Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 3

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EDRs. at a A tice TRA SRI a i Scugog Council The regular meeting of the Scugog Township Council was | Hillman: held in the Town Hall on Sat., February 1st, 1964 at 1.30 p.m. ! 'DEPUTATIONS-- Reeve Victor Aldred and Couns cillors Glen Demara, Everett Prentice and C. B. Hoult were present, Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on mo- tion, ¥ CORRESPONDENCE -- ©, 2 and 3 from the Dept. of Highways, re 1964 Road Esti- | mates By-Law -- Copy of the| pg 1962 Audit for Rr. Expenditures, Copies of By-Law to change the rate for the Rd. Supt. 4. County of Ontario: Enclos- | ing a copy of the Lands liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the Twp. of Scugog, 1964. fi. Dept. of Agriculture: © appointment of an for same. meeting, Re | Warble Fly Control Act and the | Inspector ! Filed . for March | { lations Department. 10. Humphreys, Boychyn & Requesting informa- tion on vote under the provi- sions of the Liquor Control Act. Mr. F. S. Wotton outlined the program for Public Survival ! giving the various Areas and] Centres for the operation of the | Plan within the County of Ont. Mr. A. Keuntsler appeared ' before council again re his pro- posed dwelling. By-LAW No. 1221--Being a y-Law to increase the rate of the Rd. Supt. Read three times and passed in open Council.' BY-LAW No. 1222-----Being a By-Law to establish a Sub- Area Committee to support the City of Oshawa and the County of Ontario E.M.O. MOTION--That this Council send a grant of $20.00 to the | Salvation Army for Public Re-! REBT SL tT aT sf BS J 7% Aw ere YA IESE A ITA ASSET Ft 24 LATE Find BS aS SE + 4 fot sa Ty PEPE) Sut BEAR Ha oY i Sa (0) pha Said (8 LIE Be Fil Pd wv ARLE FELIS) ORAL RA BEART ERTL § ithe Nf RATA A 'atl PLA a 5 . EB Tel 3 LE $y toetiat; dele 2. 3 oil Pei nba hat A) LF TS 3). AL Ls wi E LS Ld meeting of the Council be held PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, FEB. 13th, 1964-3 on Feb. 14, 1964 at 8 p.m. | | of the famous spiritual treatise PAYLIST---It was moved by| "Introduction to the Devout C. B. Hoult and seconded by Life", was not born a saint but Glen Demara that the follow- had to struggle hard to con-! ing accounts be approved and guer his hot temper and achieve | that the treasurer be instructed | humility and meekness. Humil- | to pay the same: ity is the queen of all Christian $ 793.85 | virtues but this does not entail 455.63 being a doormat. | authority must be upheld. | LLLEPPRTILPORORIED $1,249.38 Mrs. Kroes read the minutes' of the last meeting and Mrs. Amell gave the Treasurer's re-| Roads Legitimate ! Carried. port. "Thank-you" notes were | C th li cread aloud by the Secretary d 0 1C | from Mr. Richard McAllister "and Mrs, Violet Bell. The pre- Women's lea ue sident read aloud a letter from g Bishop ,Windell relating to the The regular monthly meetin | schema on the Blessed Virgin e regular mo y meeting | not the B ical C i | of the C.W.L. took place on Ary at the Jeumeniet Sonne! | Tuesday, February 4th in the Members are asked to serve! parish hall of Immaculate Con- | at a wedding reception to be| ception Church under the spiri- | held in the Legion Hall, Ux-' tual direction of Father Reuser. | bridge on April 11th. A peti- The meeting opened with the | tion for sugar price control was | whose Feast Day is Jan. 29th. | league prayer repeated in uni- | circulated among members and! son after which Father Reuser signed by all those wishing to gave a brief talk with special | participate. | reference to St. Francis de Sales | Father Reuser closed the 4. Col. F. S. Wotton, E.M.O. | MOTION -- That a special St. Francis, who is the author meeting by reading aloud an | Re a meeting with the Council on Feb. 1st, 1964. : r closing duplicate copies of the Fire Agreement for 1964 to be and scaled signed by Council and returned, ~. Lieut. Col. A. H. Hill, Sal- vation Army: Soliciting sup- port for their work with the needy. 4. Dept." of Municipal Af- fairs. Enclosing the final pay- ment of the subsidy for the Winter Works Program 1962- 63, amount $187.05. Personalized "Just for You" stationery and thank-you cards add that extra touch of warmth to your orrespondence. Your name . and address or initials are printed on white or coloured ----quality writing papersin beautiful raised lettering. - The impression is dignified, and oh so charming; yet the cost is very low. Choose your personalized stationery, dinner napkins, cocktail napkins, coasters, matches and playing cards from the many available styles you'll see in the personalized "Just for You" sample Book. ; P.S. They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too. Port Perry Star PHONE: 985-7383 7. Village of Port Perry: En- | 1 4 inspiring poem called, 'Teach me the Way" which was found on the body of a Canadian sol- dier in- 1945. February had been designated "a pron" month and members brought aprons of every pat- tern, colour and size. Mrs. Len , Leahy ,an honoured guest, kind- ly consented to act as judge with the help and advice of Fa- ther Reuser who amused mem- bers by "modelling" some of the exhibits. First prize was finally awarded to Mrs. Ed Donnelly and second prize to Mrs. Harper. Prizes were kindly donated by Mrs, Amell Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Art Colbear, Mrs. Wouters and Mrs. Glen Moase who provided ample and delici- ous refreshments. Use the CLASSIFIED SECTION of THE PORT PERRY STAR PHONE: 985-7383 At 0C, park as long as you like. Free! | Parking is always free at Oshawa Shopping Centre. There's space for over 3,000 "cars -- all the-rogom you could ask for. After you park, 54 interesting shops (including a major department store) await you. You'll find everything your family needs among these well-laid-out shops: high-grade merchandise and specially-priced bargains. Enjoy OC's complete one-stop shopping, service trades, covered mall and fashion selection. Make it a habit. It's a good one. '"the interesting place to shop" HOW TO GET THERE. FROM HIGHWAY 401 EASTBOUND -- Exit at Thickson Road, take North or South Side Road _ east to Stevenson Road, then north on Stevenson Road. FROM HIGHWAY 401 WESTBOUND ~ Exit at Park Road, north on Park Road to Elmgrove Avenue, west on Eimgrove. r ALY 2 Ay LY hee * a = Ca on ~ ~~ » ! aia

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