THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE DANCE CLUB Instructors, Rod and Elsie Oxford are shown above at the closing session of the Junior Farmers' Modern, Round and Square Dance Club at Port Perry Public School Auditorium. --Staff Photo Zoning By-Law interests of the municipality and by having a hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board. Two reasons were discussed by council for having such a by- law in Port Perry, namely pro- tection against some undesir- able business too close to a residential property and for orderly and planned expansion. Council asked the Consult- ants if they had a plan for an- other Municipality similar in size to the village of Port Perry. They explained that one could hardly compare anothér munici- pality with approximately the same population, but rather with similar characteristies. Mr. Knox stated that a zon- ing by-law could be drawn up on a time basis with a maximum price, could be done on a contract basis, with the price not to exceed $2,000.00. At this point a resolution was moved by councillor Kenny and was seconded by councillor Par- kinson, that the Canadian Mit- chell 'Associates be retained at a fee not to exceed $2,000.00 for the purpose of drawing up a zoning by-law. j WORLD HEALTH DAY-Apr. 7th Theme -- "NO TRUCE FOR TUBERCULOSIS"' The World Health Organization has focussed atten- tion on one of the world's major health problems for 1964. The target is tuberculosis, and the theme-- "NO TRUCE FOR TB" 156 million tuberculosis cases 3 million deaths per year 1,500,000,000 pérsons of all ages are harbouring the tubercle bacillus in their bodies ONTARIO COUNTY TB'AND HEALTH ASSOCIATION 757 Grierson St., Oshawa The Christmas Seal Organization assisting in the control of tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases OUR TB PROGRAMME CASE FINDING Monthly Chest Clinics Tuberculin Testing Mass Surveys. SPONSORS OF '-- Rehabilitation Council GOAL FOR THE FUTURE -- find all cases in the early stages in order to shorten time of treatment and reduce the number of cases by checking the spread of tuberculosis. ' HEALTH EDUCATION SOCIAL SERVICE and REHABILITATION - TB RESEARCH A large crowd, including many visitors attended church on Sunday morning. The minis- ter's fine Easter message, the familiar but ever popular an- them "The Holy City" and the beautiful flowers all contribut- ed to a very impressive service. Several gay and colourful Eas- ter bonnets gave a spring-like touch to the picture but most of the ladies went along with the weather and donned the same old weather--beaten head gear which had done duty all winter, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. On Wed., Thurs, and Friday evenings of next week, April 8, 9 and 10 a Preaching Mission will be held in the church with Rev. Gordon Hunter of Asbury and West United Church, Tor- onto as guest preacher, All are cordially invited to these meetings. On Thurs. evening, April 9, the: Young People's Banquet will be held at 6.80 p.m. Tick- ets may be obtained from any member of the group. All young people wishing to attend are asked to contact the minis- ter by Monday, April 6th so that the ladies will know how many to provide for, Rev. Hunter is Chairman of the Centennial Committee of the United Church and has been in his pre- sent church for eleven years. He will address the young peo- ple at the dinner tables, then they are free to leave if they wish but all are cordially in- vited to stay for the meeting that follows. Mr. and Mrs. Onlock Sr. have gone to Scarboro to live with their daughter. Sorry to report the loss of Mr. Geo. Davidson's barn by fire. tended the wedding of John's nephew, Mr. Lloyd Cook to Miss Jean Pickering in the Baptist Mrs. Jas. Lee and Mrs. George Beare, the high and low gents Brock Motor Sales You are invited to come in and view the 1964 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks 1963 Olds. Super 88 2-door hardtop 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4-door hardtop, 6-cyl 1960 Chevrolet V-8 sedan 1969 Olds. 4-door hardtop 1960 Corvair 1969 Chev. 2-door Bel Air hard- top, red & white, very sharp! 1968 Olds 98 4-door hardtop, fully equipped 1968 Chevrolet coach, very low mileage, clean 1958 Chevrolet Del Ray sedan 1968 Chevrolet Biscayne sedan 1958 Pontiac 6-cyl automatic 1958 Ford 2-door 6-cyl standard 1962 Chev, 1-ton-chassis & cab 1958 Chev. 3-ton chassis & cab 1964 Chev. 1-ton stake New Chevrolet trucks in stock for immediate delivery Buy your used car from a new car dealer! For a Better Buy! PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1964 -- 18 GREENBANK NEWS Phoenix. The lucky draw prize went to Bert Thomson. Next party Friday night, April 3rd, one week earlier than usual. Many thanks to the donors of the prizes for last week's party. Lois and Janet Phoenix of Orono are visiting their grand- mother, Mrs, Pearl Phoenix this week, Mrs. Evelyn Tait entertained several members of her family during the Easter week-end. Pleased to report that Mr. John Michie has returned home from Port Perry Hospital. Best wishes for continued improve- ment. Mrs, Wm. Cressman & child- ren of Kitchener spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baylis. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Beare were Mrs. Rye Beare of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Willis and fa- mily of Stoney Creek, Mrs. Tom Beare of Hamburg, Mr. Ralph Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wil- bur and family, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beare and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Somer- ville and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Blakely attended the reception and banquet in the Genosha hotel on Saturday night, held in honor of the 26th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jarvis. In & Out of Town (Continued) Mrs. Otto Bragg, Miss Jean Bragg, Bowmanville, Mr. Robt. Stewart, Southhampton were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker during the Easter holi- days. X X X Easter visitors at the home of Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slemmon, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Irland, Deb- orah and Robert, all of Ottawa, Mrs. Robert Sheridan and Robt. Sheridan of Terrace, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffrey. Mrs. Sheridan and Robert, Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, Mrs. H. L. Norrad are spending ten days in Ottawa. X X X Mr. Ken Edwards, nephew of Phoebe Edwards, Port Perry was among 20 Canadian dele- gates chosen to attend a world- wide YMCA conference in Bei- ruit, Lebanon and a tour of Europe and the Middle East. Ken Edwards, a third year accounting student with Earl C. Robinson, Guelph, - Ont. has been very active in YMCA work there and feels that the confer- ence to be held at the Univer- t-gity of Beirut in August and the conference and tour will contribute to his work at the Y. Mr. Edwards, who is 22, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Edwards, London Road East, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook at- | Church, Whitby, last Saturday. : At the euchre party last week | the high and low ladies were |} were Wm. Carnegie and John|i Better Try! BROCK MOTOR SALES A General Motors Chevrolet- Phone 235, Sunderland. Ont. | The pretty young lass playing the Bagpipes in the above picture is Miss Rosemary Nodwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nodwell, of Seagrave. Rosemary, who is a Port Perry High School student led the curlers around the ice at the Curl- ing arena on Friday and Saturday mornings, March 20th #nd 21st at the annual Beare Motors Curling Bonspiel. ~, i. PTR he WN, Le eg et a "len SRT Non 4 7h Eo Fat or TRAE or Tot Fo is a - SS <i