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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 10

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ASE ARE AT TO or IRR 10--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, FEB. 13th, 1964 107 Homemaking Club Members Complete Achievement Day Proj. derson; Ashburn, Mrs. Eileen Sanderson and Mrs. G. Sherin; and Mrs. Grace Bielby; Brook- . lin North, Miss Helen Roberts | GREENBANK NEWS and |Mrs. Noreen Cooper; | Brooklin South, Mrs. Mary Mec- Cool and Mrs. Anne Hurst; Mt. Zion, Mrs. Jean Disney, home of Mr. and Mrs. George oo Beare last Friday evening. Our Minister gave us a Very nrymps and measels have fine temperance sermon on again broken out in the school Sunday morning, pointing uP |.nq are catching up with the ° | the fact that it is the first y,,nosters who escaped them drink that makes the alcoholic. during the last round. The "Word and the Way" | Mr. Milton Banks and Mr. study group met at the home | 44 Mrs. Alex Scholes, Toronto of Mr. and Mrs. M. McCaig on visited last week at the home By Eva Luke The morning activities con- sisted of judging skirts and materials as well as a quiz. Quaker Hill, Mrs. Violet Camp- These activities were designed bell and Mrs. Sophie Ulbrich; | in order to give the 4-H Home- Sandford, Mrs. Doris Smith and | making Club members a chance Keen interest was shown by the 4-H Homemaking club mem- | bers, parents, and Women's In- stitutes in Ontario County at the Achievement Day '"Work- ing with Wool". The program-| Mrs. A. Brown; Greenwood, | to display their knowledge gain-| Sunday evening. "of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask me took place at the Port Perry | Mrs, Patricia Kingstone and|ed while studying the project | All the ladies of the congreg-! Mrs Rathicon Hook is holi- High School on Saturday, Feb-| Mrs. Mildred McTaggart;| "Working with Wool". | ation are cordially invited to! gnying in Jamaien " ruary-first, This project was! Prince Albert, Mrs. Cathrine attend the World Day of Prayer| pnps. Milton Rynard spent a completed by 107 members from the following clubs: Claremont whose leaders were Mrs. Mar- Martyn and Mrs. Sylvie Lind- say; Port Perry, Miss Alice Dodd and Miss Audrey Kent; _. Wed. 9 am. -1 pm. parct Dean and Mrs. Maud An-' Altona, Mrs. Marjorie Fretz BUSINESS DIRECTORY | MONUMENTS MARKERS INSURANCE. ~~ RIMAR MEMORIALS Policies, you could be losing a| EMMERSON The afternoon programme which was designed for par- ents, Women's Institute mem- bers and friends was a very en- tertaining one when skits, ex- hibits and demonstrations were performed. Great talent on the part of the members could be detected. Criticism and com- ments about these were given by the visiting Home Econo- mists, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller from Dufferin and South Sim- coe Counties, and Mrs. Margaret ments, the presentation of Pro- I } \ | | boro were guests of Mrs. Pearl service which will be held in| the Church school room at 3! o'clock. Mrs. Harper will be; the leader. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Milne of | Saskatoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. | Hughes of Willowdale, Mrs. E.| Beare and Miss Olive Real of | Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ross | Phoenix of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Almer Rennie of Sunderland, and Miss Dorothy Real of Scar- | Lodge which was held at the few days last week in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan visited in Hamilton with Rev. Stanley and Mrs. McMillan over the week-end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Symons of Uxbridge who celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary on Satur- day, Februrary 8th. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dusty, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dusty vis- ited Mrs. A. Akhurst on Sunday evening. Substantial Discount by not | Campbell for North Simcoe Phoenix during the week-end.| at Sunny Brae Nursing Home. having a Composite Policy | Phone : 723-1002 County. A large crowd of nineteen, The Fidelis Unit of U.C.W. For Information Contact | 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA : } tables attended the card party | are sponsoring a skating party | Feb. 27/64 Following these lively com-|sponsored by the Rebekah|at Sunderland next Saturday { -- MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 25 Caleb Street PHONE 985 - 2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. May 7/64 INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance 985-2421 ..Port Perry, Ont. Real Estate FARM HOMES vincial Honours and County Honours was made by Mrs. S. Cawker, District President of Ontario South Women's Insti- tute. Mrs. Cawker presented Provincial Honours and pin to Gloria Cooper from the Brook- lin North Club, and County RAGLAN NEWS By L. M. Luke The U.C.W. of Raglan Un- Toronto General Hospital where she underwent - surgery last week. We wish her a speedy re- BUSINESS LOTS srr 5 Honours and pins to Betty, ited Church