6 Dl LU y Ld -- 8 £1 © » 9 0) 7 wn Fa] \ Elaine Mountjoy, Valedictorian Bowling News | At Cartwright HS Commencement Miss Elaine Mountjoy, hon- our graduate of Cartwright 1963 -- our graduating year. High School, Blackstock and | Former presently enrolled at Queen's different paths and we who | University, Kingston, delivered were left were thrown closer to- | the following valedictory ad- gether, sharing the same ideals | dress at Comencement Exercis- and the same goal. Our future | | Church Sunday, Dec. 15th. es, Friday, November 22nd, Mr. . Paisley, members of the staff and board, graduates, stu- dents and friends-- MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE We will always remember Standing Dec. 5th-- Carnegies ............ 5 48 friends had followed! St8IS ci. 5 47 Meteors ......cnnnn b 41 Deluxe ...ccrimmn 2 40 Blow Kings ............ 2 39 Whiz Bangs ........ 5 39 'did not seem -a reality until; Legionaires ..... = 36 | our final examinations launched | Bill's Ref. ....... 5 33 | us into a world of decisions.| Gibson's ....... 5. a1 We return tonight, still blink-! Black Jacks ....... 2 81 ing at the novelty, and still] Goofers .......... 2 26 getting accustomed to our new: Head Pins ...... 2 10 | Tonight fellow graduates, we are sharing our last Commence- | ment with. the students of Cart- wright High School. It is my honour and my privilege to speak for you as we look back. on a life that we shared with them a few short months ago. We remember former.Commen- | cements that came and passed like milestones in our high! school career, and former grad- | uates who disappeared from our: view into a new and differenti world. Tonight we are those graduates. ! We can recall our high school | days with affection now, and | we feel almost like a parent! patting his child on the head as| we watch present students, | younger versions of ourselves, | #lling our places and living the lives we used to live. | When September days have their back-to-school flavour, and textbooks still smell new, these students will practice for field day and the Tri- School meet, and go home with sawdust in their noses--as we did. When November days feel snow in the air they will order cider and donuts and look for bales of straw for the Sadie Hawkins dance; and they will spend a! i been something we had to do! ! terest in school affairs, to t Lancasters .............. 7 17 Mustangs ................ 5 15 Bombers .................. 7 14 Several Courses | sodomonds 1 1s : : {Hurricanes ............ 0 11 A current advertisement is; Mosquitoes ........... 2 11 offering a Course in Civilian! Jets wove eoveenenn. 5 10 Rescue to be given in Uxbridge. North Stars ............ 3 10 The Aim of this training is to Kittyhawks ............ 2. 9 form a Rescue Platoon consist-; Helicopters ............ b 7 ing of twenty-seven male vol- Flyers ...ovueeervveene 2 7 unteers to use the equipment| Flyers .....cccccnn. 2 7 which will be supplied for the! Spitfires ................ 0 2 HT. Without Hand.-- } } 720--R. Willerton Our high school education has | H.T. With Hand.-- 720--J. Witherspoon H.S. Without Hand.-- 296--R. Sweetman bearings. and wanted to do well; and the habits that were developed and applied there, we carry with us. H.S. With Hand.-- We owe a great debt to the! 299--R. Swebtman community which takes an in- . he | Over 225 Singles-- school board and to our teachers 1: Sweetman--296; R. wil. who hold the school together, | lerton--285, 235; D. Butt--281; | i B. Gibson--275; B. Howsam-- | dt » parents wh t us| | and to our parents who wan us, 274; G. Goode -- 264, 247: I.. to have the best of everything. | Boyd-- 255: D. Wallace --255; J. We must also want the best | Stone--254; T. Thomas -- 253; for ourselves. We are given; T. Chandler--247; J. Healey-- ! the opportunity to learn how to'246; M. Lyle -- 243, 229; J.| live and to live to learn. We | Heayn--243; J. Witherspoon-- are given the chance to explore | 242, 239, 233; G, McHugh--242; opportunities, to find a goal C. Watts--241, 231; J. Waldin- and to work toward it. There sperger--239; R. Doupe--235; is no greater joy than the mas- J. Dowson -- 233; J. Wilson-- tery of a difficult subject, and 228: C. Jeffrey--226. no greater sense of accomplish- | Over 600 Triples-- ment than a goal achieved. As) R. Willerton--720; G. Goode we pursue our future way of, --719; J. Witherspoon--1714; R. life, our high school motto, "per | Sweetman--661; D. Butt--661; aspera ad astra" will lead us! M. Lyle--642; I. Boyd--636; J. through difficulties to success.| Waldinsperger--634; C. Watts --633; J. Healy--619; J. Wilson | --601. May you climb high climb far your goal the sky your aim the star. | EMO Offers ---X-- LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE December 4th Standing-- High Triple-- M. Wakeford--681 High Single-- . J. Armstrong--3823 Over 600 Triples-- M. Wakeford--681; M. Geer --662; R. Willoughby--661; S. Brignall--654; M. Doupe--619; A. Wakeford -- 613; J. Arm- town and surrounding district. The Police Chief, the Fire Chief and the Chief Rescue Officer (to be appointed) will have the authority, individually, or col- lectively, to order the equipment into use. The two major employers in years removed from Grade 9. whole day downtown while at the area, Messrs. Comeo Ltd. _the "Royal"--as we did. They| nd Fritz W. Glitsch and Sons: "too will play games to the tune| 1,tq, have co-operated with of baseball bats and. hockay | Emergency Measures Organi- sticks. They will attend plays ,ation to