nL rut re SREP = -- 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1964 =e tw TaN MOET SST | Sit hk ¥ LHR AWA TO aR 3 8 vi hy oh » y £ ee * A » vd | * 3 . » 4 SS Ld | FOE £ AEA ARRY SRL ROR LAAT Ege 1) Er PU cee 2nd Draw | --602; J. Cook--=600, - Bowling | . | Over 225 Singles-- Legionnaires .................. 3077 Gaofers wrunnnummmmin 3061 | : Manchester News News are dots | DB: Owen--g30, 201; J. Owen The U.C.W. held their April meeting at the home of Mrs, Fred Lamb on Thursday after- noon, April 2nd. The devotional programme was taken by Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Mrs. Lamb. Sixteen members an- swered the roll and two new Greenbank UCW AFTERNOON UNIT #1 The April meeting of Green- bank U.C.W. afternoon Unit #1 met in the Church Parlor on Wednesday, April 1st at 2.00 p.m. Quiet Music by Mrs. Phair preceeded the meeting which was opened by a few lines on Easter thoughts read by Mrs. Harris who presided. Hymn 34 was sung followed by the Serip- tural Easter Story in Dialogue form by Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beare, Mrs. Phair, assisted by Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Empring- ham sang a solo "The Broken Heart" followed by Hymn 1083, Selection 763 "Christ Our Pass- over" was read respectively. The offering wasgeceived and dedicated. Mrs, Howard Me- Millan read a Poem "The Cross was His Own" followed by Prayer by Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Diamond gave an outline of the Chapter "Growing in Unity" from the Study Book on India. Everyone enjoyed the Record & Film strip on Nepal. : Mrs. H. Phoenix presided for the business, welcoming the members and thanking the group in charge. She also read a poem "Today We Sow". The minutes were adopted as read by the secretary Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Couves showed a balance of $178.98 in the Treasury. Anyone wishing tickets for Sing Song in Massey Hall on April 3 & 4 contact Mrs. W. Phair, The catering for picnics at Wellsprings Park was re- luctantly declined due to the enormity of the undertaking. It was noted that several ladies had attended the luncheon at Prince Albert. ~ Thank you notes were on re- cord from Stella Lee, the Cou- ves Family and the Spencers. Ladies were reminded to save Maple Leaf tokens and to buy cards from Mrs. McMillan. Unit #1 to be responsible for the Japanese booth at the ap- proaching Festival. "Ajax is having a similar display and it was hoped some members would be present. Plans for cleaning the Church were to be made next month. The Preaching Mission dates with the Rev, Gordon Hunter on Wed., Thurs. and Friday, April 8, 9 & 10th were drawn to everyone's atten- tion. 'Mrs." F. Beare reported for (Citizenship by reading an article on Centennial Planning for '67. Several visits to Shut- Ins were reported. A news letter for the Victor Mission was discussed. "Hymn 360 closed the meet- ing followed by Mizpah Bene- diction, . Lunch was served to 19 members and 3 visitors. Bill's Ref. .....oooon... 2640 | 518: 205; D. Murray -- 299, members were welcomed. | MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE GIONS renee 2639 | 243; G. McHugh--293; B. How- President Mrs. Holtby chair- PLAY-OFFS Head Pi or or 8 sam--288; R. Willerton -- 273, ed the business period. Plans fead Pins ...ooovvvvnnnnnnns 2488 | 256; D. Wallace--270; J. Pod- bi A Ie ln have pag bo Ist Draw Over 600 Triples-- res--267; D. Wilkens--262; H. Allan Jackson introduced an Blow Kings wo... 3425 B. Owen--806; J. Owen--781; | Jeffrey--260; F, Hastings--253, idea for raising money.' Each R. Willerton -- 740; G. Goode-- 233; R. Hutchison--253; J. Had- member is asked to use a paper Carnegies ................... 3361 | 696; D. Murray -- 689; G. Mc-| ley--253; W. St. John--249; E. plate, to which, attach an em- lem of every holiday in each Whiz Bangs ........ 5244 month of the year, and beneath z bangs .. that emblem the amount of | Meteors Hugh--679; H. Jeffrey--667; F.| Ireland -- 247; D. Butt -- 243, Hastings--659; E, Ireland--650; 238; R. Wallace--237; tH. Chap- | YOM Meteors... 3098 D. Wallace--644; D. Butt--640; man--237; G, Goode--234, 234, PEAEY 100 Tey SIS SHS DUNE reer 2953 | J. Hadley -- 628; J. Redman-- | 228; J. Redman -- 234, 230; J. 1 cent; Feb. 14, 14 cents. This Lint y 2947 604; H. Chapman--602; T. Eden | Ballingall--231. to be retroactive to Jan. 1, 1964. : Mrs, Lorne Thompson gave a humorous reading. The meet- ing closed with ode and prayer. Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Thomp- son served a dainty lunch and all spent a social half hour. The May meeting will be at Mrs. Meta Holtby's. Kenny Torrens returned to Kingston after spending the Easter Vacation with his grand- mother, Mrs. F. Johnston. Mr. A. Roach is in Toronto this week attending the Annual Satay Conference of the LA. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beacock and family have moved to the house they purchased from Mr. Frank Henry. The Henry fa- mily have moved to Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dawson and Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Dawson and families of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mid- gley and children visited Mr. & Mrs, Bruce Selby, Oshawa, on PE EVERY Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Har- rison, Myrtle Station, visited at ; the McCartney home one day : Y last week. : Miss Roselyn Donnelly and friend of Oshawa spent the week-end with her parents Mr. | and Mrs. Ed. Donnelly. y Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Robert and Garth visited rela- tives and friends in Toronto on Sunday. 7 There was a good attendance at Church on Sunday morning when four new members, Marsha Mulholland, Barbara and Vicky McCartney and Wal- ter Green were confirmed. Mr. and Mrs. William Williams of Manchester also joined the church by certificate of trans- fer. At Rest EE ---- --- MCINTYRE, Catherine -- At 54 QU ALITY STORES it April 3rd, 1964, 'Catherine Cor| TO SERVE YOU ley, beloved wife of the IAs : : of Mary" (hrs bay PLENTY OF FREE PARKING er 83rd year, esting a e er Bobo el en + CONVENIENT BUS SERVICE ert Ra] alome, Rl ~INTO THE CENTRE St. John's Church Tuesday : \ morning. Interment St. John's | I Cemetery, Perth. -- appliances for your home? Get whatever insured Jor your protection. Conven~ GP Rost you need now--with a Personal Loan tent repayments. See your helpful = THAT[BUILDS from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce branch manager today. The difference hetween hoping ...and having is a A new car for your family? New Commerce. Low interest rates. Life- Sk od aid EE a A ai Mee PERSONAL LOAN |} from CANADIAN IMPERIAL 4 =A elo ele] VIIa -Tel : » Wl de AE THE |BANK a -- Over 1260 branches to serve you