LN | HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - On Sunday morning the an- their co-operation during his BLACKSTOCK NEWS DOLL DRAW nual White Gift service was held enforced holiday he said, he | a and in the evening the C.G.I.T. was quite aware that the min- by Mrs. 0. Hil { Marlow, Mrs, Gladys "Suggin, Saturdey; Deg. Lith. \ and Explorer groups conducted | ister having the mumps was a| Your correspondent would Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart 1st Prize $o0.00--- . ( ) JB. a Candlelight service which was | bit of a laugh, however he did like to take this opportunity to, Leask and family, Toronto, Mr. Marlyn Fralick, Scugog id interesting and instruct- | appreciate the many kind en- wish the Staff of Port Perry' and Mrs. Jim Marlow and Anne. | 2nd Prize $256.00-- ~The girls and their lead-| quiries and good wishes that Star also all who read this col- Mr. and M Sam Masters, Manchester umn. A very Pleas ist- ' rs. Neil Malcolm | 3rd Prize $15.00-- ers, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. McKean | came his way. He also noted n. very Pleasant Christ | and Tamils. were Sunday Zuedl and Mrs. Fred Phoenix deserve that when one became a man |™Mas and Happy New Year. of Mr > Mrs Hod al TT much credit for putting on this | it was wise to heed the Apostle Services in both churches, ' hy fi wy) Yelert or very fine service. | Paul's advice and put away | Sunday carried out the theme } amily, Teferion. Area H.S. Board YY Next Sunday evening the childish things, including the| of leading up to Christmas. In| Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson ui Young People will present their mumps. ' the United Church, the choir and Miss Maryllis, Don Mills; i pageant "No Room in the Inn". | At the card party Friday | Sang an anthem--"Mary had a| Mr. Roy Ferguson; Mr. and Mrs. Name Secretary | Mr. Jas, Ianson is still con-! night Mrs. Geo. Love had the| Baby". Rev. Romeril spoke on| Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol | 3 fined to Port Perry Hospital. | high score for the ladies and| 'The example of the Wise men." | were supper guests of Mrs. Wm. Gilfillan"has been ap- a He was at home for a few days! Nancy Gibson won the conso-| Next Sunday as well as the Cecil Hill. | pointed secretary of the Ux- 3 but was forced to, return for| lation prize. Ross Cookman | Service at 10 a.m. There will be | bridge Secondary School and ga further X-rays. We trust he. was the high gent and Robt.|a Carol Service presented by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar-| j]] commence his duties the al Ah will soon be feeling better. Baird the low, the door prize the different. organizations of low went to Lively Sunday to beginning of January. He Pleased to report that Mr. went to Mrs. Empringham and the Church at 7:30 p.m. to spend two or three weeks with takes over from Mr. Norman Archie Empringham has been. Keith Phoenix was the retainer| which all the circuit are in-| their son, Dr. Jack and Mrs. Alexander who has been sec- released from hospital and is! of the travelling lone hand |vited. Marlow and family. Their many | retary of first the Uxbridge improving every day at his! | prize. Next party, Dec. 20th In St. John's Church Sunday | friends in this community are| School Board and then the home. | with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baird | morning, Canon Ashmore spoke | Pleased to know Mrs. Dr. Mar-| Area High School Board for | 3 The funeral of the late Mrs.| and Mr. and Mrs. John Cook in| "The Coming of the Light to|low is improving. the past 28 years. : Dr. Leslie Phoenix (nee Mae charge, the World". Next Sunday there Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ford, Jr. Mr. Gilfillan is well quali- Petty) took place on Monday! Mr. Don and Mr. Archie Kent | will be Service at the regular |, . Roberta of Toronto visited fied for his new position afternoon from the funeral par-| of Toronto, also Mrs. Crowhurst | hour, 11 a.m. and also a Child- | pj.c Robt. Ford, Sr. on Sunday. | having been a member of the Jour in Port Perry with inter-| of Barrie were recent guests at ren's Carol Service at 7 p.m.