ia 1 AS Aa SRS GT Married Recently In Port Perry Baskets of Pink gladiola and | was a miscellaneous shower white Chrysanthemums formed a beautiful setting in Port Perry United Church on Saturday, May 23rd at 3.00 o'clock, when Ruby Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Strong was united in marriage to Harvey Eugene Lloyd Dearborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn of Pros- pect. The Reverened E. S. Linstead officiated at the double ring ceremony. The wedding music was play- ed by Mr. Taylor who accomp- anied the soloist Mrs. Leslie Smith of Prospect as she sang "O Perfect Love" and the Wed- ding Prayer. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, looked lovely .in a white silk faille sheathed gown with shell neckline and lily point sleeves with applique Alecon lace and tiny bows down front of skirt, detachable bouffant train fitted at waist, also trimmed with Ale- con lace. A halo of seed pearls held her fingertip veil of Nylon Tulle. The bride wore a pearl neck- lace and earing set a gift from * the groom. She carried Pink sweetheart rosebuds. The maid of honour was Miss Joyce Strong and the brides- 'maids were Miss Isabelle Strong held in Oshawa at the home of 'Mrs. U. Schlottke where she re- ceived many lovely gifts from the girls she works with. A cup and saucer shower was given by Mrs. Keith Ashton of Epsom, where she received many pretty and dainty ones. A miscellaneous shower was held for relatives and friends at the home of Mrs. Earl Bacon, assisted by Mrs. Ken Rodd, both of Greenbank and she re- ceived many useful gifts. Mrs. Ken Badour and daugh- ters Marlene and Betty held a shower for the neighbours, when she received lovely linen and fancy dishes. They received from the G.M. where they are both employed, a Vacuum Cleaner and a bridge set. Mrs. Hugh Strong entertain- ed at a trouseau tea in honour of her daughter on May 17th. Her grandmother, Mrs. Milton Stone of Seagrave poured tea for the occasion. Misses Betty Badour and Carol Wallace ser- ved lunch. After the Wedding Rehearsal the bridal party was entertain- ed at the home of the grooms parents Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn. During the evening the bride presented her attend- 'Port Perry UCW By Alma Reesor A very pleasant evening was held recently, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jackson, of Brooklin, when Mrs. Jackson was hostess to Unit 4, of the Port Perry United Church Wo- men. Nineteen members and six visitors attended. Mrs. George Hall, president of the unit, chaired the meeting which was opened by the use of the Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. Roy O'Nefll was in charge of the devotions and was assisted by Mrs. Herbert How- ard, Mrs. L. McBride and Mrs, Charles Reesor. Mrs. William Day presided at the piano. Mrs. John Young presented the minutes and a report was given in regards to the suec- cessful bus trip to Toronto to tour the United Church House, Berkeley Studios and Covenant College. Some forty-three mem- bers of the various units attend- ed. Mrs, Charles Mackey, the treasurer, gave the financial statement. Thirty-one calls were reported. During the business session, some discusion was held in regard to activities dur- ing the summer holidays and it was decided to arrange for a bus trip to Orillia and Barrie, Mrs. William Chapman was ap- pointed as convenor for this outing, Several ladies reported that the knitting projects were nearly all completed. The Sep- tember meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy O'Neill and it will be in the form of the annual pot luck supper. Members are asked to each be responsible for a friend to at- tend. The programme for this meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Alfred Prentice, Mrs. Al- lan Jackson and Mrs, William Day. The guest soloist, Miss Diane Hall favoured with several de- lightful unaccompanied numbers and Mrs. Allan Jackson enter- tained with one of her recorded recitations. A tasty luncheon was served -by Mrs. Orval Stone and her committee and during the social half-hour, Mrs. Jackson- .and Miss Hall entertained with sev- eral musical numbers. A vote 'of thanks was extended to Mrs. Jackson for her hospitality in opening her home to the Port Perry United Church Women by Mrs. George Hall. Several of the men-folk, who provided the transportation, were entertained by Mr. Jack- son during the ladies meeting. PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1964 -- 7 GREENBANK NEWS (Too late for last week) Several from here attended Pinedale Anniversary last Sun- day morning. