Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Jan 1964, p. 13

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peat a BR Lot 4 2a DY 2 ELT ae Binh RE TE I 44 AP at gh AN RES Fa LS We, EW A oR o LBL) Ra * $0 Ws J ge ts 0 a de BLA A ber RY Fd ' and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., JAN. 9th, 1964--18 hf SCUGOG NEWS Miss Nancy Crozier spent the week-end with Miss Grace Pogue. Mr. and Mrs, S. Chandler and Mr. and Msr. B. McDougall of Oshawa recent guests of Mr. & Mrs, R. Chandler. Miss Elizabeth Sporer of Ha- milton visited a few days last week with Miss Gloria Fralick. Gloria spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Fralick. Mr. C. James and Leland spent the holidays with friends in Toronto. Mr: and Mrs. J, Haldstock of Bowmanville Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckett. Mr. Garnet Cochrane of Pros- pect a holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. K, Crozier. Mr. and Mrs. R. Green of Oshawa, New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bell and children of Port Perry, Sunday guests with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Percy Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson and Mary, Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Walker, Markham. Mr, and Mrs. Hope, Sr. of Epsom, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope recently. Mr, and Mrs. A. Carter and Mr, and Mrs. Glen DeMara holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldred. Dr. Palacious and Mrs. Pala- cious and three children have returned home after a month's vacation in Spain, with his par- ents. Mr.. Gordon Flewell and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Pearson of Ux- bridge, Sunday guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Kinsmann. Mr. and Mrs. T. Manns recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope of Manchester. So glad to be able to report Miss Penny Prentice is home from hospital and feeling fine. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Crozier were Mr. and Mrs. | ~ M. Fralick and family and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Crozier and fa-, mily and Mr .and Mrs. Clyde Platten of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. V. Aldred and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweetman at- tended a banquet in Oshawa on Wednesday night in honor of our County Engineer. land Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pogue. Mr. Cecil Fralick spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick. Pleased to report Mrs. C. Fralick is home from Oshawa hospital, Keep coming Inah. Mr. Gordon Lewis is vacation- ing in Florida this week. Miss Connie Mawhinney of Ajax, a guest of Mrs. C. Aldred for a week. The Cherrie family gathered at the Church Parlers for New Year's, the guests included: Mr. and Mrs. G. Cherrie, Mr. and Mrs, A. Sharrard, Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward, John, Elmer and lady friend, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eggig- ton, Bobby, Penny of Oshawa, Miss Gladys Chadwick and Mr. Allan Chadwick of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins, Kevin and Heather of Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harding, and Paul of Willowdale recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. A gay time was had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, New Year's Eve, a party. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara and Dr. D. Christie, Mrs. Christie and family, New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Demara, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Valentine and Ginny of Montreal, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweetman, Mrs. Tetlow spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Heayn in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kreig and daughter, guests with her peo- ple in Oshawa, the Browns- bergers. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Ballingall, Mr. and Mrs. D. Butt and Mr. David Baird of Toronto recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Eden. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kane of Toronto recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Kane. __ Miss Dorita' Trew of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter, Janis, Ann, Gary re- turned to Oshawa with her for a few days holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark and Mr. Ray Penninell of Osh- awa guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Demara. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Simmons Carter and family recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holt- by of Prospect. Mr, and Mrs. W. Walker, Lynne, and John of Toronto, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker. The children were here for the week. New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas were Mr. and Mrs, R. Thomas of Blackwater, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas and Jackie of Sonya, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lee and Beatrice and Mr. and Mrs. M, Lee and children of Greenbank, Mr, and Mrs, Allan Ball, Sandford, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee and Mark of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerry and Grant, Mr, and Mrs. R. Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thonias and children of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. G. Marks, Brian and Bill of Stratford and Mrs. W. Marks of Port Perry recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mec- Laren, Our music teacher, Mrs. San- derson and the teachers of the Island are to be congratulated on the nice concert they pre- pared with the children of the public schools. Sunday the 12th Communion Service at Grace. Trust we will see you at the service at 10 a.m. Prince Albert News Our minister Rev. E. S. Lin- stead delivered an appropriate New Year message. The junior bridge, and Mr. Frenchman's Bay. Mrs. Violet Skerratt and her D. O'Brien, choir of girls rendered their en- | sons Kenneth and Larry and joyable anthem accompanied by | their friends, | Christmas Day with Mr. and organist Mrs. B. Snelgrove, Denny Martyn and Grant Beacock gathered the offering. The large attractive