| pro perpiman of Columbus! School board for the past ment at Greenbank Gomatery, | the Kent home. Then on Wednesday, Dec. 25 at spent the week-end with Mr. | twelve years. He served a The sympathy of friends here | Mrs. H. McMillan has been | 10 a.m. the Sacrament of Holy and Mrs. "Lorne Hoskin. two year term as chairman y Roo goes out to the son and daugh- under the weather with a dose | Communion will be celebrated | about six years ago and has ' ter and other relatives, of flu. during a Christmas Service. Glad to report Mrs. Edna always been keenly interest- Mr. and Mrs. Almer Rennie, Members of the congregation Sunday guests at the Rectory | McLaughlin was able to return ed in matters of education. GREENBANK NEWS of Sunderland accompanied by Miss Jean Phoenix attended the funeral at London on Saturday are pleased to receive the gift of a Hymnary for pulpit use, donated by Rev. Stanley McMil- were the Canon's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McLean and Mrs. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., DEC. 19th, 1963--13 Ashmore's brother and niece, home from the hospital last | week. of a son-in-law of Mr. Ed.|lan of Hamilton, in loving tri-| Mr. Charles Dubbin and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Noel voor, Cyide Mothers { Phoenix. bute to the memory of Mr. and | gaily, all of Peterboro. and boys, Oshawa were Sunday | LF Mrs. Evelyn Tait and Miss| Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan. On Wednesday evening, Dec. | supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Connie at thie spent the| Some of the ladies of the|1ith, The Donlands Dairy Milk 10¥¢ Wright and family. Christmas Party : week-end at their homes in the| .ommuhity have been giving the | Shippers, from thls area were| Miss Edith Murhpy, Tyrone | village. hall pantry a face-lifting with {the guests of The Wallace Mar- | visited the Roy MecLaughlin's| The December meeting of the f While visiting at the home of a fresh coat of paint, donated | low Co., about 70 people sation Sunday. Guide Mothers was held at the her niece Mrs. Geo. + Beare and | pv our merchant, Mr, Harry | down to a delightful roast beef Scout Hall in the form of a S other Greenbank friends, Mrs.| phoenix. The donation -of a|dinner served by the O.N.O.| Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin | Christmas Party with the Scout RIE «i Barbara Grainger was taken | ow electric stove is also much Club. called on the Walter Murphy's | Mothers as guests. i - suddenly ill and 13 now in Port| ,hreciated. One of the Toad table guests |in Tyron Sunday evening. After a few words of welcome ; Perry Hospital under; observa-! mg E, Tait spent the week-| was Mr. Dunlop, Field Repres- | from the President each lady ; tion. Best wishes for a speedy ond at her home in the village.| entative of the Poprrtment of | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer.| designed her own hat which put i rplovery While her car is being repaired | Agriculture, Dairy Dept. Don-|Lickering, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.| everyone in a party mood with gi We understand that Mr. and | Evelyn is boarding at Myrtle| ands Dairy was represented Rutherford and Allan, Oshawa| Mrs. Howard winning the prize. 3 0 le Mrs. W. Southern and family| wpere she teaches school. by Mr. Bee and Mr. Perrie,| Were Sunday supper guests of | i Rn have moved nis their mew} nr. Cliff Rodd and children who conducted a short business| MIS. Alma Fowler and Mrs.| = er ee Be oe home in the village. Welcome t $ Fowler went home with the |Singing familiar Christmas car ook in the Santa Claus parade | meeting followed by a question : : pi to Greenbank. i derland last Saturda Rutherfords to stay until after ols everyone went downstairs 2 The S. S. Christmas Tree and at Sunderien Sr y. {and answer period. | Christine for a pot luck supper where the ' Concert will be held on Mon- Mr ond Mps, Keith Poke. of A very entertaining film was tables were attractively decor- 3; day evening, Dec. 23. {URE oe ha ay with Mrs. | shown galled "The New Story ated and laden with delicious { Holiday greetings to all our; er of Milk", this depicted the pro- food and favours for everyone. UR readers. | gress of the Milk Industry, and S RB A gift exchange followed * % * | If you are in Need of showed the modern methods of ania eturns with everyone sitting around (Too late for last week) win JOB PRINTING Milk production, transportation , . the fireplace and tree. All were pleased to have our | Call and packaging. (Continued from page 1) minister back in the pulpit. In| PORT PERRY STAR Mrs. A. Hudson and Mrs. G.