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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 2

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RE Sig a $e. LE, LTE ERFISETEND a ToL Poa AR ca TS RH samy SEES PEER EAS J [0 BF AY , '8 MASSA EE, . FRE Ao ES web Ns = SL 2--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, JAN, 30th, 1964 Sd HI AA SALAMA GLA LE ve FE ye BROOKLIN and DISTRICT (Too late for last week) By Mrs. R. Holman BROOKLIN -- Pastor L. R. Laird preached at both services Sunday, January 19th, at Mea- dowerest Baptist Church. = The theme of the 11.00 a.m. mess- age was, "Blessing God -- A Forgotten Art"; that for the 7.00 p.m. service, "What's Wrong with Laughing". An invitation is extended to all young married couples to attend the inaugural meeting of a new group for young couples. This meeting will take the form of an old-fashioned sleigh-ride on January 256th, at 7.45. The cost per couple--$1.00 (for expenses only). Pastor Laird will speak brif- fly on "Life -- Race or Rat- Race?" * x * Rev. George Mundy preached on the theme, "I Associate Only With the Very Best" Sun- day morning, January 19. The tent was taken from Luke 5: 29-31. The choir, under the leader- ship of Rowland McCord, sang the anthem "To Our Redeem- er's Glorious Name", - Tye. Friendship Unit Hears Report From Angola The Friendship Unit:met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Pilkey Mrs. E. Kay and her mittee led the study period and a letter was read by Mrs. Doidge from Dr. cribing the mission work in An- gola. Plans were made to sponsor a Community Shower for Helen Roberts to be held at the home of "Mrs. Lorne Crawford on January 24th. The A.B.C. Unit met at the home of Mrs. D. Hamer. Miss Harris, a resident of Fairview gave a reading, "How are You To-day ?" Lend-a-hand Unit met at the home of Mrs. Croxall. Plans were made for the coming year. The Reliable Unit met at the home of Mrs. R. Saunders fol- lowing the Week of Prayer service at the church. The ladies in charge of the evening were' Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Parrinder. Following the Week of Pray- er service the ladies of the Sunshine Unit retired to the Ladies Parlour for their busi- ness meeting. : Mrs. Merv. Bird opened her home to the members of the ¢ Faithful Workers Unit. The Leader, Mrs. H. Arksey, brought a message to the ladies at their first meeting of the New Year. Mrs. N. Alves led the wor- 'ship with the Chapter, The In- carnate God, from /the Word and the Way., | © 'Mrs. Gordon Hunter gave the mission study on the Churches in India. ! which J l} com- | Burgess, des- following the Prayer Service in| "thie Church. ---- Women Of Brooklin United Church Had A Year Of Progress In 1963 By Mrs. R. Holman BROOKLIN -- The annual meeting of the Brooklin United Church Women was held on the regular meeting night, January 13th. 3 Members of the Reliable Unit, Mrs. R. Saunders and Mrs. H. Dennis, presented the worship service which had a theme appropriate to the New Year. The new president, Mrs. N. Alves, chaired the business meeting at which the new bud-/ get for 1964 was presented by Mrs. A. Cook. The recording secretary, Mrs. | | Some of the highlights of ' these reports were given by the social convener -- smorgasbord, banquets, bazaar, teas, ete.-- and the community friendship and visiting conyener. There were 1601 calls made to sick, lonely and aged in hos- pitals, homes and institutions. The members of the committee also visited the Retarded Child- ren's School and the Ontario Hospital taking materials for crafts with them. Transporta- tion for relatives of those in hospital was also provided. A. Wilson,' reported a success- ful year for the U.C.W. There were 141 members recorded. bers of the special committees. | She also wished the new execu- ' took charge of the business Mrs.t K. Holliday, past-presi- from the Foster Parents Plan, | dent, expressed her thanks to' stating that the child, Chan all the members of the execu-. Wing Hung, a Chinese boy liv- tive and especially to the mem- (ing in Hong Kong, who had Mrs. S. Stuart, Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. H. Dennis, Mrs. H. Arksey, Mrs. R. Holman. * * * Korean Girl, 9 Adopted By Club By Mrs. R. Holman BROOKLIN--The first meet- ing of the New Year of the United Links Couples Club of Brooklin United Church took the form of an old-fashioned sleigh-ride. Following this gay event the members returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamer. The president, Don Duncan, meeting. Mrs. B. Lehman read a letter, "been supported by the club, no, longer needed assistance "and! The special conveners pre- | tive success in the coming year. that the group were now ol The executive for 1964 is as signed a nine year old Korean girl, Song Soon Hi. | sented many varied and inter-| esting programs throughout the year. Some of these pe | cluded the guest speaker Dr. Pryor; Andrew Goode, a Queen Scout who had attended the | World Jamboree, in Greece; | family party which was attend- | ed by the Youth Groups of te Church (The dedication to Mis- | sion Service was held during this meeting); special film' strips and tape-recordings. Mrs. A. I. MeBrien, treasurer | reported that the Women had raised $3672.03. The conveners of the special committees also presented many | very interesting reports, all of showed a great deal of work and progress. ) follows: | Past Fres Mrs. N. Alves 1st Vice-Pres. s. R. Thompson 2nd Vice Pres.--Mrs. R. Holman | Rec. Sec'y---Mrs. A. Wilson i Cor. Sec'y--Mrs. W. Routley Treas.--Mrs. A. I. McBrien Committee Conveners--Mrs. A. Donald Duncan Cook, Mrs. R. Hodson, Mrs. Vice-FPresidents--Mr. and Mrs. J. Batty, Mrs. A. Stocks, John Medland Mrs. J. Medland, Mrs. L. Secretaries--Mr. and Mrs. Arksey, Mrs. R. Milner, Ray Holman Mrs. R. Saunders, Mrs. J. Treasurers--Mr, and Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. L. Blight, George Moreau Mrs. R. Humphrey, Mrs. Nominating--Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter, Mrs. D. Roberts. Chas. Hamer; Unit Leaders--Mrs. D. Hamer, The 1964 executive is as fol- | lows: "Honorary President--Rev. and | : Presidents--Mnr. Mrs. George Mundy r. and Mrs. ! Bruce Lehman and Mrs. Bruce Hannam. Mr. and Mrs. | Free Skating Brooklin Arena By Mrs. R. Holman BROOKLIN-- The management of the Brooklin Memorial Arena has announced the following times for free skating for the school children of the area. Monday and Wednesday af- ternoons 4-5 p.m.--Dr. Ro-- bert Thornton--Meadow- crest. Tuesday and Thursday after- noons 4-6 p.m.--Sinclair, Myrtle, Spencer, Ashburn Brooklin Senior. This skating is not 'super- vised. Public skating is Wednesday and Saturday nights from 8- 10 p.m. These times are subject to change without notice, depend- ing upon attendance. ther information call Brooklin Arena--655-4571. IT'S NOT TOO LATE -- "HELP FIGHT TB the ANSWER YOUR CHRISTMAS SEAL LETTER For fur- Ontario County Junior Farmers Elect 1964 Executive - The Ontario Couty Junior Farmer Executive for 1954 are pictured following their banquet at Trinity Church on Saturday evening. Front row, left to right: Ann Dryden, Brooklin, 1964 secretary. treasurer; Neil 'Raines, Blackwater, 1964 President; Donna Johnson, Uxbridge, past president. . McMillan, Blackwater, 1964 vice-president; Blackwater, County director. N\ | Back row: Bruce Morley Davidson, "==Staff Photo

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