Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Dec 1965, p. 4

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4 PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Dec. 16th, 1965 Hospital Auxiliary President Mrs. M. B. Dymond extended Xmas hospitality to the members of the Hospital Auxiliary when she invited them to a dessert luncheon in her home on Monday, Dec. 13th at 1.15 p.m. A tall Christmas tree was blazing with lights and Mrs. A. McDermott acted as Santa Claus with a jolly ho! ho! as she distributed a small gift to each guest. Mrs. Roy Cornish presented a potted chrysanthemum to Mrs. Dy- mond as a token of apprecia- tion from all the members. The business part of the meeting opened with the reci- tation of the Lord's Prayer and then Mrs. B. L. Wanamaker read the minutes of the last meeting Mrs Mumford read a letter from Blackstock U.C.W. expressing their willingness to participate in the Spring Fair. A date for this project has not yet been set but it is hoped to do so early in the New Year. Mrs. Manns reported six pairs of baby booties on hand, and Mrs. Cornish announced that members of the Eastern Star would willingly knit also read a thank-you recipient of a pair of booties. Mrs. D. Crozier ,treasurer, re- ported a balance on hand of over $1000. Proceeds from the to approximately $369., $5 of which was donated by Mr. D. McIntosh of Oshawa, one of the lucky winners in the World Fair Draw held in September. Mrs. Crozier the books had been audited by Mr. Stephen Fralick and a note of thanks will be sent to him. A letter will also be sent to the Doll Draw on their premises. McDermott should benefit of small patients in the if supplied with wool. Mrs. Manns |: letter |: from Mrs. Labanovich, a happy |: | annual Doll Festival amounted; reported that | Couples It was decided that Mrs. A.! Neil and the late Mr. Thomas purchase McNeil Port Perry to Mr. Ralph some children's books for the' John Forsyth, Toronto and Mr. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Susan Jane, daughters of Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Port Perry. Charles Brignall, Port Perry, wag the setting for the double wedding of Beverley Anne and Audrey McNeil and the late The Rev. Alec G. Rice offi- length scalloped veil and she daughters of Mrs. Audrey Me-, ' Carl Douglas Stevenson, Udora. firm of Greer & Kelly, for their ciated at the double marriage of carried a bouquet of red roses great kindness in allowing the Beverley Ann and Susan Jane and white mums, Susan Jane, given in marri- age by her uncle Mr. Charles Brignall Jr., Port Perry, wore a full length gown of delustred peau de soie, featuring an Em- hospital. Mrs. Roy Carnish is The ceremony took place at the in charge of deorations & gifts.' home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs Dymond wished all the Brignall Jr. on Dec. 4th. Kli a 1 int members a very Merry Xmas. Beverley Anne, given in mar- | ne wd or Moines A Merry Zinas also to all the; riage by her brother Mr. Robert bustle effect enhanced at front organizations who have helped McNeil, Uxbridge, was gowned | waist with self bow. so lovally during the past year.! in floor length gown of white The following donations have Chantilly lace with a scalloped pire bodice of re-embroidered Chantilly lace with scalloped Sf An exquisite double rose Grace Church Scugog UCW .cvvvnnnimsmimimies 10.00 Presbyterian Ladies Aid.. 10.00 Blackstock UCW ............ ... 5.00 SPINKS. Lewis Russell----At the Oshawa General Hosp. on Thur, Dec. 9th, 1965. Lewis Russell Spinks, of 383 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa, beloved husband of the late Albertha Rahme Wilson, dear brother of Mrs. Mabel Darcey. of Blackstock and Mrs. Margaret Argue of Burketon, stepfather of Robert and Edgar Wilson of Oshawa. and Harold Wilson of Alliston. in his 76th year. Rested at the Chapel of McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, service being on Satur- day. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. | Wakeford opened the meeting { with a poem, and extended a | warm welcome to all present. The minutes were read by Sec'y Mrs. Gwen King and approved. An inspirational Christmas | Devotional was conducted by Mrs. Merlin Dowson, with the manger scene in the foreground. Several members assisted. During the business the mem- "bers were reminded to save (Canada Packer labels, and hand | thom in to Mrs. Geo. Lee, Rosa St. A report was given on the Bazaar Mitten Tree by Mrs. | tessan table by Mrs. Lloyd Wakeford. Mrs. Sam Cawker outlined : important items of business dis- cussed at the Finance meeting | each Geo. Barthau, and the Delica- . been received and are gratefully neckline and a train of peau de headpiece held her scalloped acknowledged: i soie. Her crown headdress of | rose appliqued veil of silk illu- Seagrave UCW 32.00 seed pearls held her shoulder- sion and she also carried a bou- Shirley WIL ns 10.00 Ladies Auxiliary of i Canadian Legion .... 15.00 P t P U { WwW Blue Ray Chapter ........... 5.00 (0) r € r r ° bd . Manchester UCW 13.000 Ars. Merlin Dowson was | held recently. Yackstock ONO Club... 5.00 poctess for the Christmas meet- Honeydale W.I. _....... 10.00 iro of Unit #3. with 15 pre-| Calls reported total 19. Nestleton WI... 10.00 sent. The leader Mrs. Lloyd' The programme under the di- rection of Mrs. S. Cawker con- sisted of a lovely solo, the very popular English Carol, "Joy to the World", sung by Mrs. Gord- | _ on Robertson, and accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Stan. Ploughman. Carol singing was enjoyed, and a brief history was given by a member, before carol was sung. Those taking part in the Devotions and Programme comprised: Mesdames G. Thomas, S. Ploughman, L. Wakeford. IH. Wright, G. Barthau, G. King, I.. Beadle, H. McMullen, W. Hopkins and G. Robertson. The next meeting will bef held at Mrs. S. Ploughman's home Tues., Jan. 4th, 2:30 p.m. After closing the meeting with the Benediction, a "pot luck" lunch was served. Pictured on the left is Susan Jane who was united in mar- riage to Mr. Carl Douglas Stevenson of Udora and on the right is Beverley-Anne who was united in marriage to Mr. Ralph John Forsythe of Toronto. To Reside In Port Perry, Uxbridge quet of red roses and white Brignall, the couples left. For mums. travelling Beverley wore a Their only attendants were Cranberry red wool suit and two flower girls, Miss Julie black accessories. Susan wear- Brignall and Miss Debbie Men-, ing a pink lace dress and black zies, both of Port Perry. They coat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth will wore fed velvet dresses trim- med with white lace. | reside in Port Perry and Mr. Following the reception held and Mrs. Stevenson will reside at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | in Uxbridge. Learning to smile again - A: After this Associated Press photo of a stricken Vietnamese girl appeared in hundreds of papers across Canada and the United States last summer, thousands offered help. Foster Parents' Plan's Canadian-born director in Saigon located the girl in hospital and enrolled her. The photo at right shows her after she began receiving monthly aid through the Plan. Almost 7,000 Canadians give help to destitute children in the Far East, Europe and South America, on a person-to-person basis, through Foster Parents' Plan. Information may be had by writing P.0. Box 65, Station "B", Montreal. F I SR ES TAS ERY Te 0 Xo

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