held their Feb. Wi S i G iN S Evans, Claremont; Margaret meeting on Wednesday evening MARGARET BALLARD | Miller, Greenwood; Louise|at the home of Mrs. Russoll Mrs. Elmer Laing is in the REALTOR POSTERS Moore, Prince Albert; Dorothy | Corner with the President, Mrs. Oshawa General Hospital re- Sunderland, Ont. Phone 303 L. Langille 985-2916 Campbell, Quaker Hill and Mrs. C. Miller presiding. After sing-| covering from surgery. Nov. 21/64 : Feb. 6| Diane Herder, Sandford. ing the theme hymn and re- TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7563 Feb. 29/64 GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1--Apr. 30/64 Cash - the Spot WANTED Mrs. S. Cawker concluded her presentation with praise for the 4-H Homemaking Club mem- bers for their excellent accom- plishments. The programme ended with a fashion parade and the presen- tation of Certificates of Achie- vement and 4-H Homemaking Sterling spoons by the Home Economist of Ontario County, Miss Austra Janitis. peating the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. L. Slute lead in the Devotional Service which was based on part of John I. Mrs. Birkett led in the Meditation Period and Pra- ver which concluded with the singing of "Love Divine All Loves Excelling". During the Business Meeting it was decided to choose the names of two women from the Roll each month to do the work of tidying up the Church for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferg- uson attended the 25th Wed- ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kett of Woodville on the evening of Feb. Tth. Mrs. Josie Steele has gone to stay with Mrs. J. Ford, Brook- lin for the winter months. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Luke on the birth of a little son, Robert Bruce at Oshawa General Hospital last Dead Horses for Dead or Crippled Farm Sunday Service. . Sunday. Crippled and Stock. Picked up promptly. In response to a suggestion| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn vis- Telephone collect, Hampton from the Church Board, the|ijted with Mr. and Mrs. R., B. old Cattle 263-2721 i h nk Ww | women decided to put on a Pot|{ Brawn and family over the e HIGHEST PRICES PAID o | MARGWILL FUR FARM reen d J edhe | Luck Supper in connection with | week-end at Thamesford. According to Size & Condition. TYRONE ) the Annual Meeting. . i The January meeting of| It was voted to have an Irish Small Animals Removed Free. Li No. 245-C-63 : Phone Zenith 32800 Hence NO, 1 0 St, 4 Greenbank Women's Institute | Supper on March 11th. NO TOLL .CHARGE oF. was held at the home of Mrs. K. Use the LL Rodd Th tin oneniéd The Meeting was closed by Power Equipped Trucks. 2 1 I ul, e meeting Ope " ting the Mizpah Benedi CLASSIFIED SECTION Call Any Time { ea with the singing of the Ode and | 'éPeating the Mizpan Benedic- ED PECONI & SON LTD . the Mary Stewart Collect re- tion, after - which 'the hostess of RE. #2 Woodville : Siock Service | peated in unison The Roll Call, served a tasty lunch. '| THE PORT PERRY STAR Collector's Licence 302-C-64 "My Favourite supper Casse- Mrs. Lillian Czyruk is in the PHONE: 985-7383 0 OPTOMETRIST A.E. Johnson, 0.D. MARY ST., PORT PERRY Appointments - Phone role" was answered by 17. The President then welzomed the five visitors and thanked home. The minutes were read and approved. The communica- tions were read and dealt with, Mrs. M. Lee and Mrs. R. Cook- | Mrs. Rodd for opening her]. GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? 985-2383 o FIBA man offered to attend the local ~~ | Highest prices paid for dead or Jungs Tore Sono oe us, n , crippled cattle and horses. ridge, Fob, 11. and le, Nove I- Y UR Septic Tanks Hogs and small animals removed by Mrs. H. Phoenix, seconded |" free. .For fast service, 24 |by Mrs. G. Blair that Mrs. K, hours a day, 7 days a | Rodd, Mrs, M. Lee, and Mrs. R. | Cleaned By ; week -- Phone: hd WITH PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armsirong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.5--Féb. 28/64 INCOME TAX and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES : SEE -- ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2--Post Office Building, Port Perry Specializing in farm and business tax returns. - Uxbridge--ULster 2-3319 No charge to you. We pay all = 'telephone charges. Prop. NICK MONTAGUE "License No. 172-62 R.R. No. 1, Foxmead March 19/64 ---- Baird be the committee to work Port Perry Fair. Reports were given by the Conveners of Home Ee. and Health, Can. Industries & Agri, Historical Research & Current Events, Citizenship & Ed. The programme consisted of the topic by Mrs. J. Ianson, Reading by Mrs. K. Rodd on Sir John A. McDonald and s contest. The meeting closed with the singing of the Queen and Insti. tute Grace. The tasty lunch and social hour was enjoyed by Telephone 985-7081 = April 28rd members and visitors present. on the Institute display for | ELECTRIC HEAT VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO HYDRO BOWMANVILLE UXBRIDGE Phone 623-2561 Phone 852:3442

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