\¥ Jy 29 - Aug. b REAL ESTATE -- -- THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS FULLY Furnished cottage on Lake Scugog, two boats, frig., stove, 100 amp. wir- ing, treed lot with small dock. Full price only $4,700. $12,500 FULL PRICE 50 ACRE FARM TWO ponds, 30 to 35 acres suitable for crops or pas- ture, balance in good bush. Small three bedroom frame home, would be excellent for small fruits. Suitable for Oshawa commuter. On good road, close to schools and churches. WANTED HOUSES IN PORT PERRY ~~ CLIENTS WAITING call HERB. SCHOFIELD 985-7762 REAL ESTATE JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR, BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 8 Roomed home on Bigelow St. Port Perry. New siding. All newly painted and re-decorated. Modern conveniences. Asking $11,000. $3,000 Down. 100 Acre farm, located north of Oshawa, with 8 roomed home, large barn, pond, hen house, ete. Modern conveniences. Asking $30,000. Terms. BETHANY, 8 Roomed home on b3% acre lot. Highway location. Water under pressure. Asking $8,500. with low down payment. DAIRY FARM Blackstock area, 150 Acres with 9 Roomed home, barn, waterbowls. Bulk tank cooler. Guernsey milk contract with Toronto dairy. Beautiful stream. BUYING or SELLING Contact LORNE C. DUFF 24 Perry Street, Port Perry Phone 985-2728 Rep. for John F. DeWith Auction Sales SAT., JULY 31st -- Auction Sale of Several Consignments Furniture, Modern & Antique, Large Quantity of Tools, El Motors, Etec., at Jackson's Auc- tion Lot, Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jly 22-29 Auctioneers SAT., AUG. 7--Auction Sale of Furniture, Piano, 3 Chester- field Suites, Dining Room Suite, Full line of Household Goods, the property of Ray Cook, Water St. Port Perry. Terms Cash. 8alé at 1.00 O'Clock. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Auctioneers iT LATRERIVE MA EAA REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTORS 20 acres with fruit trees, Frame House, 4 bedrooms, all conveniences, 2 small barns, close to highway. Only $15,000. Beef farm, 360 acres good land, 8 room brick home, all conveniences, large well equip- ped barns, beautiful trout stream, Cottage with picturesque view, overlooking Lake Scugog, completely winterized, oil furn- ace, fire-place, conveniences. Priced to sell. 100 acres, with pond. Nicely decorated 1% storey home, all conveniences, tractor and equip- ment included at $17,900 with terms, - Local Representative HAROLD FORDER Port Perry 985-2396 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, hay, Implements & Fur- niture, the property of Elmer Malyon, Lot 2, Con. 12, Reach Twp., 1 mile north and 3 miles west of Greenbank on SAT, JULY 31st. Shorthorn Cattle, 12 cows with calves by side, Case Model S tractor, Qu. of Machinery, 1000 bales of hay, Qu. of household furniture in- cluding a good piano. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Jly 22-29 REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE -- Farm Stock, Implements and Furni- ture. Property of Ed Blanch- ard and Sons, Lot 17, Con. 7, Brock Township, 1 mile north and 1% miles east of Sunder- land on Thursday, August 5th. 58 head Holstein cattle, 15 cows, bred heifers, 2 year olds, year- lings, steers and heifers. Re- mainder calves, 25 pigs, ap- proximately 180 lbs., 100 year- ling hens, 2000 bales hay, 300 bales straw, quantity of grain; Massey Ferguson No. 35 Diesel Tractor with loader, 4 years, I.H.C. Tractor WD9, good shape Ford Tractor, M.H. combine No. 300, 11 ft. cut 2 crops, M.F. baler, New Holland Manure Spreader P.T.0., John Deere 7 disc seed drill on rubber, New Holland hay conditioner, M.F. power mower, 3 point hitch, full line modern machinery, quantity of household furniture including living room suite, Beatty cookstove, ete. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 12 p.m. Note this is a large sale and must start on time. Gerald Graham, Larry Johnson, Clerks; Reg. Johnson, Ted Jackson, and Ted Spenceley, Auctioneers. Jly 22-29 DEATH STEPHENS, George William --Passed away in England on Saturday, July 24th, 1966. Late of Lilla St., Port Perry, beloved husband of the late Jane Ste- phens, dear father of Wilfred, Brantford, Ont. & William, Port Perry. Grandfather of Rodger, Richard, Russell, Robert, Hea- ther, Joy & Marilyn. Inter- ment in England. Prince Albert "News At worship on Sunday the congregation grasped a great deal of thought from our min- ister"s message. All pleased to hear Mr. Heayn's voice again. were Robert Miss Betty Rice, Torénto spent the week-end with her parents Rev. and Mrs. A. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Devitts were among the guests attend- ing the Devitt - Moore Church wedding in Peterboro. Two of our girls Misses Ina Kiezibrink and Mildred Mar- tyn were home for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kyrytow (Nola Hunter), Toronto, are spending a portion of their two week's holiday in our midst. Jim Martyn, who is camping at Stephenson's Point is happy to have his cousin Bill Wana- maker of Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt and sons enjoyed last week at their cottage on Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith en- joyed the week-end with her brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb, Haliburton. Tuessday evening July 22nd about ninety well-wishers as- sembled in the church parlors to honour another maiden of our midst Miss Beth Hunter a bride elect of this month. A neighbour Mr. Earl Mar- tyn ably acted as