Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 6

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vv ~ 1 Py [34 TORR AA L444 RTS HLTA id Pes We Pam ki SHR OF Ln Lage sn XT a FLT WEY Ai Sees LAY {ELSE 3 38 AL REPRE AEA SRI 6--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., FEB. 13th, 1964 negie--244; C. A. Glass--242; -#221; M. Doupe--223; I. Doupe Next Sunday, Feb. 16th, will be R. Graham--239; R. Wallace-- --220; M. St. John-- 218; M. | observed as Student Sunday xX 234; B. Gibson--233; D. Butt-- | Hall--217; N, Bryans--227; B.| when a special offering will be 232, 226; J. Healey -- 228; J.' Ballingall 213; A. Olsen--212; | received for the Montreal Col- Owen--227; J. Dowson--226, A. Snooks--217; R. Moore--215. | lege Building fund. Over 600 Tri The World Day of Prayer 0 stings-- sc T EBEden-- service will be in the Church F. Hastings--857; T. Eden 14th. at 3:00 25: Tiller as - D. on Friday, Feb. : : neo; We Willerton 109; x Ashburn News p.m. All ladies are invited to ¢ Keetch--1733; H. Chapman--683 BOWLING NEWS | D- Dea B. Wallieg Amy} ~ By Vera Leach "he Monthly Meeting of the MEN'S THURSDAY H.S. With Hand.-- [Oe ) By Motu, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Suther- W.M.S. was held at the home NIGHT LEAGUE T. Eden--365 son. 626: G. Jarnegio--626; F. land, Debbie and Neil, Utica of Mrs. Alfred Fisher on Wed- i . ] my Without Hand.-- | Olsen--625:; P. Hubbard--614. | were Sunday visitors with Mr. | nesday, Feb. 5th, at 213 vm. Feb. 8th Standing I. Hastings--867 | Lemon League-- "and Mrs. Nelson Ashton. 'with an attendance of fifteen. A ! 2 | H.T. With Hand.-- a R. Robinson--95; J. Healey-- Mrs. Henry Doble visited her The meeting opened With the 0 hes wm 8 2 | T. Eden--861 | 93; J. Ballard--92; J. Stone-- sons in Toronto on Sunday. Siatiug of A Eg Blow Kings ............ 7 20 | Over 225 Singles-- 1 90; Dav. Murray--69. Ross Batten and Roy Gaud- Life". and Praser bw Mra. L. Gibsons ................. b 19 | T. Eden--343; G. Menzies-- aur attended the Presbyterian | | ati. Black Jacks ............ 2 18 316; J. Heayn--310; F. Hast- | LADIES WEDNESDAY | Young People's Society Synod The Minutes were read and Bil¥s Ref. .onvicimn 2 18 | ings--306, 296, 255; P. Hub- AGUE Council Meeting held In Cold- -- wered the Roll Whiz Bangs ............ 5 14 | bard--304; D. Keetch--302, 237; NMGHT LE ! stream Presbyterian Church in| can by naming a Missionary. : Meteors ......u......... 0 13 R. Willerton--271, 2665, 251; H, February 5th Standing-- Toronto last week-end. Misses | Four of our membors will L) Head Ping ..connne 0 12 | Willowby -- 258; G. Jeffrey-- ' Lancasters ............ 5 43 Faye and Mary Heron sang a attend the 100th Anniversary of Goofers ......ccccc...... 2 10 257; H. Chapman--254, 248; D.| Sunderlands ............ 3 43 duet at the Worship Service el the W.M.S. held in Montreal Legionaires ............ 0 9 | Wallace--250; F. Olsen --248;| Kittyhawks ............ 2 42 [on Sunday morning. "on May 8-9-10. H.S. Without Hand.-- H. Jeffrey--247; G. McHugh-- | Mustangs ............ 2 40 Mrs. Russell Batten, Mrs, H. | Hymn 582 "O Master Let Me T. Eden--343 246; C. Watts -- 245; G. Car- | North Stars ............ 5 37 Doble, Mrs. C. Bryant, Mrs. F.| Walk With Thee" was sung. == -- me es ~ | Helicopters ........... 5 35 paw, Mrs. C. Harrison, Mrs. E. | Mrs. Fred Daw gave a most LD Spitfires ................ 7 35 Heron and Miss Vera Leach | interesting talk on the work of | Mosquitoes ............ 2 34 attended the W.M.S. Annual! "The Mobile Clinic in the Bil A | Hurricanes .......... 