Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 May 1964, p. 8

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wl orth ] -- - RA 1 LY 3 ph A CT vif sd Lyd STW ASTE No Yr Ep eet Fo EAL CSAMATRALE Fda CH ¢ PATER Ld A GRRE 0 LY § a FA A Wo ER wits, Vela il! bY eS Eaten i Fa -~ " oh BE a tain Sa ME Dp 2 RS verse. following publication. Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. Classified Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum .60¢. additional insertion .2¢ per word, minimum 40¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line Additional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not not paid by Friday Classified display .90¢ per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. Classified deadline 6:00 p.m. Tuesday. Second or IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS LYLE--In loving memory of a dear son and brother Mervyn Leonard Lyle who so suddenly passed into Eternal life May 14th, 1949. . This token of love and affection Of a son we shall never forget His memory to us is a treasure His loss a lifetime regret. Lovingly remembered by mother, sisters and brothers. CLARK -- In memory of Merva M. Clark, who passed away May 18th, 1962. Sadly missed by family. HEALEY -- In Memory of William J. Healey, who died May 6th, 1962. Sadly missed by family. CLARK--In deep and lasting memory of Merva, who left us suddenly May 18th, 1962, It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn't go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home. So missed and lovingly remgmbered by Mom & Dad Te CLARK -- In loving memory of a dear sister Merva Clark, who passed away May 18, 1962. Only a memory of by-gone days A sigh for a face. unseen, A constant feeling that God above, ; Knows best what should have been. Never forgotten and lovingly remembered by Melba, John, Rodney, Brenda, Adele, and Janice. TAYLOR--In loving memory of their parents John and. Beth, who passed away on May 14th, 1962. Within our store of memories They hold a place apart, For no one else can ever be More cherished in our hearts. Sadly missed by their daughters Nora and Lena and their families, LEIGHTON--In loving mem- ory of a dear father and grand- father Arthur Leighton who pagsed away May 12, 1960. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf, Lovingly remembered by Jennie, Frank, Hector and Mae and families, PORT PERRY HOSPITAL "To the Nurses", with always a smile and never a frown, the most excellent meals, and to Dr. John Diamond, also to all kind friends for cards, candy and flowers, a whole hearted "Thank You". Mary Van Camp, Blackstock, Ont. I wish to convey my thanks to my relatives and friends for the lovely cards and flowers, also to Dr. C. Vipond and nurses of Oshawa Hospital for the care given me during my illness there. Mr. Clarence Fralick I would like to express sin- cere thanks to all who made my stay in hospital such a happy time. For flowers, cards and visits. Special thanks to Doc- tors and nurses of Port Perry Hospital. Rika Wygerde BRYANT -- I would like to express my sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neigh-, bors for their cards, flowers, gifts and visits during my stay in Oshawa Hospital, also Rag- lan U.C.W. and Raglan Church Choir for their two beautiful plants, and Nurses and Staff on bF for wonderful care and Rev. R. H. Love for his calls and a special thanks to Dr. Baldwin, Dr. Grant, Dr. Stocks, Dr. Hull. Thank you everyone. Very sincerely, Mrs. Velma Bryant, Raglan, Ont. I would like to thank all my clients for patronizing. me dur- ing my two years of barbering in Port Perry, the merchants & the town council, the caretaker Jim Wyatt, for all their kind- nesses shown, while we were camping in the Park, and the many good friends of this town. L. M. Geer (Barber) BIRTH ROY -- Bill and Elsie (nee Harper) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Debra Jane, weight 7 1bs., 4 ozs. at Bowmanville Hospital, April 26th, 1964. Mother and daugh- ter doing well. "COMING EVENTS PROSPECT U.C.W. BAZAAR, Tea, and Bake Sale, on Wed, May 20th at 2.80 pm. in lower Church hall. Everyone welcome. May 14 i ' NESSIE dled ae a PEIRCE EEA NBT YN WN IREL. 986-4935 COMING EVENTS 14 DAY TRIP to Maritime Pro- vinces by Chartered Motorcoach. Bus leaves Sat., July 18th and returns Fri., July 31st. For in- formation please phone or write Fred C. DeNure, 165 Colborne St. West, Lindsay, Ontario. Phone 324-5836. June 25 SMORGASBOORD -- Come to the Scandinavian Luncheon in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension on Wednesday, May 27th, SERVING TIME 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Evening Guild May 21 RUMMAGE SALE at Church of Ascension Parish Hall on Saturday, May 9th, 2.00 p.m. May 7 BLACKSTOCK U.C.W, Spring Tea, recreation centre, Wed. June 3rd, 1.30 p.m. Speaker Mrs. Betty Kennedy of CFRB, Toronto, Admission 75c., Children 25ec. May 14 & 28 SPRING BREEZE Spectacular Variety show will be presented by Uxbridge Trin- ity United Church 4-1 Another Club on Thursday, June 4th at 8.15 p.m. in the High School Auditorium, Port Perry. Admis- sion Adults $1.00, children under 12, 75¢. Tickets available from members