| Son, Reesor Fuel & Lumber, : thanking the congregation for! ~~ PHONE: 985-7383 Galbraith, Toronto visited Miss{ Jessie's Beauty Salon, Lake Obituaries «A Eu a Ethel Thompson Tuesday. Seagen ue Co., Master Rl 4 "Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow | Feeds, Scugog Cleaners, Jes- fi C A Ww K E R B R 0 S moved to their new home in| Sie's Smoke Shop, Chas. Popert, WILLIAM HENRY SYMES '- . 'Brooklin on Friday. Blackstock Forder Bros., Eleanor's Flowers William Henry Symes of Port 2 : ; people are realizing the great Carl's Barber Shop, Bank of| Perry, following a heart illness, - Ear TL N-- areas a¢ [||| loss of this fine couple, but Commerce, Crest Hardware, Le-| died in Scarborough General Sliced Bacon --- 1 S we 63 know that our loss is Brooklin's | Vinson Dry Goods, Canadian 'Hospital on Tuesday, December a 5 si; CR gain. _ All wish the Marlows a| Tire Corp., Hank's Bakery, Eli-| 10th, 1963. . . ¢ very pleasant life in their new] zabeth Shop, Emmerson Insur-| Born in Uxbridge Township Wing Steaks TT by L {ll} home - and surroundings.- ance, I._R. Bentley, Bill Car-|in 1884, he had been a life-long - - : oz: : The Council, Clerk, Rd. Supt. negie, Kay Van's, Mary Lou's,| president of this area other than , : Te 1b and their wives attended the|fnoebe Beauty Salon, H.|a short time spent in Froud, Boneless Pot Roast Beef . 45 Warden's Banquet at Cobourg, Toombs Insurance, Port Perry | Saskatchewan. His parents : 2 Friday evening. Star, Sweetman Taxi, Flamingo | were the late Joseph Symes and q : FREE Town DELIVERY Every Morning Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, | [oSitrmny, A: Wh bawience, Margaret Pilkey, of Uxbridge. A ' Elizabeth, Bill and Susan, Miss |: ©© Hardware, Mersco Store,| He was a retired farmer and Until 11 O'Clock. Ethel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.| Roval Bank of Canada, Hope's| was a member of the United Donald Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. | 'G-A. Beare Motors, Brignal| Church. EE -- Lorne Thompson were Sunday Taxi, Medical Centre, Dr. R, His wife, the former Marie ll ng dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sab, ao Ponape Millar who he married in 1912 UXBRIDGE ROXY UXBRIDGE Harvey Thompson and family, | po WORWORD 7 vo es predeceased him in August, © PH. 852: 3661 ! PH. 852-3661. pik Mri. Bill. Cox.-B Barber Shop, Ted Jackson Ap- manvillo, Mr, and Mrs Allan | PHanCes. Savvivee an. Thy Se THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DEC, 19, 20, a 'Rahm and 'family, Port Perry Decorating of Santa's Head- Jain Lp au Remy David | Kirk Douglas in were recent guests of Mr. and| quarters was done by the fol- ra a Ying for, es, "Lo 1] A Th B Mrs. Orr Venning. ; lowing members of the Chamber Innes, Mrs. Mildred Hodgkin a ne Y r e e | § ave" "Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duns- a. Beth es aay and Mrs. Margaret Graham. Ul 5 moor, Brian and Ruth toured |s0u Lowcock, Mrs. eanor ' Also Saryrday Matinee--~'COUNTRY MUSIC HOLIDAY' Casa Loma Sunday afternoon| Woods, Kay Vandemark, and| Service was held at the Me- Cartoons and were supper guests of Mr. Moasrd, jv Bower, Ted Grif-| Guire & Low Funeral Home on . 2 , Tor | fen, G. cDermott, Howard | Thursday, December 12, with THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DEC. 26, 27, 28 (and Mrs. Bev. Doaly, WOTOMS. prof oy i Corth Wataon (The) the Rev. E. S. Linstead officl. 'Walt Disney's "PARENT TRAP" ome 46 spend the winter with Ladies did most of it). ating. Interment was in Ux- NOTE NEW TIMES her sister, Mrs.. L. Mountjoy, Assisting each Saturday with bridge cumatery. id 8 Thurs. and Sat. at 8:00 p.m. Fri. Continuous My and Mis: Ryan Thompson the children visiting Santa,| Pallbearers were nephews, Sat. Mat. at 2:00 pan and family he elr Christmas | were members of the Port Perry | Gordon Symes, Charlie Symes, From 7: p.m. a ' ih gathering Saturday. Guests in-| Figure Skating Club and the| Ralph Norton, Kenneth Norton, | cluded Mr. and Mrs, Wallace| Port Perry Boy Scouts. John Symes and Norton Symes.