EPSOM NEWS Jean Jeffery So many churches, so many creeds, So many ways that wind & wind, When all the old earth really needs, Is just the art of being kind. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox) Epsom U.C.W. The July meeting of Epsom U.C.W. was held at Fairview Lodge in Whitby. We consider it a privilege and an honour to have this pleasure of meeting with this lovely group of people each year. Mr. McKinley opened the meeting with prayer. The hymn "Will Your Anchor Hold" was then sung. Mrs. Donald Asling took the chair for the Devotional Ser- vice and read the Scripture fol- lowed by the lesson thoughts. Hymn "Keep Me Near the Cross" was then:sung. Mrs, Millman, the president, then took the chair for the fol- lowing programme: Miss Beth Evans played sev- eral selections on her accor- dian. Mrs. G. Jeffery gave two readings "To - Morrow" and "Borrowing a Newspaper" (both clipped from T. J. Editorial Column, A Trio from Fairview, Mr. Richard Wilson, Mr. Clifford Bruce and Mrs, Laura Walker, accompanied by Mrs. Moore | sang "The Little Brown Church in the Wild Wood". Mrs. Thompson of Fairview recited "Somebody's Mother". Mrs. Thompson is a retired school teacher, who has lost her sight. Seeing her do this from the wheel-chair made us realize and count our many blessings. Mrs. Laura Walker then sang "When Irish Eyes ar Smiling", accompanied by Mrs. Moore at the piano. Mrs. Donald Asling gave ¢ reading "This is the Day". Mr. Buchannan recited "My get up and go, got up & went". Miss Beth Evans favoured us with another accordian section. Mrs. Moore played for a sing-song of old time songs, while lunch was prepared. Mr. McKinley closed the meeting with the benediction. All enjoyed a social hour af- ter lunch. It was a miserable day outside, but warm and friendly inside. There were two accidents this week that happened to people we know. We do wish a speedy 3rd ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION | Wilson Furniture Many Tremendous Savings Fabulous Reductions FREE PRIZES WITH EVERY PURCHASE WIN TWO TICKETS TO SEE THE "BEATLES" SUITES -- FROM 5 PIECE DINETTE FLOOR COVERING CLEAROUTS From D4c per foot $29.95 recovery to Mr. G. A. Cumming and Mr. I. Catherwood. Mr. Catherwood is at the home of his son Delbert & Mrs. Cather, wood at Whitby. Congratulations to Miss Dianne Card who got 80% on her exams and headed her class at P'P.H.S. Miss Elaine Medd and Miss Darlene Christie are taking Summer Courses at College of Education in Toronto. Several attended the L.O.L. Parade in Cannington on Sat. Our little Darlene Lyons march- ed as a drum majorette. Happy Birthday to Trudy Brawn last Saturday. PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, July 15th, 1965 -- 3 Mrs. Jean Neeson was visit ing at the Cracknell cottage for the week-end. On Sat. evening Mr. and Mrs. Cracknell and Mrs. Neeson vi- sited Mr. and Mrs. W. Asling at Brookdale. Mrs. Doreen Pickett of Ot- tawa was with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, Evans for the week-end. Her hubby, Tom, has been sent to the Yukon for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hockley of Unionville also visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, Evans on Sunday and called on other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Len Beach and boys of Orillia visited her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. D, Prentice Sunday and returned home on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bushell, Mrs. Walter Ashton & Gordon of Oshawa on Thursday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling at- tended the 25th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wagner on Tuesday éventiig at the home of his mother Mrs. Continued on Page 10 A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT All-wool worsted flannel slacks with permanent DURAPRESS creasing Pure wool's triumph! A new soien- tifio process makes the freshly- pressed appearance of these slao permanent. They oan be caught in the rain . .. packed in a suitcase... endure hours of sitting . . . and the crease will keep. It's our famous Durapress Slack for natural-looking neatness. Plain or pleated front. Self-supporting waist or belt loops. 10.95 TIP TOP TAILORS STORE MEN'S SUMMER SLACKS TIP TOP ALL WOOL and TERYLENE and WOOL SLACKS SPECIAL SALE 10.95 Men's Summer SHOES SISMAN Oxfordt, Loafers, Suede, Plain Leather, also regular shoes with neolite soles 0.95 Men's Cabana Sets CATALINA 2 5% Discount Men's Suits Sport Jackets SPECIAL PRICES SMOOTH-TOP Chr MATTRESSES 26.00 | °° Bunk Beds Complete .$57.00 ome Hi Chairs ...... $6.95 Folding Strollers .......... $7.99 ce. Bedroom Suite $98.00 1965 Thistle Carriages $29.95 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Frieze Cover Foam Cushions A127. J OSHAWA WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST., Linoleum Tile | ¢ wo GOLD SEAL ; CONGOLEUM 1.10" Armstrong Quaker Floor Sandran 1.95. VINYL 15 eo ASBESTOS TILES Wall Paper 200 PATTERNS IN STOCK PRE-PASTED 69: ROLL ROOM LOTS ALWAYS AVAILABLE PLASTIC Window Blinds 1 08