2 - PORT PERRY STAR, 7 Thursday, May 13th, 1965 ASHBURN NEWS Christian Family Day Ser- vice was held in Burn's Church on Sunday, May 9th at 11.30 am. with the Sunday School superintendent Mr. Fred Daw in charge, The Order of Worship ag prepared by the Board of Christian Education was used, Miss Lisa Gaudaur led in the responsive reading from the Old Testament and Miss Isabel Hyatt read the Scripture les- son from the New Testament Mark b: verses 21-43. The Junior sang as their anthem "In the Garden" and Rev. H. Bun- tain delivered the message. Mrs. M. Sparks and Mr. John Miller visited Mrs. W, Kerr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Stiver, Unionville on Tues- day. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ashton; sons Ronald and Arnold and Mrs. H. Doble were Sunday din- ner guests of Mrs. Betty Hogg, Toronto, Congratulations to the pu- pils of our school on winning first prize on the Triple Trio ' 2 This Summer make 1t a GREAT ONTARIO ADVENTURE VACATION Discover the unexpected in Ontario's exciting Northeast! J Northeast in your Ontario is a land of adventure . . . o family vocation- land filled with history, notural wonders end unparalleled beauty. See the mammoth Soult Ste. Marie locks that give ocean vessels entrance to lake Superior. Relax amid the splendour of Manitoulin Island . . . Indian country, and a sportsman's paradise of hunting ond fishing. Then visit North Bay, gotewoy to the un- spoiled beauty of Ontario's great north. Visit Cobalt, Timmins ond Kirkland 'lake, built on hidden treasures of precious minerals. See the mines in operation. Then on past the "Arctic 'Watershed" beyond which all waters flow to the Arctic Ocean, to Cochrane where Ontario Northland Rallway's "Polar Bear Express" takes you 6n a day-long excursion to Moosonee on the James Bay frontier. Here you re- turn to the earliest days of the fur trode ond visit Moose Factory, an out. post of the Hudson's Bay Company since 1673. We'd like to help you plan d reward- Ing Adventure Vacation In Ontario's exciting Northeast, Send us this cou- pon and we'll mail you our Great ortheast Ontario Adventure Vacation booklet (24 pages in full colour). TS rs cs cis GS ei ts wd nih a bh i wi Province of Oulariey Dept. of Tourism & latormotion, Floste send' me complete information Oh Great NBiheost Ontario Adventure Vacotons, ! selection and second prize on the school chorus at the music Festival held in Ajax last week. Mrs. Edgar Heron is attend- ing the Annual Council meet- ing of the W.M.S. being held in Ewart College, Toronto this week, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Middle- ton and family visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Rogers of Bowmanville, were Sunday vi- sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mr. and Mrs, H. Anderson, of Elora spent a couple of days recently with Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Anderson. Spr. 4 Philip Doble, of the U.S. Army left for Germany on May 8th, had Tuesday dinner with Mrs, D. Ashton and Mrs. H. Doble, Mr. Arthur Holman returned to his home last week after spending three months in Ari- zona. The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Lindsay Death on Wed- nesday, May 6th at 8 p.m. with an attendance of twenty, Hymn 6545 "Faith of our Fa- thers", was sung, the scripture lesson Psalm 72 was read by Mrs. H. Doble, followed with prayer by Mrs. R. Richardson, The minutes and correspond- [ J o Legion Ladies ) \ ege Auxiliary The meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Le- gion Branch 419 was held May 3rd. The meeting was opened with the presenting of the colours, roll call of officers and execu- tive and the minutes of the last meeting were read and ad- opted. A new member wag installed. Correspondence was read and bills passed for payment. About 25 of our members will be attending the Zone Rally May 11th at Whitby, and a bus has been chartered. The reports of the Convenors were read. The members voted on dona- tions of $25.00 to the Cancer Fund; $25.00 to Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind, ard $100.00 to the Hospital Auxiliary, towards their pro- ject of buying new ex-ray equipment. After the close ¢ ot the meet- ing a social hour was enjoyed and a lunch of sandwiches, cake, ice cream and coffee was served. ence was read which included , meetings held in Orangeville an invitation for our members |in April were given by Mrs. Russell Batten and Mrs. Edgar to attend a Thank Offering meeting in Beaverton on May | Heron. 26th, Mrs, Reports of the Synodical | charge of the study "Through R. Batten was in the Years in Canada with the . W.M.S." : The meeting closed with the singing of Hymn 663 'Abide with Me", and prayer by Mrs. F. Lynde. What's your stand on life insurance paying for a college education? I'S Mrs. Powell Mrs. Powell I've never connected the two-- You really should be talking to life insurance and college, I my husband about this. Where mean. could he find out all about it? * Interviewer Interviewer Thousands of Canadian parents "have provided college educa- tions for their children this way through The Mutual Life. Mrs. Powell Some kind of special insurance policy? I still don't see how... Interviewer : A policy purchased when your child is young guarantees that --come what may--the money will be available when it is needed. Have him call The Mutual Life of Canada representative near- est you. L-6s- 10 vd The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICER: WATERLOO, ONTARIO/ ESTABLISHED 1809 REPRESENTATIVE: TRAN 136 GARDEN STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-6968 CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE DEALER BEARE MOTORS LTD. QUEEN STREET IT°S TRADE 'N' TRAVEL TIME! ;; 1p PHONE 985.7351 IN PORT PERRY MOTORS LIMITED ' CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE » PORT PERRY ER Fin MELT AY RT hl er