ian AS Sin dpiaa 10 -- PORT"PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1964 Warriner Lodge No. 75, In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows was instituted in Port Perry in June 1871. The Noble Grand was H, G. Allison, at that time Warriner Lodge was in District No. 30 and included Florence Nightingale Lodge, Bowman- ville. Since then changes have been made and this area is known as District No. 41 and in- cludes Ajax Lodge, Ajax; Bee- thoven Lodge, Brooklin; Corin- thian Lodge, Oshawa; Eastern Star, Whitby; Ontario Lodge, Pickering; Phoenix Lodge, Osh- awa and Warriner Lodge, Port Perry. When Warriner Lodge was granted a Charter in 1871, Bro. John Gibson from Port Huron was Grand Master. Three Grand Masters from District No, 41 have served Odd Fellowship, these were Bro. John H. Perry 1876, Bro. John Farewell 1898 and Dr. J. H. McKinney 1951. 'In the early days Warriner Lodge met every Monday night. Now the meetings are held on the 2nd and fourth Monday of each month, and as far as can be ascertained the one lodge room served this purpose. Bro. Tom Wilson was D.D.G.M. in the year 1898 and Bro. J. H. Brown was a Grand Lodge Of- ficer, Bro. John Doubt was one member who is remembered by the present day members, hav- ing distinguished himself by his knowledge of the order and his fluency in giving the charges of the Lodge. In 1926 the late Bro. Merlin Letcher became active in War- riner Lodge. Through his in-! fluence and devotion to Odd- Fellowship he attracted men to the order that became interested and active members, and since then the membership has grown until now there are approxim- ately one hundred and fifty members. In 1948-1949 Bro. Letcher was appointed a Grand Lodge Officer serving in the capacity of Grand Herald. Bro. Norman Ewers was another member active in the Lodge from 1926 to 1940, zealously guarding the finances of the Lodge as Financial Secretary. Several members of Warriner Lodge have served as D.D.G.M. These were: Bro. Lawson Honey Merle Letcher, M. A. Gerrow, Charles Reesor, A. R. Johns, J. J. Gibson, Reg. Foster Glenn Wanamaker, Earl Geer. Fred Reesor was D.D.G. Warden at the time of his demise in 1947. During the term of office of Bro. Merle Letcher the Installa- tion team from Warriner under the D.D.G.M. Bro. Alex Johns installed the officers in Dist. No. 43, as well as in district No. 41, In 1948 when Bro. Fred De- Nure was Noble Grand the May- belle Rebekah Lodge was insti- tuted, and at the present time they have a membership of 140 members. Warriner Lodge sponsored the Blood Donor Clinic during the second world war. Under the leadership of Bro. Dr. J. H. McKinney, the C.P. & T. committee came into being and Warriner Lodge took as their project The Hospital Bed and Wheel Chair service. Since AB oR # Hd RR SEs Pes Warriner Lodge Instituted June 1871 1 BURNFIELD & BALLARD LTD. EXTEND Sincere Congratulations To All The Members Of The Independent Order Of ODD FELLOWS ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THEIR NEW HOME We Are Pleased To Have Had Some Part In The Construction - Having THE PLUMBING CONTRACT Awarded Our Firm TO ---( Lal dil ale aie agli a ES 8 I TE ERR esp pp-- A) GS 1 S00) DEL (Continued on page 12) 15) .On The To The Members -- OF -- THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF Odd Fellows Opening Of Their Wonderful New Home ~ AGENCY bias iis 3 She For All Your.... ee f ii NEEDS || ~~ SEE -- INSURANCE LIMITED ow Prmremommommommimmommommommommiemom. -- THE MEMBERS OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS are Sincerely Gongratulated ON THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW HALL WE HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF SUPPLYING AND INSTALLING THE HEATING PLANT ' HARDWARE ! Carnegie Bros. Soglnh ) Bh hi a pi } : 3 ' Hil deibil nh LL Coin a lini VRE ORCA 20 NE ALIA IPE LA METER ------ ny