chairman, After a few well chosen re- marks he requested Beth and her fiance Charles Willes come forth and be seated in two spe- cial chairs situated in a bridal setting. The chairman at this point commenced introducing the following enjoyable pro- gram: Reading "My Occupation" by Mrs. B. Smith; 'Piano solo, Miss Jean Snelgrove; Recitation "No- thing Suited Him" by Mrs. F. Gibson; Piano number, Miss Patsy Holtby; Reading "Bride's Dream", Mrs. S. Glass. At this time Misses Denise Jeffrey and Linda Hunter car- ried baskets and baskets of | gifts, after which the bride to be and prospective groom en- dured the pleasant task of un- wrapping parcels for which Beth and Chuck voiced appro- priate speeches. A sing -song, lunch, then homeward after a pleasant party shower. Mrs. B. Snelgrove played hostess for the July meeting of the U.C.W. The weather being ideal, a pot-luck lunch was ser- ved on the lawn at one o'clock. A rich devotion was contri- buted by Mrs. C. Love and Mrs. E. McKerihan, During this time silent prayer was observed in memory of the late Mrs. Flor- ence Brown who was a highly esteemed member At 2 o'clock Mrs. Roy Hope, the president presided, welcom- ing everyone, especially a visit- or Mrs. Mulvey. - Minutes read by secretary Mrs. H. Holtby, also thank-you notes from Mrs. C. Chambers and the Brown fa- mily. Treasurer' Mrs. Jewell reported on dollars and cents, Mrs. B. Smith discovered only five visits made. A sum was voted to our local hospital and Bible Society. Mrs. Pugh is willing to con- vene Port Perry fair booth with assistance of Mrs. Jewell, Mrs, Wilson and Mrs. T. Hodgins. Mrs. Beacock to locate infor mation regarding a few angles pertaining to forthcoming Cen- tennial. vite ' H £8 ey a SAD XE ania nl f.v 3 Koo pt AUN Ae a Rr MERE MAGCURREA AL b 4 fa A" BARS ) fy 7% ' Cart hI TR ENS SAL Sit SS PeNPY ASAPS XRF all dea od 4 Cedar Creek Mr. and Mrs. Dave Herrit and | family"of Clinton, B.C., visited | Mr .and Mrs. Ronnie Larocque and family recently. The Her- rit family were on a motor trip to Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. John Den Boer and family had a week's holi- day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse and daughters of Oshawa stayed at the Den Boer farm for the week. Mr. Allen Keetch and son Kenny of Whitby, visited George Kilpatrick last Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque and Debbie visited Mr. and Mrs. Fugene Trepanier in Toronto last Sunday. Doug Blain has been a pa- tient in Oshawa General Hospi- tal the past week. Mrs. Bruce Cummings and children and Mrs. Jim Tripp and children of Shirley had a motor trip through Algonquin Park last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Farrow and Audrey and Ivan of South River and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of King City were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Doherty and fam- ily. Mrs. Doherty and children returned to South River with her parents for a holiday. 'Mrs. Audrey Kimlin of Osh- awa visited Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cummings and family on Sun- day. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Joe Mosienko on the death of her father, John Apostle, on Thursday at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa. The late Mr. Apostle farmed for a number of years on the Mosienko farm on the Oshawa Road. Also surviving are his wife and three other| daughters. His son, died several funerdl William, years ago. The was on Saturday in Oshawa. PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, July 29th, 1965-7 Church Services ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. James S. Cunningham Priest-in-charge Sunday, August 1st-- ~ 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. Minister Sunday, August 1st-- 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School Prince Albert -- 9.45 a.m.--Morning Worship. 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, August 1st-- The congregation of St. John's Presbyterian Church Port Perry will join with the United Church for the month of July. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Pastor Sunday, August 1st-- 10 a.m.--Family Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGB Rev. Geo. Teskey, Sunday, August lst-- Prospect--9.16 a.m. Manchester--10.15 a.m, Scugog--11.16 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? -- 985-2420 5 RY FL y between Profit and Loss. Little do we realize the Listed below are a few available: PEST CONTROL-- Flor-Bait -- Powder for dusting cattle. OTHERS AVAILABLE--WE UXBRIDGE 852-3321 Disease and Pest Control could mean the difference because of disease bacteria and pest problems. BARN AND PEN CLEAN UPS-- Break Through, a powder trem characteristics -- also used for leucosis. Steri-Glo -- liquid antiseptic disinfectant. Kerol -- Tar-acid disinfectant. Carbola -- Disinfecting white paint. Cygon 4E -- A residual barn fly spray. Va-Por Strips -- For milk houses. Fly Mor & Cow Fly Powder -- For spraying or UXBRIDGE CO-OPERATIVE G0-0P GORNER By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Co-operative loss of production efficiency of the products which are disinfectant with broad spec- windows and floors. INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES PORT PERRY ZE. 8-4180 SE el Ss ey a ox Ee Ry wy 2 Fan Lae RT IRS TT Son NEA a -r pr $i RE 3 £1 Sr 3 w-- v Ely a -_ Aono a PE a) A Sa Sh eto hel mgr .- SA CCAS > a pa rs TA a. SNE fe 8 Sm NER RN wm Ag z a Se Vey fy a Hy i [Ig jo)