HP a i m-- aa Be aa LL 2--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, DEC. 12th, 1968 Port Perry Council News Minutes of a Regular Meet- ing of Council of the Village of | Port Perry held in the Muniei- | pal Office on Wednesday, Nov. | 27, 1963 at 7.30 p.m. ! PRESENT---Reeve J. J. Gib- son in the Chair; Deputy-Reeve ! Robt. A. Kenny; Parkinson, Bruce John Orde. MOTION -- Moved by R. Al Beare and, Councillors I. lice: power to prosecute the owners of dogs contravening any of the provisions of such by-laws. MEMO---Financial Statement for nomination, Dec. 2, 1963, | 7.30 to 8.30 pm. Council checked over the Financial! ' Statement for nomination. LETTER from the Ontario! Kenny, seconded by Ivan Par-| Good Roads Association dated | kinson, that the Minutes of the | Nov. 18, 1963 with request for | ] Regular Meeting of November | resolutions and proposal of 13 and the Special Meeting of | names for recognition of long | Nov. 20, 1963 be adopted as|scrvice in the cause of Good - ter with Mr. "such By-Laws, typed. Carried. REPORT on New Fire Hall Councillor Bruce Beare, Chair- that the footings are in and | that further construction of the; new Fire Hlal will depend. on weather conditions. RECREATION Committee-- The Clerk was instructed to 'phone the different recreation organizations which were rep- resented at the last senor} meeting to see if they are in- | terested in a Municipal Recrea- | | i i tion Committee in order to ob- tain any . grants available for | '\ recreation. ZONING By-Law or Official Plan--Council felt that a re- | quest for a zoning by-law or | official plan should come from the Port Perry Planning Board! so this matter was held over | for the time being. CONTROL at Water Tank-- The Bell Telephone rental for a control is $2.50 per month plus a service charge to install it in the amount of $10.00. --To be filed until reports are received from Telcons Controls Ltd. and Metering and Control. PASSING ACCOUNTS-- Moved by Bruce Beare, second- ed by John Orde. That the fol- | lowing Statement of Accounts be hereby authorized for pay- ment: Gen. Dept. .................. $ 309. 44 Welfare Dept. ......... 90.00 | Property & Parks...... 236.08. Street Maint. ............ 283.08 ; ~--Truck & Tractor-.........-- 5.29 Waterworks ...... ect sihs 36.14 Water, O.W.R.C......... 1,945.20 | Carried $2,905.23 PASSING ACCOUNTS of (Athletic Field)--Moved by I. W. Parkinson, seconded by R. A. Kenny, That the Following Statement of Accounts for the | Port Perry Athletic Field be authorized for payment: $ 430.72 829.00 Carried $1,259.72 LETTER from R. A. Peel dated Nov. 19, 1963 _re garbage collection at the Peel Poultry Farm Ltd. It was left with the Reeve to discuss this mat- Ron Peel. - MEMO -- Public Notice re dogs, Midland, Ont. "Council has instructed our Dog Control Officer, Mr. Ger- ald Hamelin, to enforce the pro- visions of By-Laws: Nos, 2491 and 2570 and the Chief of Po- lice is empowered to prosecute the owners of dogs contrayven- ing any of the. provisions of The running at large of dogs man of the 'Fire Dept. reported | Gibson be sent in. | | "monthly meetings. within the limits of the Corp. ! oration is times: This also includes dogs! from other' Municipalities." | WM. A. HACK, Clerk & Treasurer, Midland, Ont. ~The Clerk was instructed to check the Village dog by-law and if 'ho provision 'has been made, to prepare an amending by-law giving the Chief of Po- prohibited at al) i Whitby, Ontario' on i Roads. --It was resolved by Council that the name of Reeve J. J. MEMO--Chief R. J. Cameron requests a barricade as a pro- tection against runaway cars | from his neighbour's driveway. --Council decided to take no . action since it was felt that { this is not a Corporation mat- ter. | FINES for October $1,668. 