6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., DECEMBER 12th, 1964 |" "(Crowded out last week) Mr. and Mrs, Jack Sharpe and Mr. and Mrs, Don Prentice of Toronto werg Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stewart and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Clarke of Prince Albert visited with Mr, "and Mrs. T. Stewart on Sunday. Mrs. H. Ashton spent the week in Oshawa with Mrs. Wal- ter Ashton, who was ill. We are glad to report she is now much better. (Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ashton were supper guests Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Strong of Manchester and Mon- day evening with his parents "ALEK TRICIAN 'sss ISON GAVE THE ORLD HIS GREAT INVENTION,T000/T JUSTICE 1S OU, SN wTENTIONT [8 {=p pd = NTRACTING-REPAIRS CAECTRIC HEATING 1985-7174 - PT. PERRY EPSOM NEWS Mr. and Mrs, Yr. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. G, Prentice visited Mrs. Cora -Murrell of Sutton West on Monday, Mrs. George Johnson and son Garry of Pine Grove visited her parents Mr, and Mrs. Munro on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Megd entertained Miss Beth Ashton and Mr. Ken Catherwood on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Haugen entertained her parents Mr. & Mrs: Bert Mitchell of Utica on their Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sard had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kendry of Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs, Albert March- ant of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro vi- sited friends in Orono on Thurs. Messrs. Allan Ashton, Arn. old Kerry, Jim Clarke, Ray Ed- wards and Donald Asling were in Markham last Wednesday at- tending the York Presbytry United Church Men's Rally. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery visited Mr. and Mrs. John Moore in Oshawa on Sunday. Miss Betty Munro visited her Aunt Miss Jean Graham in Lindsay on Sunday. Thanks to all who helped make the U.C.W. Bazaar a suec- cessful project. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Payne visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mun- ro Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith of Uxbridge were supper guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. th Chas. Geer. den (right). ------ ---------- - ---------- -- p------ "RECEIVES 1964 W.I. SCHOLARSHIP Mrs. William Heron, Brooklin (centre), Dist- rict Secretary of the Ontario County Women's Institute is pictured presenting the 1964 Ontario County W.I. Scholarship to Miss Patricia Har- The presentation was made at n adh NE NE ET Ir FY ET EYRE ICSE IYR TWN TERT. the 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Day, held recently at the Port Perry High School The 1963 winner, Miss Mildred Martyn is plc- tured on the left. --Staff Photo The last community Euchre was held Friday evening. There were 18 tables played and a good dance was enjoyed by many after the usual Bountiful Lunch. The winners at Euchre were for the ladies 1st -- Mrs. Lena Ogden; 2nd -- Mrs, Vera Ellerby; Low--Mrs. Parrinder. For the gents 1st--Gordon Tay- lor; 2nd -- Isaac Catherwood; Low--Hugo Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Munro had supper Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Prentice of Port Perry. ENTRE DECEMBER STORE HOURS OPEN EVERY INCLUDING SATURDAYS December 1st through Dec. 23 GREENBANK NEWS (Crowded out last week) Last Sunday we were happy to have two guest soloists from Uxbridge, Mrs. Noble who sang during the morning service and Mys. Clarence Wilson in the evening. "Mr. Larry Johnson was also present at the even- ing service and contributed two fine saxaphone solos. This ser- vice was sponsored by the Y.P. S. and those taking part were the Pres. Don McCaig assisted by Murray Empringham and Brian Harris. Mr. Geo. Beare led in the singing of several familiar hymns with Miss Cathy Cookman at the organ. A mo- vie film entitled "Teen - Age Conflict" was shown and it is hoped it helped to clear up some of the confusion concern- ing the authority of the Bible. Several visitors were present from Port Perry, Little Britain, Sunderland and Uxbridge to share in the service. The new- ly elected officers of the Y.P.S. are: Pres. Don McCaig, Vice- Pres. Keith Phoenix, Sec'y- Treas., Margaret Spence, Pian- ist, Cathy Cookman, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMil- lan attended church service at Valentia on Sunday when the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snoddon was christened. Last Thyrsday, Mrs. Jas. Ianson, Mrs. Norman Smith and Mrs. Mero attended a W.I Work-Shop in Lindsay in con- nection with the compiling of a Tweedsmuir History Book. This is a record of the past and present history of our com- munity. A curator will be ap- pointed by the local W.I. and anyone who has any items of interest which could be used in this book are asked to hand them in.to this lady. Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) LIMITED YOUR CERTIFIED TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. No Service Charge 728-6201 (3 lines) OSHAWA 67 King St. East Announcement 170 REACH ST. GREENWOOD LAUNDROMAT Opens Friday, Dec. 17th UXBRIDS E 3 DOUBLE SIZE 15 AUTOMATIC (WESTINGHOUSE) WASHERS WASHROOM FACILITIES AVAILABLE ® LARGE AIRY QUARTERS eo AMPLE PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE -- 6 DRYERS ae ea o & s bi : [f i 33 Fs 8» J 2 3 : i ~ 8 gr i NE od 1 Ince, Rev oe # ¥ g & - TS LY hE an te PSTN Hy SpE ra En na Lys em - RC a