Annual Ice Revue (Continued from page 1) most adorable. Kim Neill fol- lowed this group with a solo.. Not to be outdone by the people on Planet Ice, the two Astron- auts had a dance with Miss Tinkle and Bird Lady followed by a pairs number. Ice worms on Planet Ice were Janice Neill and Janet Raines. Then came - the ring girls wearing white with many coloured sparkling rings, 'A' huge caterpillar was stretching and squirming from one end of the Arena to the ather. Concluding Act II. was a solo by Rhonda Forder, and the grand finale when all the cast were on the ice waving farewell to the Astronauts. Act III. presented our own stars Anna Forder and Richard Stephens skating their compet- ition number, that placed them third in the Junior Canadian championship. For the opening part of Act IV Mr. John Wild had Lee Ann Howsam, Marilyn Stephens, Sharalyn Reader, Janet Carne- gie, Michell Harper, David .Por- and Richard Stephens demon. strate skating lessons from the youngest to the oldest, Follow- ing this John and Carol Wild demonstrated very capably a pairs dance number. Of course a carnival would not be com- plete without comedy. This was well done by' Anna Forder and Dayid Porter. The concluding act took us on a holiday in Rome. Here our group of Italian girls in very colourful skirts and white blou- ses skated, followed by the flower seller, Miss Peggy De- Nure. After a trio by Nancy Dymond, Marlene Ives and Heather Stephens, an organ grinder brought us another touch of comedy. In keeping with the annual flower festival in Italy, a group of girls skat- ed a very pretty flower number. An Italian lady and gentleman (Anna & Richard) brought an- other carnival to an end, each' skating a solo and a pairs number, Much credit is due the exe- cutive, parents and members for the beautiful. costumes, ter, Sandra Hall, Anna Forder. scenery and performance. G.M. Holidays se, Begin Aug. 16 LETTER TO HI-C Group Entertain At Fairview Lodge Since coming to Port Perry to take over the pastoral duties of the Port Perry United Church, Reverend Mr, Alec Rice and Mrs. Rice have devoted a great deal of time and effort to the young people of this com- munity and have endeavoured to start a worthwhile organiza- tion called the High C Group, All the requirements neces- sary to become a member of this happy group is to be in the age group of fifteen to nine- teen. The meetings are held every Wednesday evening in the Sunday School room. Mr. and Mrs. Rice act as Counsellors for the 'group and the executive for this year is president--Miss Gayle Wright; Co-president--Grant Williams; Secretary--Miss Marianne Ver- non; and the Treasurer--Dale Beare. Thirty-eight members are at present enrolled. Arrangements have now been completed for the group to rieet on Sunday mornings under the supervision of the, counsel- | ler, Mr. Gordon Reesor. All young people interested in be- coming associated with this group will receive a warm wel- come at the gatherings. It is interesting to note that some thirty-five young men and women of this group journeyed to Whitby to entertain the folk at Fairview Lodge last week. Among those accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Merlin Dowson, Mrs. Charles Reesor/and a carload of young folk from Toronto who accompanied Betty & Sam Rice. Instead of the usual form of entertainment, the evening was spent in playing a game. The prize winners were Miss M. Blair; Mrs. William Graham (a well-known former member of this community); Mr. H. R. Johns (father of Mrs. George Hall, Port Perry) and Mr. Joe Pickett. The young folk acted as hosts at a delightful social hour and provided dainty refreshments. To round out the eyening everyone joined in singing Blest Be The Tie That Binds and the Benediction was given by Mr. Rice. ; PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, April 8th, -- 13 Noted Speaker At Fidelity Lodge Ladies' Night Professor G. N. Patterson, - head of Varsity's Institute for Aerospace Studies, Toronto, will be the guest speaker at the annual Ladies' Night of Fidel- ity Lodge No. 428, A.F and AM. The event will take place in the Masonic Temple on Queen Street on