Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jun 1964, p. 5

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» 985 - 2491 BLACKSTOCK NEWS All units of U.C.W. met dur- ing the week, but due to so many children with mumps, measels or chicken pox, gen- eral attendances were lower than usual. The Anna unit met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Skelding on Tuesday, June 16 with 8 mem- bers and one child present. The leader, Mrs, Kenneth Samells opened the meeting with a poem. After the sing- ing of a hymn, Mrs. J. A. John- ston read the Scripture pass- age and Mrs. Roy Taylor, the Meditation and Prayer. Mrs. Murray Byers dealt with the 12th chapter of "The Word and the Way" which was followed by a lengthy discussion. Decided to send more Afghans to Mrs. 'Tong, Hong Kong and would be grateful for blocks from 'anyone who cares to knit. Following closing exercises, lunch was served and social time spent. The Candace unit met at the home of Mrs. Marwood 'McKee, Tuesday at 1 p.m. Nine members attended and enjoyed a dainty dessert. Mrs. Romeril presided and gave call to worship on "Bro- ken Strings--1 John 5" was given by Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Mrs. Gordon Paisley led the Bible Study discussion on Acts 21-22, - There was a discussion on sending delegates to school for Leaders in Belleville, on July 22 and 23. - Following the business per- iod, meeting closed with Pray- er by Mrs.Romeril. Mrs. Wm. Ross was hostess for the 7 members and one child of the Dorcas unit on Wednesday afternoon. The lea- der, Mrs. Walter Wright fol- lowing the Call to Worship and the singing of hymn 'God Reveals His Presence", read the Scripture Passage, John 1, THE BEST TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-year, budget terms) "HOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU BURNFIELD AND BALLARD LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Port Perry 1-9, gave the Meditation and Prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Wright led a good discussion on chapter 11, "Salvation" of The Word and The Way. A very interesting 'letter from Miss Doreen VanCamp telling of a trip she had taken to Japan was read by her mother, Mrs. S. VanCamp. Closed with a Hymn and Benediction. Hostess served a delicious lunch. Eleven members of the Es- ther unit gatheFed at the home of Mrs. Harold Martyn, Wed. evening. Leader, Mrs Bruce Mountjoy opened meeting with a poem, "What Kind Are You". All listened to a record of Med- itation by Donald Hanford of Elgin House. Mr. Hanford is a layman attending The Confer- ence of Board of Men. Hymn 493 was sung and Mrs. Taylor offered Prayer. The group then read a play, "Co-Operation Brings Unity in Christian Witness". Mrs. Neil Malcolm reported on the Exec- utive meeting. Closed with Prayer and followed by lunch. At all Units, business dealt with ordering new study books. "God and His Purpose'. Plans re-catering for wed- dings in July and August, etc. No more meetings to be held until September. The - June meeting of St. John's W. A. was held in the Parish Hall on June 18 with President, Mrs. Ashmore pres- iding. Meeting opened with the Hymn, "Lamb of God to Thee We Raise". Bible reading from St. Peter was read by Mrs. Langfeld, who also took the Devotional which was on John the Baptist 'who is the patronal Saint and whose day is celebrated June 24th. Mrs. Langfeld also read the opening prayer. Treasurer gave a very grati- fying report and the Sunshine Secretary reported several of our members in hospital. Dor- cas Secretary received a don- ation of a quilt top from Mrs. W. Taylor. Church Picnic will be held at Cartwright Park, Caesarea on June 26th. and all parishoners are invited to attend and bring a box lunch. Meeting closed with Prayer after which re- freshments were served. The United Church picnic is planned for June 25 at Cart- wright Park, Caesarea. Swim- ming in p.m. Supper at 6:30 followed by sports. Bring eats and cups. Don't forget Decoration Day at Union Cemetery on Sunday, June 28, at 2:30 p.m. Rev. P. Romeril, speaker. Dr. Lorne J. Henry of Ont- ario Temperance Association conducted Service and gave an interesting . address from the tex!, "Building Upon a Rock" in the United Church on Sun- day morning. Speaker next Sunday at 10 am. Rev, Walter Rackman of Oshawa. In St. John's Church Canon Ashmore based his thoughts on the History of the Anglican Church in Cartwright, leading up to the duties of to-day. Next Sunday will be Anniver- .sary. Rev. Thomas Butler, Tor- onto is to be guest speaker. Beach Party On Thursday evening, June 18, the students of Cartwright High School congregated at Laurelbrook Park for a Beach Party to celebrate the comple- tion