HEN fd CL ok : BAA AI Pw wh aaa ll INE SRT A YS Tiny tots are well dressed, thanks to their aunt. Shown above are Miss Isabelle Strong, Grade XI student at Port Perry High School, with her nephew Master Dale Geer and niece, Janice McHugh. Isabelle fashioned all three the sailor motif youngsters was outfits during her Home Economics course and House" at the School. she chose for herself and the modelled at Tuesday's "Open --Staff Photo High School "Open House" Students Show Athletic, Creative Skills was most interesting and no doubt came as a pleasant sur- Tuesday evening held warm and clear for the annual Open House at Port Perry High| prise to the many parents, School. ~ | grandparents and friends who At 7.30 p.m. the Cadet Band | gathered on the school campus assembled on the campus and | to witness their performance. gave several renditions of live- To many parents, the goings- ly marching music. Their pre-| on at the High School are some- cision drill marching and hand- what of a mystery, and this an- ling of their band instruments nual invitation to the 'house of Starr Will Contest Leadership Michael Starr, Conservative | Fultoa were candidates. House leader in "the Commons | old Mr. and labor minister in the for-: the mer Diefenbaker government, | : : . | Ontario, said Tuesday he will be a can- ) didate for the leadership of his' cided to contest the leadership Starr, riding of The 55-year who represents said, he now has de- party "when the position be- rcgardless of who is in the comes vacant." field. Previously he had announced He was first elected to the he would run only if either for- Commons in a by-election mer trade minister George Hees | 1952 and has been re-elected in | or former justice minister Davie every general election since. | ing. in derts learning' on the hill in Port Perry is an opportunity no par- ent should ever miss The skill and dexterity of our youngsters leaves many parents and adults ir a state of amazement. IFollowing the campus activity the Cadet Band marched into the Gymnatorium where every aT it for A Airs ~ f iy y v as yea He » A TOE Ry AL § A] LCA OE SA SAS d . § 9% 33 . . a. EL y 8 BENREAA SLB IRE TENURE Y SS SATE PURER Baa \ P2RT § PERRY seat was occupied by the visit- ors. Mr. Grant MacDonald, Principal of the High School ex- tended a warm welcome to the | parents and friends and then Miss Maryagne Vernon, Miss Vernon introduced the Physical Education group of girls who put on a display of fuhdamental movements and creative danc- Fhese girls, many of them only first year high school stu- proved themselves most graceful and rythmical. Their (Continued on page 16) Volume 100 THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1965 Ee A ia S--------._ 1, For "Moods By Alma Reesor The spacious auditorium of the Port Perry Public School was filled to capacity to enjoy the presentation of "Moods In Music" produced by the Port Perry United Church Choir un- der the capable supervision of the musical director and choir- leader, Mrs. Frank Hastings. Assisting in the musical accqm- paniments was her daughter, In Music" N umber 34 ' Auditorium Capacity Filled Miss Gloria Hastings who is*\ aiso the church organist. Once again the choir excelled themselves both in talent and showmanship. The artistic and attractive stage settings were a sight to behold, appropriately in keeping with the theme of the first act, and the thrill of antique enthusiastics. Mrs. Frank Godley and her commit- (Continued from Page 13) New Owner Of Jewellery Store Takes Over Sat The jewellery store operated by the late Mr. I. R. Bentley in Port Perry for almost half a century will have a new own- er on Saturday, May 15th. George W. Pentland of Osh- awa, jeweller and watchmaker employed by Bassett Jewellers in the Shopping Centre has pur- chased the old established store from Mrs. Bentley. Mr. Pentland learned his trade in a well known English firm, Thomas Yates & Sons, es- tablished in 1847 in Preston, Lancashire, England. He began his apprenticeship in 1941 and stayed with the firm for seven years. While in England he married Vera Sharples, a charming lady, whom Port Perry resi- dents will also learn to know. Mrs. Pentland will be seen in the store quite frequently as- sisting her husband in catering | to the customers. Mr, and Mrs. Pentland have: two children, Janice 12 and; David 11 years old. The family are anxious to settle in Port | Perry, and will move here as, . | turned the ceremonies over "| Hospital Report | Week Ending May 8th Admissions .......ccceeunen. 18 Operations ........cccceeennnnn. 10 Emergency Treatment .. 3 Births cients 1 Deaths 1 Discharges ... 20 Remaining .....cccoeen. 20 Visiting Hours 3-4 & 7-8 p.m. | staff, urday, May 15 secon as living accomodations -are found. In July Mr. and Mrs. Pent- land will have visitors from "the old country" when Mrs. Péntland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharples will pay a visit. On behalf of Port Perry and district residents, the Star is taking the liberty of extending a warm welcome to Mr, & Mrs. Pentland and their children. Theatre Night And Bus Trip Much Enjoyed On Wednesday evening, May 5th, the members of Port Perry Public School Board, accom- panied by their wives, joined the their wives, husbands and friends, to enjoy their an- nual outing to O'Keefe Centre in Toronto. Arrangements were made by Mr. Glen Taylor to see and hear the much-acclaimed presenta- ticn entitled, "The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd", The scenic evening bus ride, the delightful music of the play, the superb acting of the | famous players, was made even more enjoyable by the splendid | fellowship of the amiable group. All of this was climaxed by a | bountiful lunch at Cedarbrae Plaza. The entire evening was one of exceeding pleasure for all concerned. School Cadet Band marches to its own usic. Shown above are members of the Port wo High School band opening the programme at High "Open House" on the campus of the school. This Cadet Band, under the direction of Mr. John Jefford is composed of boys and girls who bring credit to their school by thei functions during the school year, r fine performances at various --Staff Photo RE CDR SE RE ---- we Py -- SO = Ne aT a A Da Tae eC ONG lS SP a | INE Ea AIRS nl Bol a IA RT Sh 2 --- ~ ------ ca aa < Co ee > ----,