become a com- munity venture. The Hospi- work of the Hospital Board and the provincial levels but, although the Auxi- liary has its own work and res- |!" | | ponsibility the community at | TTT -------- 4 « Ms. . GNTARIO RIDING FEDERAL P-C ASSOCIATION ¥ MEETING Guests eo re-|. quires loyal support. from all] . daily and their continuing oc- | §! tal Auxiliary supplements thei; now has associations both at |} and national | PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., DEC. 5th, 1963--3 Roy Honey : Women of Grace United large must make the hospital's Church Scugog ............ $25.00 needs its guide to service. Mrs. Grant Christie ........ $ 5.00 Since the last meeting the | Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E. $75. 00 following donations have been | | Head Memorial Scugo received: Tes lL LOW. (avpinmesrissciiies $10.00 -- $15. 00. A Wonderful Worker ww Manchester L C. W. . $20. 00; % Application forms may be obtained from the Port Perry Municipal Offices, or from: THE CENTRAL ONTARIO COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD EXTENDS A CORDIAL INVITATION NS The OFFICIAL OPENING and DEDICATION | TO ALL CITIZ TO ATTEND OF ON Wednesday, December 11th, 1963 AT 8.00 P.M. A TOUR OF THE SCHOOL AND RECEPTION WILL FOLLOW. THNE DEDICATION SERVICE A al eo eo oo oo > © $25.00 Ladies Legion Auxiliary (for Oxygen Equip) $100.00 Ladies Legion Auxiliary (for Doll Draw) .......... $15.00 Now we launch forth to a new year--may we never weary in helping provide comforts of the unfortunate ill. (Restricted Radiotelephone Operator) A COURSE, leading to a Certificate in the above, will commence in Port Perry High School at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11th, 1963 Candidates may be male or female, 18Y, years of age or older and free to attend six or seven Wednesdays. (Ability to type 25 words per minute an asset) Mr. J. Reid, Deputy Co-Ordinator, E.M.O. Box 10, Airport, Oshawa. NOTE: This is voluntary, unpaid work. E.M.O. will meet the cost of fees. Uxbridge Secondary School By The Hon. M. B. Dymond, M.P.P. aa CE RE Cae VBE EEA EEA NENA NAAN NENA ENE ASS Gia La wr, "ar a --- TIT aT a (} SET I Se DOG ed "HAVE YOUR HEARING AID CLEANED AND "CHECKED BY AN EXPERT Hearing Aid Repair Service and Diagnostic Clinic on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6th and 7th from g. 0a a.m. . fll b p.m. OOOO OSORNO OSOSOSOSCR ORCS ORSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOROSORON ORSON ORO ORR ORTH OSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOROSOSOSORCIOSOSOROSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOROSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO DODD DDVDDODDDDODDODE, © EATON'STOSHAWA your hearing aid at no charge to you. estimate without obligation. it checked -- and make sure you enjoy Christmas! MR. CAROL ANTON, HEARING AID EXPERT, will be in Eaton's Hearing Centre for two days, to check If repairs should prove necessary, Mr. Anton will give you an If your instrument is not in the best of condition, now is the time to have EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL CENTRE, UPPER LEVEL. So Ea