of final exams. After en- joying a swim, marshmallows were toasted over a fire on the beach, and records provided music for dancing in the sand. Mr. and Mrs, Paisley, Miss Hibbs and Miss Clark attended the party, and on behalf of all the students, Miss Hibbs and Miss Clark, who are both leav- ing C:H.S. this year, were pre- sented with lovely aluminum trays as a momento of their years in Blackstock. A large crowd attended the annual Camp Fire closing cere- monies of the Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies on the Agricultural grounds Sunday evening, Scout Master Blake Gunter was M.C. Dennis McLaughlin and Douglas Metcalf raised the flag. All groups repeated their | Purpose and O Canada was sung by all present. Captain Gwenith Thompson explained to parents the object of a Baby Sitting course that is to be held this fall for Guides and Scouts, sponsored by the T.B, Associa- tion. Songs and skits were done by Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts for the entertainment and were enjoyed by all. Fol- lowing the lowering of the Flag the camp fire was lighted and the four groups seated around the fire sang camp songs until it was burned up ready for toasting marshmallows. Freshie was served along with the mar- shmallows to all and the pleas- PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1964 -- 5 ant evening brought to a close with the official Scout closing ceremony. The recent warm weather ad- ded to the enjoyment of the Blackstock Girl Guides, 29 of whom spent a delightful week- end under canvas on the farm of Mr. Roy McLaughlin. Saturday Mrs. Nelson of Port Perry came to test the Patrol Leaders Judy Cochrane; Betty Bradburn; Elizabeth Thompson and Nancy Dorrell, who all earned their Camper's Badges. On Thursday, June 18th the family of Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sanderson, Toronto, held "Open House" in honour of their par- ents 40th wedding anniersary. Cartwright friends who attend- ed were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain, Don and Ralph; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, Jack, Jim and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow. We understand Rev. and Mrs. Sanderson received 440 guests during the afternoon and evening. We extend our congratulations. The Bob Bryans family at- tended the Wilkins family pic- nic at Harry Gay's Cottage, Caesarea, Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. John Muir, Cour- tice were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bryans. Mesds, Charles Smith, Velva Bailey of Blackstock, Grant Thompson and Malcolm Emmer- son of Nestleton left Saturday to attend the Dominion Wo- men's Institute convention in Wolfville Nova Scotia. Miss Hibbs and Miss Clark attended a yearly meeting of Society of Friends in Newmar- ket during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry at- tended the wedding of a cousin of the ladies in Detroit Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Miss Aileen Van Camp left Saturday morning for a motor trip to the West Coast. Mrs. Muriel Hainstock, Tor- onto was guest of her cousin Mrs, Albert Wright, Tuesday- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson spent Saturday night with her mother and brother at Norwich and Sunday attended a family gathering at Brantford. Mrs. Henry Graham and Miss Verena Graham, Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- (Continued on page 9) BLADE ROAST * 3c. FRESH MEATY BURNS COUNTRY JUBILEE RINDLESS SIDE BACON ol = = Ki i ¥ = 3 3 nt " = = | = ws : a a " w at - -- » | -- » 3 on wu = n | ® » w o | 3 -- | " s - MAPLE LEAF -- - ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES ..... CRISPY NUMBERS WED, - SAT., JUNE 24 - 27 At Your Carload Food Mkt. Prince Albert alll LLL LL LL LLL PL TILT LL ® This Week's MEAT Features o LIBBY'S Fancy CANADA'S FINEST LEAN TENDER SAUSAGE ......... 5c. 6-0z. Vac Pak Pkg. BOLOGNA ......... 5c. POST CEREALS . 37 CATELLI'S Ready Cut 16-0z, Pkgs. Macaroni or long Spaghetti ...... 2-39 Short Rib ROAST " 4]. Evap. Milk . 3 - 45° SPARE RIBS ... "59. fconamon : Ib, Platter Pac Ib. Pkg. ee... 55c. =} 16-0z. Jar I | ¥ 10-0z. Pkg. Boston Brown Beans ....... 2-4I' Instant Milk .. $1.03 Powdered--16¢ OFF Giant Pkg. Detergent ...... 73 GLIDE Liquid Starch .. 27° LAST WEEK'S WINNER Mrs. Ray Skinner FREE DRAW ON STAINLESS STEEL SILVERWARE, With A $5.00 Order or Over R ; (N\_ ey A FOOD MARKETS 48-0z. Tins T omato Juice 2 - 67° AYLMER 20-0z. Tins 16-0z. Tins 3-1b. Pkg. AJAX 32-0z. Btl. I J LE 7 oo x oe Si Fo na y hn £5 ALA Mt, ea Oh re AA Se bs er SEA ETET Ei ry A a IE A TAA ek apni ™ wl] ¢ Siw Cem 0-8 SA a NY "a A fo w a Lp

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