Saturday, April 17th and should prove to be a most interesting evening, Dr. Patterson is in great de- mand as lecturer and speaker and recently delivered the 28th Wright Brothers Lecture to the American Institute of Aero- nautics and Astronutics in New York. He is the first and only Canadian ever invited to do so. Port Perry U.C.W. Just one jump ahead of the very bad weather that struck us last Wednesday night the ladies of the Evening Unit of U.C.W. presened a very delight- ful Noon Luncheon and Spring Hat Show. A Salad Plate lunch pO ---- RR RT A ATI EY ta So he a po Holstein Breeders " was enjoyed by 120 ladies in- 3 hs we week a Rogol THE EDITOR cluding many visitors from the Yh v Menong "Angus wi N i] neighbouring communities. This Ra the annual cao Lor mos wesw Enjoy Bus Tour [woman eo I production people at the Osha-| Port Perry Star Co. Ltd, <4 led by Mrs. Ruby Beare, Pres. wa plants of General Motors of Canada, the company announced recently. In departments which cannot be completely closed for this two week period, satisfactory arrangements will be made by supervision for employees to take their vacation at other times. Company paid vacation per- iods for eligible hourly rate people are 80 hours pay for employees with one but less than three years seniority; 100 hours pay for three but less than five years seniority; 120 hours pay for five but less than 10 years seniority; 140 hours pay for 10 but less than 15 years seniority; and 160 hours pay for 15 or more years seni- ority. Cancer Society Canvass Starts Mon., April 26 The month of April is set aside as Cancer month, During the month volunteers of the Pcrt Perry Unit will have a door to door canvass of Port Perry and the townships of Reach, Scugog and Cartwright, soliciting donations to promote the work of the Canadian Can- cer Society, This year's "tar- get" for the above mentioned area has been set at $2,200.00, and it is hoped that this "sum" wili be reached by the end of April, . The Campaign chairman Mrd. Mzbel Cawker announces the rural canvass will take in the entire month' of April due t road conditions, -- and that of the town of Port Perry will be held the week of April 26th. Approximately 80 people will be engaged in this all-out ef- fort. We urge the people of this community to support this worthy endeavour, We can each play a part by contribut- ing to the campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. REMEMBER--the big week for Port Perry -- April 26th-- Give the Society the help they deserve. The fight against Cancer is everybody's fight. Port Perry, Ontario. Dear Sirs: A short, but nevertheless, sin- cere note to thank you for your co-operation and assistance to the Ontario Heart Foundation during our 1965 Heart Fund Campaign. The coverage we received from your paper sur- passed all expectations, and it is due to this fact that our Heart Fund was successful, . You enabled us to inform the public that February was Heart Month in Canada and also what the Ontario Heart Foundation is doing in the field of research. We have always enjoyed the association with all press rep- resentatives and it is a pleasure to look forward to this through- 'out the year. Once again, a sincere "heart" felt thanks for your assistance and co-operation during Febru- ary. With best wishes. Yours very, truly, ONTARIO HEART FOUNDATION (Miss) Esther M. Richards, Director of Public' Relations Donates Money At the April meeting of Scu- gug Chapter, I1.0.D.E., members voted donations of $25. each to {he Cancer Fund and the Cana- dian National Institute for the Blind. Mrs. Dymond informed the meeting that a panel on cancer research is to be held in the Presbyterian Church base- ment on 'April 26th, at 8 p.m. The panel members are to be Maurice J. Grimes, ex-director of the Ontario division of the Canadian Cancer Society, and Dr. Frank A. Beale, radio-ther- apist at Princess Margaret Hospital, It should be very worthwhile, The book placed on the Memory Shelf in the library for Mrs. Weir is en- titled "Memory's Wall" by Lady Eaton, Mrs. W. T. Harris made her usual generous gesture of inviting the members' to her summer place for