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Till re- turned home last Thursday from a very enjoyable vacation in Nova Scotia. A surprise party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee on their fortieth wedding anniver- sary was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee last Wednesday evening. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman and family on the death of Mr. Cook- man's aunt, Miss Myrtle Cook- man. Mr. and Mrs. H. Budd of Woodville were Sunday visitors at the Len Jarvis home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely and family spent Sunday with Miss Ila Stone of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix and their families visited Riverdale Zoo on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E, Lee enjoyed a pleasant week-end motor trip. On their way home from Lind- say last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guy were involved in a car accident. The car was bad- ly damaged but fortunately there were no personal injuries. The Neil Hunters and Gerry Hunters attended the silver wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunter of Markham last Sunday. Mrs. Robt, Leask is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tomlinson of Weston. Miss Lynne Foster is enjoy- ing a few holidays at the home of her friend, Miss Marnee Lam- bert of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson of Stouffville spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Lee and family were at Dalrymple over the week-end. 200005300000 00000322222 220000000000 rooscsescced BUILDER'S LUMBER and 1000000006060 00004 SUPPLIES 1000000000000 00600600000000000000000000000000000000004 NP 000000000000000000000000060004 REESOR FUEL & LUMBER 985 - 7951 FO 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064 and Mrs. Garry McHugh, sisters : 8 of the bride. The bridal attend-| 2ntS wim 2 pa drop and anr BO ants were dressed alike in street ahi sna from 2! e Ef ¢ length gowns of petal pink i K 3 Fy tendans w chit. Use the TRE H Ries lon sheer with a scooped | Inks and tie clip sets. : TER Nylon sheer goon On Saturday, June 6th a large ° ARAL neckline and a short lace Jacket 4 CLASSIFIED SECTION IG with satin trim and long sleeves Shona foun, Pp Fosnech githered " . and a matching bow for head- pe Solop sand Dregented she © of B ne A : yweds with a large mirror e 1nnin rans CY carried pink and any bathroom Seales, 3nd 2 Se THE PORT PERRY STAR g g ay { Mr. Ray Dearborn of Belle- ede ong was a a r- PHONE: 985-7383 AND ON THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH : ville was best man and the MONTH THEREAFTER at 7 p.m. TREWHAVEN ; BENSEY Wore M1. Jrted Dosti FARM LTD., WILL OFFER A TREMENDOUS, An ton of Epsom. 1 DEAL TO FARMERS WISHING TO fo For the reception which was - - SELL QUALITY APRS paid 1 Hie United Third Par- | | K S W A G i N os i ors, the e's mother wore a - ALT light blue lace sheath dress with Commer cial Dair Y Cattle oh: ¢ a matching Boletos and Whi D SERVICE ' accessories and a corsage o UTH y RI Pink Carnations. She was as- 4 Ss NOTE Than Spor sds: Urade or Purebred. he sisted by the groom's mother & VANTAGES IN SELLING Ra wearing a blue printed Arnel THROUGH THESE AUCTIONS: SE dress, white accessories; and a corsage of Pink Carnations. For the honeymoon trip to New York the bride chose an off white suit of wool boucle,| with yellow and beige accessor- ies and a yellow corsage. SERVICE Werner's : CENTER prices. sale time. 1. You gain the satisfaction of top market 2. No advance notice required for consign- ments, Cattle Accepted right up to Prior to the marriage the 3. Most important to sellers: Commission 1 Aa bride was entertained at many Rates: Animals over breeding age, fifi pre-nuptial parties among whic ALL WORK DONE BY VW EXPERT 3 pet hand, Dropped calves, fed per head. i: 6000 mile or 6 months warranty on 4. Holman for Consign ont will be made 3 E NOW CARRY A LINE OF mmediately after sold. fA y | RA parts & labor post Accommodation and Salesmanship i he ' " " available. 9 Office Supplies ' LOAN CARAVALABLY 20 We offer a service to those wishing to purchase he with confidence as to quality. KW IN OUR OFFICE For further information contact sales {ab management at | mosey Manchester, Onl. BLACKSTOCK 986-4957 or write fo 28 : | « White Rose Station RR. #1, BURKETON. a Sales managed and sold by | Ls PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. |}, o » 0 na HWYS. TL oReTiRs ows mange and sold by : PHONE: 985.7383 Drop in .and see what we