make this possible by in Stratford and in Toronto , oviding recruiting facilities, with a spirit of independence and storage facilities at the and adventure--and sometimes | pit, "W. Glitsch plant for: the with poor behaviour -- as we| Rescue' Trailer which will be did. And when they reach sygilable on a twenty-four hour Grade 18, they will discover pais. that Grade 13'ers are not as old or as wise as they,once thought i sivilian Rescue is but one of they were, but are just a few Civilian Rescue is many Training Couy§és provid- ed by EXM.O. A Home Nursing | Course is running in Uxbridge; a Restricted Radio telephone | Operator's Course is due to start in Port Perry on Decem- Causeway CTI oft ber 11th, and' First Aid and Bowling Lanes Home Nursing Courses are pro- | jected for Port Perry early in' FEN 1 1964. Courses in Radiological | OPEN | Detection are planned for all of Ontario County early in the FRI. & SATURDAY - EVENINGS new year and an attempt will Alleys May Be Reserved be made in Uxbridge to form a | committee of wide representa- | tion to consider the application of Welfare Services, which in-! clude Emergency Clothing, | Feeding, Registration, Shelter | j and Information in a major | emergency, | strong--612; G. Hastings--604; B. Oke--602. Over 210 Singles-- J. Armstrong--323; M. Wake- for--290, 239; S. Brignall--265; M. Doupe--265; A. VanCamp-- 276; M. Geer -- 256, 222; K. Harper--251; C. Keetch -- 261; G. Hastings--218, 220; L. Car- negie--237, 218; I. Lewis--248; R. Willoughby -- 247, 210; J. Wilson--235; B. Bell--242; A. Lown--242; A. Wakeford--236, 216; W. McLaughlin -- 228; F, Cochrane -- 229; B. Oke--223; M. Tummonds--220; M. Cook-- 218; J. Carnegie -- 211; A. Spears--226; J. Ballard--211. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., DEC. 12th, 1968--9 Epsom News By Jean Jeffery Mr. and Mrs, H. Ashton visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Evans one evening recently. The Annual White Gift Ser- vice. will be held in Epsom Keith and Alan Ashton and Donald Asling attended the York Men's Rally at Aurora. Rev. Gordon Hunter was the Speaker. Several of our young people attended a recruitment night Mrs. Ron Dolling of Naniamo, B.C. visited Mr. and *Mrs. H. Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ton Gibson one evening last week, The Christmas Concert will be held in Epsom Church Dee, 20. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Scott and Kristen of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Powell on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. W. Kerry in the loss of her Aunt Mrs. Frank Gregg of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and children were dinner guests on at Markham. Dr. Causland was the Speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Jen- nifer of Toronto and Mr. Oscar Tindall of Uxbridge were Sun- | day dinner guests at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foote and Harold of Uxbridge were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Card. Mrs, Erma Raymer of Prince Albert visited Mrs. H. Stough- ton and family on Friday. A number of young people and a few older ones still young in spirit met at the school to | present Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powell with a chair and lamp Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Simpson of Uxbridge. --X-- Obituaries MRS. ANNIE COLLINS The death of Mrs. Annie Col- lins occurred, after a short ill- ness, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, Dec. 8. Mrs. Collins, was in her 92nd year and had lived in Port Perry all of her life. She was the former Annie Fielding and a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Field- ing. Mrs. Collins was a mem- and to wish them all happiness | ber of Prince -Albert United - in their future life. Mr. Grant MacCannell of Markham and Mrs. MacCannell Sr. of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs, Mervin MacCannell re- cently. Little Tommy Armstrong who has been a very sick boy seems now to be well on the road to recovery. . : Winners at the last Commun- | ity Euchre were for ladies. Mrs. Dora Watson, Mrs. Hazel Me- Culloch, Mrs. I. Catherwood; for the Gents: Carson Watson, Chas. Clark and Orval Watson. ' Next Party Friday, 13 Dec. | Mr, and Mrs, David Prentice visited with their daughter in! Orillia on Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling vi- sited her father Mr. J. Ryall of | Little Britain on Sunday after- noon. Dr. Pat Asling and Mr. Jas.' Clark visited friends in Niagara Falls on Sunday. a Wayne Kerry of Campbell- ford and Ross Bailey are spend- ing a few days in Halifax, Miss Darlene Christie was 'home from Bradford for the week-end. | | Church. She is survived by a son, Lloyd and was predeceased by a son, Clarence. Funeral Service was from the McDermott - Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 2 pm. Rev. E. S. Linstead conducted the service. Inter- ment was in Pine Grove Ceme- tery, Prince Albert. 6 Je, 26 Je Fe) He, Port Perry United CHURCH CHOIR Presents Songs OF Christmas Sat., Dec. 14th || . At 8.15 p.m. In The United Church Auditorium, Port Perry Admission: Adults 75¢, Children 26¢ CAWKER BROS. BURN'S DAISY Sliced Bacon - I's .... 49'" Tender Wing Steak .... 79'" Boneless Pot Roast Beef . 45°" FREE Town DELIVERY Every Morning Until 11 O'Clock. BIL L'S RADIATOR REPAIR (1% Miles North of Manchester) PLUGGED. UP RADIATORS BOILED OUT and REPAIRED "THEY WORK LIKE NEW" and DELIVERY Oct. 10 FREE PICK UP '__.: Phone 985-7531