4 0 Meeting at Lindsay last week. | Field". losed with 0 : Flyers ends b 2 Sunday School and Church' The Meeting closed with the You Shoul keep Ons CH nda an | Bombers wus. 2 28 Services were well attended at | singing of Hymn 587 "Rise Up ho op of windows? (2) 3 "a Jets orn 0 24 Burn's Church on Sunday, Feb AY Men of God". and Praver 9th, at 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. by Mrs. H. Doble. Q High Single-- | M. Wallace--264 { High Triple-- Ck Hurper--610 "B"" Pack Of Port Perry Scouts avoid carbon monoxide poisoning? 'und)d way des OA Ji * °° smopuim ay} yBnouyy uojpwaojul diyPY} jo jo] pb ob upd oym siaAlp Buimojjo} jo pup . JOAlP ay} jo Ajiqisia @onpea Bupy | Over 600 Triples-- pun Sissy $50|8 ay} jo episuy . K. Harper--670; M. Wallace B ot uo up} asnpd upd d3yipom i . . y t A Rg --on ec wines Hold Father And Son Banque , Yim Buppind © + - BujBBoy asnpd upd ; Over 210 Singles-- Li ph Fn | M. Wallace--264; K. Harper A feature of the "B" pack to Assistant Cub Master, How- Ajoy0g OMDO oy of Bupioxy --249, 254; C. Wilson--243,-222; Father and Son Banquet, held, ard Hall; by Field Commission- : : ' M.. Harricon--241; M. Enge-- on Saturday evening last at the ©» W- J. Harpur of Game- CIA Co-operators Insurance Association | 241; A. Lawn--253; A. Spears a a N 0 : i i bridge, in recognition of many : 2h | __939. 11--232; M. Owen Scout Hall was the presenta- _ £ faithful to the Co-operators Life Insur sociation 232; J. Hu sD. i } vears of faithful service to the P : ance Associatio . --239; R. Short--231; M. Cook tion of a Long Service Medal Scout Movement in Port Perry . = : in a leadership capacity. The Scout Mothers Auxiliary under the capable leadership of Mrs. Ruby Williams, served an Jexoallont turkey supper to the | 67 people present and a very : successful program and enter- tainment was held under Ban- quet Chairman, John Leahy, Cubmaster Gordon Goode and his Assistants, Charles Reesor, Howard Hall and Clem Jeffrey. Father Reuser of Uxbridge, re- a presented the clergy and Cubs, Larry Reesor and Gregory Goode ,accompanied their fa- thers at the Head Table. Cub Charles Nelson proposed a Toast to the Fathers, which was responded to by his father. Cub v duced his Assistants and paid tribute to their loyalty and de- votion to the movement, and in, turn introduced the special guest, Wally Harpur, who spoke 'a' few appropriate words of wisdom to the fathers and boys. [3 Several games with father and son participation and a sing- song concluded a very pleasant evening. Assisting John Leahy in the arrangements for the banquet were Donald Milne, Harry Short and Jack Cook. Y Many of the boys in their clean well pressed uniforms and shin- ed shoes proudly lead their dads to the Progress Chart where their achievements and pro- gress in the movement were noted. In concluding the meet- s ing, Father Reuser gave thanks for all that made for a most successful banquet. The third such banquet will be held on Sat., Feb. 22nd, with Stan Ploughman's C Pack in a . ' - = ITH Pai - _ Ts | attendance, and the Guide Mo- J R h T ! hi F , A 1 - f C f : / thers Auxiilary providing the eac OWnsSn1p rarmer tends Conter ence - | meal Examining an Ontario Department of Agriculture mittee! 'of the Farm Safety Council of Ontario. Theme of . If you pw in Need of display on 'Fire Prevention', at the Ontario Farm Safety "this yéar' s confetence, was "Farm Fire Prevention in '64". ) Conference held at the Federated Colleges, Guelph, Feb- Delegates focused their attention onthe extreme urgency ruary 3, 4, and 5. (left to right) Granville Gloin, 1231 Talbot Street, St. Thomas; Mrs. Peter Ferguson, R.R. #1, . of the farm fire problem. It is hoped that throughout : Call " Fletcher, Kent County, and Laurence Doble, R.R. #3, Ux- 1964 county and district Farm Safety Councils will de- PORT, PERRY STAR bridge, Ontario County, a member of the executive Cony- velop continuous ad effective farm Safety programs, PHONE | 985-7383 vl wisi 3 EAT Sa Bi gE \' JOB PRINTING

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