the June meeting. On Wednesday, March 31st, thirty - six Holstein breeders from Ontario County took a bus trip to Western Ontario, for the purpose of visiting farms where outstanding Holstein cattle are bred, and exhibited at the ma- jor shows and exhibitions in Canada. The first visit was to Ebydale Farms at Kitchener, owned by Orton and Floyd Eby. The sec- ond visit was to Ebyholme Farm, Kitchener, owned by Clarence Eby. After dinner at Fern Lodge, Galt, the Rose Vega Farm, cwned by John Gillespie was visited. Following this was a visit to Greenwood Farm, own- ed by Wallace Knapp, and the final visit of the day was to Browndale Farm, owned by R. F. Brown. District W. I. News The Spring Board of Direct- or"s meeting, of the Ontario South District Women's Insti- tules, was held recently in the Brooklin Council Chambers with all twelve Branches repre- sented by District Directors or their Alternates. The District President Mrs. S. Cawker, Port Perry, chaired the meeting, ably assisted by the Sec-Treas. Mrs. Wm. Heron of Brooklin. The meeting: was brought to order with use of the Ode and Collect. The Federated Rep. Mrs. W. A. Brown, Locust Hill, report- ed on the Luncheon and meet- ing, held in January at the Provincial Board Directors' heme, Mrs. Garnet Francy of Gormley. Considerable time was devot- ed to planning the Annual meeting of the District. The dute will be May 20th, and the possible hostesses will be the Kinsale Branch, but this is not definite as yet. Branches please keep in mind the display of Handicrafts for the District Annual -- five articles from each Institute. Tea was served, and a half- hour of sociability was enjoyed, The farms visited were all owned by experienced breeders and feeders of Holstein cattle, At each visit the breeding and feeding programme was out. lined in detail by the owner, Many excellent ideas were ob. served and noted by the farm. ers from Ontario County. The bus trip was arranged & supervised by Garry Nelson, Holstein Fieldman, and Lynn Fair, Agricultural Representa- tive, Ontario Department of Agriculture, and Ronald Werry, President of the Ontario County Holstein Club. 4-H Club Activities vities The Port Perry 4-H Dairy Club met at Port Perry High School on March 25th at 8.00 p.m. Mr. Keyes gave a talk on club work, The election of of- ficers was conducted by Mr. Keyes. President--Aldon Smith Vice-Pres.--Keith Phoenix Secretary--Ron Crozier Press Reporter--Robt, Smith The meeting was then closed with the 4-H pledge. "Robert Smith eo ¢ The first meeting of the Port Peiry 4-H Grain Club was held at the Port Perry High School March.25, at 8.00 p.m. Mr, Larry Burt leader of the cub conducted the election of officers, President--Jim Gerrow Vice-Pres.--Robert ~~ Cooperthwaite Secretary--Bruce Heayn Press Reporter--Bruce Smith Mr. Keyes gave a talk on club work and the meeting was closed with the 4-H Club Pledge. Bruce Smith WE NOW CARRY A LINE OF Office Supplies IN OUR OFFICE Drop in and see what we have to offer. PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD PHONE: 985.7383 of the U.C.W. A couple of read- ings" on Grandmothers were given by Mrs. Roy Leask and Mrs. Joan Lee entertained with two favaourite Irish melodies. Previewing their own creations in Spring Millinery were, Aud- rey Baylis, Marie Foster, Doris Tobin, Marie Real, Doris Bacon, Mildred Rodd, Eunice Rahm, Norrine Cook, Mia Salonen, Joan Lee, Marie Cookman, Brenda Gibson, Norene Blair, Margaret Qouperthwaite, Mary Young, Mary Jean Till, Janet McKean, Jean Hunter, Jean Kerry, Iva Phoenix and Ruth Stone. Also taking us back before the- turn of the century Marie Real, Doris Tobin, Norinne Cook and Joan Lee modelled ensembles of 1860 -1900. The commentator for the fashion parade was Shirley Lee. We hope all the ladies arrived home safely before the storm came our way. 0 Ped Sees Ge tee eed Gene bnew) Ge) BN) The Christian Sclence Monitor One Norway St., Boston, Mass, 02113 Pleats enter my subscription to the Monitor for the period checked bee fow. | enclose $----.. (U.S, Funds) 01 YEAR $24 [1 6 months $13 [1 3 months $6 Name. 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