gentle Saviour" number "Have Faith in God". Hymn 503, "Pass me not oh brought this part of the meeting to a close. This service was conducted by the Past President, Mrs. R. Reynolds. The President for 1964, Mrs. Clifford Short, took the chair and thanked those who had as- sisted with the devotions, and also Mrs. Reynolds for sharing duties of her first meeting. The minutes of the December meet- ing were read and approved, then twenty-nine ladies paid their membership fees for the new year. There were five vis- itors, whom we were glad to welcome. On motion of Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. G. Stone we retained the Birthday Box, the money going to the Flower and Box Committee. Mrs. N. Hurst made. the first contribution to it. hand. Mrs. Eagleson reported about thirty calls, for the visit- ing Committee. She also gave the Corresponding Sec'y Report --9 letters written, 14 Sympa- thy Cards, Correspondence let- ters 103. The correspondence on hand was also read. The Supply Sec'y reported supplies sent out 440 lbs. of clothing, 8 large quilts, 8 crib quilts, 24 pr. of new overshoes, and 2 layettes sent to the Fred Victor Mission, 128 lbs. clothing, 7 large quilts and 1 layette sent to the Lindsay Supply Depot. Mrs. W. King reported for the Flower and Box Committee, 28 sick boxes, 22 Christmas Boxes, 31 Get Well Cards, and 2 children's gifts. On motion of Mrs. G. Wana- maker and Mrs. J. Tobin it was decided to serve lunch, at the congregational meeting on Jan. 20th. 10--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, JAN. 23rd, 1964 decided to continue with Bake, Recent dinner guests of My -gwaiting surgery. Some 'mem- : Sales during July and August. | and Mrs. H, Eagleson were Mr. | bers of the Pleasant Point and ¢ A committee was appointed} Howard Leask of Uxbridge, Mr. | Zion congregations were pre S 5 A G Rr A VY 5 N 5 WwW S to arrange for Spring Tea. Mrs. | Bill Smythe and Bill Tristram | sent. All wish for Mr. McNeil M. Bruce, Mrs. B. L. Wana-| of Scarboro; and Mr. Norman| a speedy and perfect recovery. . The January meeting of the) and the Board of Stewards. The maker, Mrs. R, Reynolds, Mrs. | Eagleson of Little Britain, Mr. Robert Thompson was Dat py. . Move no i W. Keen, Mrs. C. Tait, and Mrs. Rev. Cooper of Uxbridge, oc- U.C.W. convened in the S, S.| Treasurer, Mrs. B. L. Wana- ¢ i taken bv awboibnee to Port rw Cliff Short. cupied the pulpit in Seagrave | !aKen Dy 5 Room and was opened with the | maker, gave a very gratifying . . . : r i ". a The meeting closed with the | United Church on Sunday morn-| Perry Hospital on Saturday Theme Song Hymn No. 16, fol- | report: Receipts $1564.00, Ex-| ... oh . . ia a gl " 3 ; Mizpah Benediction. Refresh-|ing since Rev. E. McNeil is in| afternoon, where he is still very lowed by hymn No. 571 "Stand- | penditures $1340.36, leaving a ait d Port Perry Memorial Hospital| ill ing at the Portal of the open-| balance of $223.64. The books Men's were served, or Qty Vemor P ' ing Year". Mrs. R, Reynolds| had already been audited by O. led in prayer. Mrs. N. Hearst| J. Boe. read Psalm 90. The topic was| Mrs. Clifford Short reported based on the first four words | for the Layette Commitee: 2 . y of the Bible, "In the beginning | layettes to the Fred Victor God" and given by Mrs. Eagle-| Mission and 1 to Lindsay Sup- son. A recent letter from Mrs. | ply Depot. Lillian Dickson of Formosa was Mrs. Clements reported for read by Mrs. Clements, Mrs.| the Parsonage. A few minor W. Clark and Mrs. Chas. Short repairs had been made but sang as a duet a very beautiful | there was a good balance on 'i Report: of various commit- It was agreed the Layette tees for the past year were| Committee should get necessary « Mg given. Mrs. G. Wanamaker as| funds from the general fund. Sec'y reviewed the work, our 'Agreed to pay organist and Daffodil Tea, which was a new caretaker, also to still pay for venture, had proved very suc-lour Formosan Kindergarten cessful financially and socially. | Teacher. Five members had a perfect at- Plans were made for the DOES SH GAIN FERTILIZER STAY BALANCED tendance. Contributions had | World's Day of Prayer Service. . « _been made to the Hospital Aux-| Mrs. A. Bruce and Mrs. Eagle- THROUGHOUT HANDLING AND SPREADING? iliary, C Society, Care, I | Fo ys Sui, : Bary ANGER SonsLy B12,7 808 to Secure igpeakarns Ji owas Put it in a juice shaker --shake it all you want and you can prove to yourself that every granule of SHUR-GAIN Selected-Granulated Fertilizer stays nutritionally balanced all the time. Pre-mixed before granulation, SHUR-GAIN Selected-Granulated consists of granules each of which contain all the guaranteed plant food elements. The size and weight of the granules i is kept within a [¢ certain limits by careful screening. Separation of fertilizer ingredients cannot take place with SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer --during transportation, handling and spread- ing. With ordinary, blended or granular fertilizers smaller and "heavier particles will settle to the bottom, while the larger and lighter particles come to the surface. Shaking SHUR-GAIN in a juice shaker is one way of proving its \ ' quality but a better way is to make sure you apply SHUR-GAIN Selected-Granulated Fertilizer on your crops this spring --xour guarantee that every square inch covered will have exact o analysis you want. i 4 3) ; I ' : h | " EB | - consider this man: OF. : | : LJ a ~ For each map, and woman, 45 and over you i] | hire, the Federal Department of Labour will 4 pay you up to $75 a month--for up to 12 I months--under- «certain conditions. The © {0 EEN worker must have been unemployed 6 out | E of the last 9 months. All new jobs, or jobs A : a : x t i ~ which were vacated before September 1st, : ! fertilizer 1963, qualify. Call your nearest National 1h, : A Employment Office for full details. : Issued by. the authority of Be sure to discuss your spring Fertilizer program i The Hon. Allan J. MacEachen, Minister of Labour, Canada with your local SHUR-GAIN Fer tilizer dealer be wen / 41 AL Ll ni i £ dik hi SECIS i dala din his li