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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 9

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company with their friends of _ ida for a visit. _per. guests with Mr. and Mrs! enjoying life in Florida. Br LS TAO EE LIES [I a > 3.3 785 Be ' pile aed fy Her A tak LE By Don Hurst House league hockey over the past week showed that there was plenty of acton and excite- ment galore. There were eleven games in all, and one of these was a postponed affair--which made way for Minor Hockey Nite, On Monday Nite Hall's Royals skated off with a 3-1 victory over the Red's -- Car- nochan scored the only goal for the Rhinelander's, while Geer, Thompson and Marshall led the attack for the Royals. Wednes- day Nite's action saw Black- stock Pee Wee Villagers carry all the play until the last half when the Esponites started pressing the villagers. McLau- ghlin who was the star in this one scored two goals, and Wolfe, not the animal type either, tip- ped in the other. Vanderby, Ives and Fransen shot the Knight's into orbit and gave them a 3-3 draw. The Red's had everything on their hands, as a persistent band of Knights refuse to give up. Although the 6-3 score doesn't indicate the action that went on, McGill's Red's came out the winner, but that was all. A few breaks a- round the Red's net, could have altered the picture. Davy Bour- geois led the attack with two goals, B. McCartney, McGill and Gibson added the insurance tal- lies. Fransen potted in two goals, with Paul Heard picking one, and almost had another. Penalties played a big part in all three games. Well kids let's not open that door too often. Saturday morning's action, saw the little'r ones fall and scramble around. Parents real- ly take in these games and rightly so. : Reds and Blues played to a 1-1 tie. Doug Chris- tie scored for the Reds, while Campbell hit one for the Blues. | poRTPERRY HOUSE LEAGUE] The Green's scored a 4-0 tri- umph over the Yellows with Andy Litt scoring two goals, Olsen and Shaw helped in the shut-out bid. David May, Stephen Hillier and Wayne Dowson each scored a goal in leading their team- mates and club Ashbridge Fly- ers to a 3-0 win. The Camp- bell's Kings could not make any headway in this one. The three goal scorers also picked up a penalty each. In the other game, the Blackstock Bombers handed Irvines a 7-3 set-back. Steven Brain, Ronnie Evans and Don Phinney scored for the losers, Billy Jeffrey hopped in four goals and an assist whila leading his Bombers to victory. McCloughed added two, while Murray Carnigan picked the 1st goal, in the game. Lots of Ac- tion makes minor hockey excit- ing to watch. In Bantam Action Blackstock Villagers played to a 8-83 tie with Vernon's Red Devils. Don Gray scored two goals, and John McMaster added the other. With a- 3-0 lead, the Villagers were shook when Vernon's came roaring back, Larry Mark, Geo. Skerratt, Rick Beare tallied for the Red Devils. Pat Thompson picked up three assists. In the other bantam game the Mounties of the Mid Way shot down the Longhorns 7 to 1. Russ Stephens again shot in four goals to lead the attack. Car- negie, Wanamaker and Hall got pot luck too. Thompson was the lone goal scorer for the Long- horns. Dave Porter and Rick Pren- tice scored goals in this tight struggle between two evenly matched clubs. The Green goals were notched by Dale Beare & Brian Knight. Paul Hubbard picked up the lone penalty for hooking. Prince Albert News By Mrs. L. Beacock Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. M. Pugh opened their home for six tables of euchre in aid of the Cub and Scout Movement. Congratulations to Miss Mil- dred Martyn, student nurse who has successfully passed her junior examination at the Wel- lesly Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gillison in Bethesda are motoring to Flor- Mr. George Ferris trayelled by plane to Florida for a holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lake and baby were Friday evening sup- E. Martyn and Bruce. We wish the best of every- |! thing to Mr. and Mrs. B. Jeffs |} and son Robert who moved into their new home in Oshawa last Saturday. We are grateful to the Jeffs who. generously gave |" of their time and capable assis- tance in every department of the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb, of Haliburton visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Parry are Sorry to note Mr. I. Doyle is confined to Port Perry Mem- orial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dobson, of Port Perry were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Neunham and Gary. Company with 'Mr. and Mrs, N. Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson and family of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller of Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. N. Wil- son and Bruce, -also- Miss Nola Hunter and friend of Toronto. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Neunham were their daughters, Mrs. Mountenay and. baby, of Oshawa and Mrs. Davis -of Whitby. Hilltop Herald] By Jody Eade ] Last Friday's basketball games played against Uxbridge brought two vie- tories for Port 'Perry High. The junior boy's team had a final 'score of 29 to 27 in their favour. The senior boys lost their game only by a small margin with a final score of 29 to 22 for Uxbridge. The junior girls played a very good game and were suc- cessful in winning. Unfortun- ately the senior girls were not so successful and lost their game to Uxbridge. This week the games were played on Tuesday against the Brock District High School teams. Bowling News LADIES MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Feb. 10th League Standing-- Cocoa Puffs ............ 5 34 Muffets ................... 4 29 Sugar Pope ............ b 27 Alphabets ................ 5 26 Sugar Smacks ...... {i 23% Twinkles ................ 2 19 Grape Nuts ............ 0 19 Crispy Critters .... 2 16 Wheaties ................ 3 16 Trix eevee 2 1563 Cheerios ............... . 5 14 Shreddies ................ 2 13 High Triple-- Faye Dowson--683 High Single-- Elsie Pogue--305b Over 600 Triples-- Faye Dowson -- 688; Teresa Hall -- 630; Tina Vanderby-- 603; Marj. Burnett--600. Over 200 Singles-- Elsie Pogue--305; Bert Ma- son--270; Rita Underhay--266; Faye Dowson--285, 266; Clara Lown -- 255; Marj. Burnett-- 263; Tina Underhay--2283, 252; Anne Mulder -- 242; Marg. Sweetman--241; Linda Beadle --2389; Dorothy McLean--237; Beryl Bond--236; Norma Jake- man--231; Ethel Hutchinson-- 229; Elma Vernon--228; Leona 'Ptolemy -- 227; Alice Edgar-- 226; Teresa Hall -- 224, 225; Joan Scott--224; Yvonne Edgar --211; Jessie Goode--203, 210; Lil Moore--209; Grace Hastings --205. Honeydale W.I. The February meeting was held in the Anglican Parish Hall. Our President Mrs. N. Williams called the meeting to order. The ladies then sang the Institute Ode and repeated the Mary Stewart Collect. : The President welcomed the visitors and congratulated the members on such good attend- ance. Secretary Mrs. H. Honey read the minutes and new cor- respondence. The Treasurer's report was then read by the secretary. The members answered the roll call by naming one duty of a good Institute member. Standing conveners were read as follows: Mrs. Max. Bassant-- Fruit & Flowers Mrs. Geo. Bell-- Canadian Industries Mrs. P. M. Willis-- Historical Research Mrs. Geo. Barthau-- Federated News Mrs. N. Williams turned the meeting over to Mrs. Sam Caw- ker, Director of the public re- lations programme. The programme opened up with the singing of 0'Canada, followed by the Institute song. Mrs. Frank Gibson gave a touching recitation. Mrs. Sam Cawker led a panel with Mrs. Sam Naples, Mrs. G. Shunk, Mrs, O. Stone taking part in giving some interesting infor- mation about our Northern In- stitutes. Mrs. Frank Gibson entertain- 'ed the ladies with an excellent recitation. Mrs. G. Shunk and Mrs. O. Stone each gave a hum- orous "reading thus concluding the programme. A Northern buffet lunch was then served with such exciting food as sour dough bread and fish casseroles. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. FEB. 18th, 1964--9 Mail 2" Million Application Forms -- For New Licence To Ont. Drivers TORONTO, Jan. 27 -- Hon. Irwin Haskett, Ontario's Min- ister of Transport, stated in the Legislature recently that the mailing of all 2% million application forms for the new Ontario driver's licence, has now been completed. It is believed that this is the largest personal mailing ever undertaken in Ontario. Work- ing round the clock, Depart- mental staffers sent out 60,000 application forms a day for a period of almost eight weeks. Mr. Haskett emphasized that in a mailing operation of this magnitude it is inevitable that some motorists for various rea- sons will not have received their forms. Drivers who have not received their applications are urged to go to their nearest licence issuing office immedi- ately and complete a special form, or write direct to the Ontario Department of Trans- port, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Essential information required includes the number of |" 'he 1963 driver's licence; whe- |: ther it is an operator's or a chauffeur's licence; and the full name, address and birthdate. Motorists who have received their application forms should go to the near suing office without del sg that a new licene ay be issued, the Min- ister advised. For thé new driver's licence which will be valid for periods of up to three years, it was stressed that the new type of application form must be used --either one received through the mail or the special form available through local issuing offices. Deadline for obtaining new drivers' licences is February 28 and it is the responsibility of the individual driver to get his licence by that date, Mr. Has- kett stated. Passenger car and motor- cycle licence plates for 1964 have been on sale since Decem- ber 2 but have been purchased by only about 30 per cent of Ontario's motosists, said Mr. Haskett. Although the expiry date is February 28 and no ex- tension will be granted, over a million Ontario automobiles are still carrying 1963 plates, the and their driver's licence as soon as possible to avoid the inconvenience of last minute line-ups. Last year's plates for trucks, buses and traliers expire March 31 and no extension is contem- plated. Yearly plates for 1964 go on sale on March 2 and are valid until March 31, 1965, As the new system of quarterly li- censing introduced last year has won popular acceptance a- mong commercial operators and private trailers owners, it will be continued this year and plates for the first quarter will be available on March 25. Junior Hockey League Standing Standings as of Midnight February 8th, 1964 GP WL TP Aurora... 262056 144 xLindsay ............ 23 185 0 40 xUxbridge .......... 2513 111 31 Newmarket ...... 26 14 111 29 Stouffville ...... 26 13 10 3 29 Can. - Sut. ...... 256 10 11 4 24 Orangeville ...... 236 17 0 12 Port Perry ...... 261 232 4 x Includes two four point wins. Games Last Week Can.-Sut.--6 Newmarket--6 Uxbridge--10 Port Perry--b Aurora--39, Can.-Sut.--b Stouffville--8, P. Perry--2 Newmarket--8, Orangeville--3 Orangeville--8, Newmarket--6 Lindsay--®86, Stouffville--5 Aurora--6, Uxbridge--4 Scoring Leaders G A Pt R. Pugh, Aurora ........ 34 40 74 -D. St. John, Ux. ........ 86 80 66 W. O'Reilly, New. .... 36 80 65 D. MacLeish, C.-Sut... 35 24 59 B. McLean, Stouff.... 26 29 bb K. James, Uxbridge.. 33 17 50 P. Flannagan, Aurora 18 32 50 D. Cotey, Aurora ...... 24 23 47 K. Needler, New. ...... 20 23 43 B. Hunter, Orange..... 18 24 42 Cliffe Phillips, Convener, Belione Hearing Service ANNOUNCES Special 1 Day Hearing Consultation at EMMERSON MOTEL, Port Perry February 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 14th, 1964 Come in for FREE hearing evaluation test 1 Day ONLY TV Attachment FREE SPECIAL -- ALL BATTERIES 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE CONSULTANTS 3 Mr. Harold Nicholas Pléase come in and get. Seynainied: Mr. Mervyn Howard & Th eh dein SA ---------- . 554 \ Minister remarked. He re- minded motorists that they, should secure their '64 plates h DRIER & (<, ERR

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