ou eb Walter Kerry Wins Ont. Cty. 900 Bushel Mr. Walter Kerry, Port Perry R.R. 1, was the winner of the Ontario County 500 Bushel Po- tato Club this year. The score is based on yield and quality. He used the Chippewa variety. His estimated yield in bushels per acre was 814. Mr. Ches Lunney, Zephyr, was in second place with a yield of 743 bushels. He used the Kennebec variety. Mr. Don Harrison, Zephyr, was in third place" with 621 bushels per acre, with the Sebago variety. There were 18 potato grow- ers, who took part in this high yield competition-.this year. The average yield for the 18 growers a or of the Provincial Soil and Potato Club was 526 bushels. The 500 Bushel Potato Club Competition was brought to a conclusion with a banquet in the Zephyr Community Hall on Thursday, November 25th. Mr. Ches Oldham, Zephyr, was ub master of ceremonies. of 137.8 bushels of shelled 15% Mr. Walter Rutherford, Fruit | moisture corn per acre. and Vegetable Extension Spe- | « cialist, gave an interesting talk on the potato industry, with Crop Improvement Association, particular reference to Insect and Mr. Charles Hadden, 1st and Disease Control as related Vice-President of the Ontario to growing the potato crop. Mr. | County Soil and Crop Improve- Bert Lockie thanked the speak-| ment Association, congratulated er for his splendid address. the growers on their success Mr. Russell Morrison, Direct- | this year. Mr. Bob Timbers thanked the donors of prizes and the ladies. Mr. Carman Boadway, Mount Albert, was the winner of the Ontario County 100 Bushel Corn Club this year. He had a yield + "WES ST --------E - HEATING ELECTRIC . PLUMBING Port Perry, Ont. 985-2473 Office Mr. Lynn Fair, Agricultural Representative, announced the prize winners, and asked the various donors of cash and mer- chandise to present their prizes. LANE Carman Boadway Top Winner In Ontario Cty. 100 Bus. Potato Club In second place was Donald Alves, R.R. 1, Brooklin, with a yield of 125.1 bushels per acre. In third place was R. H. Hunter, Brooklin, wit ha yield of 122.6 bushels per acre. Thirty-four farmers took part in the 100 Bushel Corn Club this year. Yields were taken on a three-acre plot. Each contest- ant could use any variety he wished, and use any means at his dispoal to procure the high- est possible yield. The average yield for the thirty-four con- testants were 91.44 bushels per acre. The club was brought to a conclusion with a 100 Bushel Corn Club banquet in the Com- munity Hall, Sandford, on Tues- day, November 23rd. Mr. Jack Leek, Sandford, was the chaijr- DOO POOPY A 4 Res. 728-6201 (3 lines Four Seasons Travel(0s LIMITED ° YOUR CERTIFIED eo TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. -- No Service Charge -- ROTORS OT ORT WON awa) OSHAWA When it comes to heaters, Volkswagen? We have. That's why we've added a heater booster this year. 2N It fills the VW with hot air faster. And keeps ~~ it filled automatically. A thermostat shuts it off when things warm up. And switches it on again if things cool down. we're full of hot air. Ever heard anyone complain about how long it takes the heater to get going in a always good and warm inside a 1966 Volks- wagen. And the windshield is always good and clear because we now have three de- froster vents for the heater booster to work with instead of two. If the idea of owning a we've done for 1966? So no matter what goes on outside, it's Werner's Service Center R.R. 4 Port Perry Tel. 985-7162 Hwy. 12, Manchester, Ont. We think it will thaw you out. Volkswagen has left you a little cold up until now, why not come in and see what PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Dec. 2, 1965-9 man of the banquet. Mr. Lynn Fair, Agricultural Representative, announced the prize winners, and cin the various donors of cash and mer- chandise to present their prizes. Mr. Doug Logsdail, Technical Director, Ontario Plant Food Council, gave a splendid talk on some of the new developments that are taking place in agri- culture to-day. Mr. Albert Foster extended the appreciation of the corn growers to the donors of the various prizes for their co- operation in making the prizes available for the corn club each year, Handicraft Guild Enjoy 2 Day Course In Hooking And Designing 21 enthused members of the Louise Patterson Handicraft Guild registered for the course on Designing and Hooking Te- chniques, held in the Presyter- ian Church basement, Nov. 26 and 27th. The Course was under the Community Programs Division, Dept. of Education, and the in- structors were Ted and Mar- garet Rowan, Rug experts of Rittermere Farm Studio, Vine- land, Ont. who nave travelled widely in the Province giving instruction on Rug Hooking, De- signing, ete, during the past five years. The two days were packed full--the important aspects of Designing was taught, and members wére given the oppor- tunity to gain some experience in making their own designs. Many new stitches in Rug Hooking were learned, and vari- ous methods of shading. Inter- esting films were also shown, portraying to the class the dif- ferent types of designs avail- able, such as--Traditional, Geo- metric, Contemporary, Oriental to mention a few, The Guild members provided a "Pot Luck Luncheon" both days, and the hot casseroles, meats, salads, desserts, ete. were certainly enjoyed by all present, The Guild would like to ex- tend a sincere thank you to the President Mrs. L. Patterson, the Committee Mrs. A. Martyn and Mrs. S. Naples, for excellent arrangements for the course, and also the officials of St. John's Presbyterian Church for use of the basement facilities. Manchester At Church on Sunday morn- ing, Janet Kathryn, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb was baptized. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Best and family visited in Lakefield on Sunday. Their daughter Mrs. Dunford and Angela returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Master- son and daughter, Miss Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Master- son and Kathy all of St. Cath- arines were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Russel Barfoot of Toronto were guests of her sister, Mrs. A. Roach and fa- mily on Sunday. An oil furnace has been in- stalled in the Municipal Hall. The old stove is awaiting a niche in a museum. Mrs. David Kuhn, R.N. of Peterborough was with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb over Sunday. o 0 t