TONER Fe Ra TRS CIE aT Are oF J rEARE RRA 1 Ay iF CRT NAY g A SE > ¥ Ad a» 4 3a uly Ea LT , yt rey id v5 ESE $A I © ERR I oo an SR ATL ws | LA ~ ATS ' 3 TER P, . % : Volume 100 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1964 Lions Entertain Members of the ball team sponsored by the Port Perry Lions Club were guests at the Club's «regular dinner meeting recently. boys, manager and coach sat down and enjoyed an excellent meal at Flamingo Restaurant. During the dinner Storey Beare, president of About 25 Dale Beare. Number 10 Young Ball Players the club, presented a trophy donated by the Port Perry Star to the. captain of the team, He is seen in the above picture flanked by Carl Luke, manager, to the left and Cy Rahm, coach, to the right. --Staff Photo MINISTER OF EDUCATION, WILLIAM DAVIS: Build 252 Vocational Schools In 3 Years The Hon. William Davis was introduced as the youngest member of the present cabinet and one of the most able to ever hold the position of Min- ister of Education at the annual meeting of the Ontario Riding (Prov.) Progressive Conserva- The Hon. William Davis, Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario was guest speaker at the annual meeting of Ontario Riding (Prov.) Pro- gressive Conservative Association last Thursday. Election of 1965 officers also took place and pic- tive Association held in Sunder- land last Thursday. The introduction to some one hundred party followers was made by Dr. M. B. Dymond, Provincial Minister of Health, who also added that the Min- ister of Education holds one of Health. the most difficult and challeng- ing portfolios in government. The guest speaker, who rep- resents Peel County in the leg- islature, proved to be an elo- quent speaker with a thorough knowledge not only of his own (Continued from Page 13) tured above are members of the executive, the Min- ister and the Hon. M, B. Dymond, Minister of From left to right: John MacNab, third vice pres.; Stuart MacFarlane, first vice pres.; fhe 'Hon. William Davis; Mrs. R. H. Bedell, second vice Wy, : Township Nominations Sat., Nov. 28, Town Mon., Nov. 30 Two Year Term In Port Perry One Year In Reach And Scugog Nominations this year will be held in Port Perry on Mon-~ day, Nov. 30th between the hour of 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. in the Court Room of the Municipal Build- ing, Those nominated to office and allowing their names to stand will be in for a two year term and heading the list of names is Reeve J. J. Gibson who will be seeking his ninth term as reeve of Port Perry. If elected reeve, Mr. Gibson will also contest the office of County Warden for 1965. The election of Warden takes place the third Tuesday in January, 1965. Harry Peel who served as Warden of Ontario County in 1955 was the last reeve of Port Perry to hold this important position. ' Deputy-reeve John Orde, who is now residing in Toronto will in all probability not be able to seek this position for another term, which will mean this seat is vacant. Irving Boyd, who has served as councillor for four years has not yet decided to contest the position of deputy-reeve, but considers it a possibility. Bruce Beare who has served as councillor for three consecu- tive terms has been seriously considering the position of de- puty-reeve, but said this morn- ing he had again decided to seek the office of councillor. Of the present councillors Ivan Parkinson will again be a candidate for another term of office. Orton Michie, who made an (Continued on page 13) REACH TOWNSHIP To Discuss Ambulance Agreement At Meeting Tuesday December Ist After midnight on Monday, November 30th Reach Township will be without ambulance ser- vice to its residents. According to Charles Brig- rall, Jr. owner of Brignall's Ambulance Service an agree- ment has never been reached with the municipal authorities of the Township and he says he 'has no other alternative but to end the services in.that area. Agreements have been reach- 1'ed "between the Town of Port Perry, Townships of Seugog and Cartwright where service will continue, } When the Star asked Mr. Brignall if he would answer a call from an dent in need of his service he stated: "We have no intention of entering the Township of Reach before a settlement is arranged, and we are not mak- ing an agreement with the Twp. before they are willing to pay for services in 1964, in line with the other three municipalities involved." "We sent a registered letter to the Township of Reach about 10 days ago, but have never re- ceived a reply." Mr. Brignall, stated. Reeve W. E. Martyn of Reach Township, when contacted by the Star said that a letiter had been received by Mr. Brignall, and as far as he was concerned an agreement would be reached with him, individual resi- | A meeting is planned for Tuesday, Dec. 1st to which Mr. Brignall will be invited, the Reeve said, and every effort will be made to reach a settle- ment. Money to cover these expenses are already budgeted, but unfortunately there has been little time during these busy days of nomination and election planning to have a meeting arranged, Mr. Martyn stated. Old Newspapers Picked Up Sat. Residents of Port Perry will be able to clean out their old newspapers and magazines on Saturday, Nov. 28th. The Scouts will be around collecting that morning and all newspapers and magazines should be on the sidewalk by 9.00 a.m. or delivered at the Scout Hall by 11.00 a.m. There will also be special pick-ups in Manchester, Prince Albert and Seagrave, . Hospital Report | For Week Ending Nov. 21st Admissions ......c.cneirens 17 Operations ........cueeeneens 14 Births ....ccccccvnviininenne Nil " Deaths .......oviirerenenn. Nil Discharges .....cie 19 Remaining' .....ccovenviserenns 28 picture was taken. pres.; the Hon. M. B. Dymond; Robert Kenny, past pres.; and Clarence Hewson, sec.étreas. 'Ferguson Munro, who was elected president was absent when ~Staff Photo ~ fo > Be ml STA ne iT 58 BC Woe! >» Lam --_ ge Hg or! Noo TIN oh TO he SN A ut