- _ Rynard thanked the speaker. hn Stan Lunney, Zephyr Winner In Potato Club Contest, Yield 776.0 Mr, Stan Lunney,. Zephyr, Mr. Lynn Fair, AgricaMiral was the winner of the Ontario Representative, announced the County 500 Bushel Potato Club' prize winners, and asked the this year. He used the Kenne- various donors of cash and mer- bec variety. His estimated | chandise to present their prizes. yield in bushels per acre was! ~-Mr. John Meyers expressed 776.0. Mr. Lunney also had | the appreciation of the potato the highest record for the Pro-| growers to the ladies for their vince of Ontario. | splendid banquet, and to the Walter Kerry, Port Perry,! odnors of cash and merchandise R.R. #1, was in second place] for their co-operation in sup- with a yield of 789 bushels. He| porting the 500 Bushel Potato used the Sebago variety. Mr. | Club this year. Ches Lunney, Zephyr, was in third place with 724 bushels per acre, also with the Sebago variety. There were 16 potato growers who took part in this high yield competition this year. The av- | erage yield for the 16 growers was 593 bushels. The 500 Bushel Potato Club Competition was brought to a' conclusion with a banquet in the Zephyr Community Hall on Friday, November 29th. Mr, Walter Kerry, Port Perry, R.R. #1, Chairman of the 500 =r) Bushel Potato Club, was master | a Loa SELL and BU Mr. Russell Morrison, Direct- dil or of the Provincial Soil and Crop Improvement Association, and Mr, Muir Dack, President, of the Ontario County Soil and Crop Improvement Association, congratulated the growers on their success this year, Dr. John Brown, Secretary- Manager, Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, gave a splendid talk on the! P Pp Y St work of the Association and the | ort err ar Marketing Board. Mr. Gordon PHONE: 985-7383 LC ---- oC -- ------ rs | i | | THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE 7 HE'LL HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY IF YOU SHOP HERE FOR GIFTS HELL WEAR WITH PRIDE ON EVERY OCCASION. Dress Shirts From $5.0010 87.95 Sport Shirts from $5.00 to $10.95 Slacks . . .. from $10.95 to $22.00 Sweaters . . from $9.95 10 $16.95 Sport Jackets ......... $39.95 Dressing Gowns. $9.95- $19.95 Suits .......... $69.50 - $95.00 'Top Coats ..... $20.95 - $59.95 TIES $1.50 - $2.50. DRESS SOCKS $1.00, $1.75 YOU BUY THE BEST GIFTS FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE AT DON CARNEGIE Men's Wear | held at the home 6f Mrs. Lorne Ashburn News Mrs. Gordon Fisher, of Brougham, spent a couple of days last week at' her home here. / Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Heron spent the week end with their son and family Rev. K. A. and Mrs. Heron, at Petrolia. Misses Faye Heron; Judith Batten; Mary Heron; Ray Gau- daur; Ross Batten; Clyde Johnston and Drew Leper at- tended a Young People's Lea- dership Training Class held in Campbellford on Sunday. Mrs. W. Hopkins and Mrs. B. Bland attended the Public School Teacher's Convention held at Hamilton Normal School recently. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walsh and family of Sutton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher. The Young People will hold their Annual Christmas Musical on Sunday, Dec. 16th at 8 p.m. The Christmas meeting of the Ladies Bible Class will be Parrott on Wed., Dec. 11th at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. Russell Taylor spent a couple of weeks with her son at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. George Day, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with. Mrs. M. Sparks. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. DEC. 6th, 1963-7 Guide Mothers Elect New Officers | The November meeting of | Group III---Reta Brown, the Guide Mothers was held. at | * Kvelyn Vokins, Jean the home of Marjorie Jarrett Hadley. with thirteen ladies present. Group IV--Marg. Sweetman, After the President welcomed Marie Wakeford, Marg. the ladies present all repeated Mickie. : the Guide Promise. { An invitation will be sent to The minutes of the last meet-| the Scout Mothers to attend ing were read and approved. In| the Christmas Party December the absence of the treasurer,| 9th at 8.45 at the Scout Hall. Gwen Taylor gave the report | A pot luck luncheon and ex. showing a bank balance of change of gifts will follow. $51.45. | Mr. John Jefford showed very The President expressed her interesting pictures of their appreciation to the officers, the trip this summer. The meeting commissioner and the Guide &! closed with the Mizpah Bene. Brownie leaders for the co-| diction. Group 2 served lunch, operation she received last year. | Collection $3.50. The slate of officers for the] --X-- coming year were installed as follows: Past Pres.--Audrey Hall President--Norma Gray Vice-Pres.--Jenney Franks Sec'y--Jean Carnochan Treasurer--Irene Murray Badge Conv.--Tina Vanderby Sick Convener--Faye Stein Sewing Conv.--Jenney Franks Banquet Committee ~~ ~ Convener--Eleanor Shaw --Marg. Sweetman --Grace Bassant. Phone Committee-- Group I--Joan Christie, Nora Reid, Agnes Garvey. Group II--Marion Healey, Mary Pickard, Audrey DeNure. Causeway Bowling Lanes BOWLING FRI. & SATURDAY EVENINGS Alleys May Be Reserved OF BOTH TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT from economical comwersion burners furnaces and oil-fired water heaters. All equipment available on convenient budget terms--up to 5 years to pay. ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Along with our regular equipment to complete guarantee we can now also arrange for you to get Esso Home Heat Service at no extra cost. Your best guarantee for truly. carefree heat ing comfort, Don't wait any longer but phone us today BURNFIELD & BALLARD LTD. PHONE 985-2491 PLUMBING & HEATING PORT PERRY | OPEN b<3