of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. May 28 FIREWORKS Anyone interested in group dis- play again this year. Phone J. Brain 985-2650 or William Peel 985-2000. MAMMOTH REBEKAH EUCHRE Date--Saturday, May 23rd. Place--New Oddfellows Hall Time--8.00 o'clock. Euchre, prizes and lunch 50c. Lucky draws on fowl and other lucky prizes, Proceeds in aid of New Oddfellows Hall. May21 BAKE SALE sponsored by Unit #4, U.C.W., Saturday, May 186, 10 a.m., United Church Lawn, weather permitting, otherwise Church Basement. THE CATHOLIC Women's League will hold a LILAC TEA in the Catholic Parish Hall, on Sat., May 23rd from 2 - 5 p.m. There will be a display of An- tiques and Articles from other Countries. Free draws. May21 AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter will be at home to their friends and relatives on Sunday, May 24 from 2 - 4 o'clock and from 7 o'clock, at the home of Mr. J. L. Horne, Kenroy Cottage, Lakeside Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Hunter are leaving shortly to reside in Vancouver. May21 FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR, W9, Gas, in good condition. J. W. Pearce, Blackstock, phone May 14 MODERN b-room Bungalow, oil heat, water-softener, 4-piece bath, large attic, garage. Mrs. Armstrong, 167 Bigelow St. Tel. 985-2308. May 21 GOING FISHING? "Bobs" made, Dew worms. Phone Rodger ' 985-7500, 271 Bigelow Street. ¥ FOR SALE WORK WANTED Office Equipment Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Duplicators, Cheque Writers, Comptometers. Three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-5849. TF GOOD BUILDING LOT--Very central to all community activ- ity. Phone Oshawa 723-3518 or 985-2464 Port Perry. June 4 LARGE SIZE and medium size C.C.M. Joycycles; also 2 tires and tubes 30 x 3% on rims. Apply 581 Alma St. Port Perry 985-7106. LIMITED QUANTITY of Can- ada #1 Red Clover and Alfalfa Mix at 40c. 1b. Phone Black- stock 986-4331. FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, in good condition. 985-2209. May 21 GARDEN TRACTOR, plough and cultivator, motor needs re- pair. Contact Mr. Merlin Dow- son, Port Perry. 985-2247. GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan.28/65 BOXER PUPPIES -- $15.00. Phone 985-7645. NEW BUNGALOW, 3 bedroom, Hollywood Kitchen, 4 piece bath hardwood floors, good location. Ken Middleton. 985-7548. 3 BEDROOM ranch house, con- tained garage, finished recrea- tion room, Qil heated, excellent location. Box 42, Port Perry. Phone 985-2180. May 21 LAWN CHAIRS, Picnic Tables, Rose Arbours and Trellis, ete. 985-7757 in the evening. T.F. | OAK CHINA Cabinet; 6 Dining room chairs; arm chair; three quarter - spring and mattress with set of legs; porcelin sink and taps. Telephone after six, 985-2509, FINDLAY Combination Stove, Propane Gas, and Coal or wood, size 39 x 25 x 86. Good condi- tion. Best offer. 228 Brock St. West, Uxbridge, Phone 862-3115. ried REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, good condition. 986-4994, Black- stock, GARDENING and General Re- pairs. Phone 985-7045. My21 CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--50¢ pair, 24 hr. service--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box 590 Uxbridge, Ont. HIGH SCHOOL BOY wishes employment on farm during the summer vacation. Two sum- mer's experience. Write W. G. Holt, 18 Central Ave. Elliot Lake or Phone 985-2048. WANTED PERMANENT residences for active elderly gentleman. Room and kitchenette or room and board. Phone Mrs. E. P. Gibson, 985-2432, YOUNG gentleman wishes room and board or bachelor apart- ment in or near Port Perry June 1st. Write Box 111, Lindsay. May 28 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP. Wanted, full or part time. Apply to Flamingo Restaurant. CLEAN, reliable, woman to care for 2 delightful children, 3 to 5 years old, in your home or mine, Sunday evening until Friday evening, Call 986-4348 anytime. DISHWASHER wanted part time, also boy for kitchen work. Apply Haugen's Bar-B-Que, Manchester. > TEACHERS WANTED Scugog School Area Board requires teachers, to teach 3 grades, intermediate & senior, 3 yrs. experience preferred, sal- ary paid according to schedule. State experience, salary expect- ed, name of last Inspector. Apply to SAM ARNOLD, - Secretary, R.R. 8, Port Perry May 14 MISCELLANEOUS H PEEL RAMBLER Sales & Service Port Perry 985-2592 'We have a good stock of new Rambler cars on hand. Come in and have a demonstration. Used Cars for Sale: 1956 Volkswagon Van 19567 Buick, A.T. hardtop, 'radio, power brakes and steering 19569 Meteor Sedan 1960 Chev. 2 door 1961 Rambler, 2 door, radio 1962 Vauxhall Cresta, radio FOR A BETTER DEAL-- TRY PEEL! HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 1% storey frame house, six rooms plus 12 x 20 sunroom, large lot, garden, fruit trees. R. F. Vernon, 248 Scugog Road, Port Perry, Phone 986-2167. PICNIC TABLE and Benches. Call 985-2180, AVON CALLING! VACATION PLANS AHEAD? Earn a good income close to home. Friendly, pleasant and profitable work quickly puts $$ in your pockets representing Avon Cosmetics, Write: Mrs. A. Hawkins, 1 Mandarin Rd, Scarborough, Ont, a ee el iN i Mle li ee, OA ee -H a UU v O

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