00 ; | with Municipal Share $851.01. Filed. LETTER from Mr. F. S. Wot- | I ton, Co-Ordiantor for Public! Survival dated Nov. 19, 1963: | INTERIM. PAYMENT from ! the Department of Highways in, the amount of $5,012.87. Filed. | LETTER from T. Chambers, i Sec'y of Ontario Crime Confer- | ence dated Nov. 20, 1963: "At the last meeting of the; Ontario County Crime Confer- | ence a motion was passed in | which I was directed to request a contribution of $5.00 from all! member Departments to cover the cost of printing and circu- lation "of the Minutes of the The average cost is about reception held $5.00 per month, and as there] are twelve Departments parti- cipating this should provide suf- | ficient funds for a complete) year of operation." --The Clerk was instruc Sh ay at) Junior Hockey LETTER from' Byron Jack: League Standing son of Canada Ltd, dated Nov.. 26, 1963 re pump at Well No. 2. --It was resolved by Counciks=--- that a copy of the letter from Byron Jackson re pump at Well . No. 2 be sent to the O.W.R.C., Grace United Flewell. Standings - as of Midnight December 8th, 1963 GP WL TP rand that their opinion in the Aurora ...... 9 8 1 016 matter be requested at their x Lindsay ........ 8 5 3 014; earliest convenience. ~~! Can.-Sutton ... 8 6 2 0 12 REPORTS of COMMITTEES: YUxbridge ..... wits Wilh fh . i Newmarket ...... 9 4 5 0 8 Deputy-Reeve R. A. Kenny . | Stouffville ........ 9-4 5 0 8 recommended that Wm, Tripp: : be contacted re plowing of snow ! Port Porty wun 71.68.02 i z Orangeville ...... 8 0 8 0 0 for the Winter of 1963-64. The recommendation of the Road Chairman was: confirmed by Council that Tripp Construc- | tion be given the job again this year, provided the work will be | done at the same price as last four point games. year. Games Last Week * Councillor Ivan Parkins re- | 'Stouffville--5, P. Perry--2 ported on policing for hockey Aurora--4, Orangeville--3 games at the Arena. | Uxbridge--6, Stouffville--5 This matter was discussed Newmarket--4, Can.-Su.--2 and then held over for furthér Lindsay--9, Orangeville--2 information. pk Lindsay--8, Aurora--4 ADJOURN--On Motion Coun. Newmarket---7, Uxbridge--1 cil adjourned until Wednostn il! Can.-Sut.----b, Port Perry--2 December 4th, 1963 at 7.00 pm. | Scoring Leaders x. Have played two four point games. y 'Have played one four point gam. z Have played three Carried, a} Ti Hf GAP TERT n D. St. John, Ux. ....... 11 9 20 : D aths ; R. Pugh, Aurora ....... 513 18 ea LID R. Joesephson, C.-S.... 6 10 16 ral I'D. MacLeish, C.-S. ... 8 7 15 FITZE, Lewis At; Wilson, Aurora ..... 9 5 14 26th, 1968, Lewis Joht, PFitze, yg Joiinos Ux: 8 614 of Blackstock, beloved husband | Fi: of Ellen Ney, in his 85th year. Goaltenders' Records Funeral from McDermott-Pana- baker Chapel, Port Perry on! IH. Guomaliers, Aur, 9 28 3.11 Thursday, Interment Nestletor: | T. Couchlin, C.-8S. ..8 26 3.25 Cemetery. Ww. Aackett, Lindsay 8 27 3. 38' f NOV. 'D. Cotey, 'Aurora ...... 8 6 14 i Gp GA AV. 1 Wed In Grace United Church Scugog Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pearson cutting their wedding cake at the in the church parlours, after their marriage in Church, Scugog Island. The bride, Margaret Isobel, is the daughter of Mr. Gordon Flewell, and the late Mrs. USE The CLASSIFIED SECTION of The PORT PERRY STAR - = Savin 3 y I ww 3 Casi As the holiday season approaches, adverse weather conditions sometimes place a maximum burden on our staff to maintain our high level "of service'to our customers, Cs To avoid serious congestion diring this peak sales period, we respectfully suggest that our 'customers purchase their requirements, as early as possible. L-_y Ly Eu RE, ie > TES BREWERS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY LIMITED | OPERATING : Brewers' Retail Stores i > -_p Le -l E> --- - pr 1 bls tL