basket of flowers was placed in memory from the funeral of the late Mrs. Ferris. At this time we all extend sincere sympathy to Mr. Ferris in his loss. At S. S. Supt, Mr. E, Martyn voiced graduation day will be held in the very near future. Mr. R. Butson offered prayer. Mr. T. Hodgins orally related a very fascinating missionary article. Birthday pins to Mrs. Olsen, Ken Skinner and Mary- anne Popowich. Just prior to Christmas holi- days at the Consolidated No. 1 School a Carol Singing program was arranged by music super- visor Mrs. Sandison, principle Mr. Becker, rest of the staff and pupils. The mothers present were delighted to attend for which Mrs. C. Love sincerely voiced a thank-you, for the lively yuletide program anda special note of appreciation to those who made this relaxing half hour possible. Saturday evening Mr, and Mrs. E. Martyn generously en- tertained a group of close neighbors who all had a happy time. We are sorry to learn Mrs. E, McKerihan suffered a fractured wrist. Mrs. T. Sager and Mr. Bert MacGregor and Mrs, R. Hope are hospitalized. To all we wish a speedy recovery. New Year dinner guests of Utica, enjoyed Mrs. F. Olsen and children. W.0.S.A.S. Lenore Posthill, Halifax, arrived at Malton by jet on New Year's Eve for a three day leave which surprised her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Posthill and the rest of the fa- mily. O.S.E.M. Larry Brown of Halifax is also with his rela- tives enjoying a holiday fur- lough. It is pleasant to see these two young people in our village again, Mr. and Mrs. I. Doyle and fa- mily have arrived home from a wonderful trip to Vancouver Island where they enjoyed the long holiday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen and family joined the Pickard clan when all assembled and enjoy- ed food in Utica Hall for New Year's day. New Year gathering of twen- ty met at the-home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middletons included Reginald of Malton; Roberts of Oshawa; Kenneth and Ronald of our village. The family also celebrated the grandfather's birthday on that day. Holiday dinner company with Mr. and Mrs. B. Fear were Mrs. Rose Somerville; Miss Bertha Fear, Toronto, and Mr. Arthur Baldwin, Port Perry. Raglan. - Mrs. C. Luke served a holi- day dinner for her son Mr, and Mrs. M. Luke and boys, Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bond, Tor- onto, Miss E. McKerihan, Mrs. Stanton and Mr. A, Bond. Guide Leaders Hold Meeting In Port Perry A meeting of Scugog Division Council for Guides and Brown- ies was held in the Scout Hall, Port Perry on Jan. 2, 1964. Included in the division are the districts of Uxbridge, Clare- mont, Cannington, Sunderland, Port Perry, Scugog and Raglan, Appointed division command- er was Mrs. Ruby Roach, Port Perry, replacing Mrs. Marion Carter, division camp adviser Mrs. Dorothy Nelson, Port Perry. Mrs. Rena Webster was ap- pointed district 'commissioner for Port Perry, Scugog and Other district com- missioners are Mrs. Dorothy Simpson, Uxbridge, Mrs. Frank Hayward, Claremont, Mrs, Mac- Intyre, Cannington, Sunderland. Next meeting of the Division will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Simpson, Uxbridge on Feb. 10th. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Farndale of Edmonton Alberta spent" Christmas holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gerrow. CAWKER BROS. Recent holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B., Smith were Mr. 'and Mrs, MacKaye, Ux : , . G. Hunt d EN Mr. and Mrs, B. Pogue and| and children of Bracebridge and ND 1 the a rn se) Eric of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman of fathers Mr. A. Robertson, Mr. oh Glen Hood, Miss Pia Elgaard,| Port Perry guests with Mr. and Paki vn Ne » ¢ i ' ; A. Hunter, Mr. H. McCartney, en 1Ce dacon SIR Mr. Rie 'Cabett and Mr. Dave Mrs. T. Eden. Mr and Mrs. L. Hunter, Mr. & ® oo eo oo oo fo : Smith of Toronto recent guests| Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter Mrs. W. Webb of Haliburton, , Mr. Chas. Willis, Greenbank and Boneless Pot Roast Cl 45 ess : J Ann Croxall, Manchester, aT hy a . ra SER snRRRRRRRIRRRRNRnRgR: s Holiday company with Mr. & wy= : ¢ 1b oy 2 2| Mrs. F. Gibson were Mr. and Wing Steaks Cee 15 HR 0° © Belione Hearing Service {| du re Ses | i $3 i i . SIRE ; : Wriend Mes og dln FREE Town DELIVERY Every Morning os # A N NOUNCES | Mr. and Mrs. M, Howsam, Port ~~ Until 11 O'Clock. Rh 5 by $8 | Perry; and Mr. And Mrs. Ken- - Rh p 8 i : o 2s | nedy, Leaskdale. ; : SAR po 4 Special 1 Day Hearing i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen and Bryon I hho 8 : ' 2 | family enjoyed a dinner with 3 GE 5 : $8! other visitors at Mr, and Mrs. TRAINING IN ST.JOHN AMBULANCE is ; Ps 3 Consultation gs Art Olsens, Scarboro. HOME NURSING oh 32 oS i $2! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson Fa 3 at EMMERSON MOTEL, Port Perry | joined his sister Mr. and Mrs. (BY A REGISTERED NURSE) ab 2 | Milton Howsam and other rela- WILL BE GIVEN IN PORT PERRY Ho ' 3 JANU ARY 10th 1964 % | tives for New Year's dinner. C " : Fos 3 i : ] $1 Mr. and Wye, Sas, Doupe met | §8 ommencing February, 1964 | oe ; 11:00:2.m. to 5:00- pn, | 57 her sister Mr. and Mrs (Date, time and place to be advised). ; i i; ai ; | Saunders, Healey Falls, for|® Thig class limited to 24 ladies (individual or B 3 : £5 Come in for FREE hearing evaluation test New Year's: : § group members). $2 " Mr. and Mrs. Gostick, Clare- ¢ Jidal . 3 SPECIAL. -- 1 Day ONLY mont, with thelr daughter Mr. & APDIy now to: Fis J. RUD Deputy Co-ordinator, x 3 E %| and Mrs, M. Pugh and family. |s¢" mergency Measures Organization TRY $2 TV. Attachment FRE A RICE ; Alan Murphy has returned |% Box 10, Airport, OSHAWA. ' ; ke g with relatives | § bin 8 ALL BATTERIES 10% OFF REGULAR P fos 4 Lotingy with relatives { Phones: Busin 725-1153, ex. 48 : A 3 "#| Mr. and Mrs, N. Wilson and [§ 723-1971. Wi 3 CONSULTANTS 2 | three boys were with her sister : Residence--852-3214 evenings (collect al i , 0. # Mr. Harold Nicholas Mr. Mervyn Howard ¥ ge my Sn. Rodd and ¢ if necessary). 5 ' ; § Note : This advertisement one insertion only. Please come in and get acquainted. Clip for reference. o> 3383 2. + . X . + 2

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