Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Dec 1965, p. 1

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Santa visited the Port Perry Legion Hall last Over 200 - Saturday, bringing gifts to about 200 girls and . boys. ..Pictured above on the lap of the jolly Children fellow in the red suit is Bryce Ballingall, son of Comrade John Ballingall, Blackstock. In addition to the children of active and social See Santa members, Santa Claus also remembered the sons and daughters of Legionnaires who are now deceased. Police Charge Local Youths WithRecent House Break-Ins Three local youths have been arrested and charged with house-breaking, Scott Rollo (16); Robert Peterman (18) and At Legion work goes along, and in the opinion of Chief Cameron, Con- stable Roy is doing an excellent job in bringing to justice these Gordon McGowan (18) are all misguided adolescents who in custody awaiting preliminary | prowl by night and ransack pri- hearing in Port Perry Court on vate homes. Port Perry, Wednesday, Jan. 5 7.00 p.m. The dinner meeting will be a kick-off to an eight week town- wide trade' promotion designed to sell Port Perry, as a regional shopping district, to teach sales- people ways and means of in- creasing sales and to move mer- chandise and services through increased customer traffic and | better contact by salespeople. Allen has conducted similar | promotions in over 500 com- | munities throughout the United States and is now conducting re- tail trade promotions for mer- Mr., Mrs. A. Hunter Married 60 Years In the very attractive setting of the Pleasant Valley Nursing Home, Uxbridge, where Mrs. Hunter has been a patient for two years, the immediate family of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hunter gathered to extend congratula- tions on their diamond wedding anniversary. Present for this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb (Jes- sie), Haliburton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hunter, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. William Heayn (Esther) Prince Albert; also one granddaughter Beth & her husband Charles Willes, Prince Albert. Wednesday, December 22nd, Further arrests may be made according to Chief of Police Ro- bert Cameron, Numerous articles taken from Port Perry and district homes have been recovered and as: investigations continued it is hoped that more missing pro- perty will turn up. An intensive investigation has been going on since Sept- ember 4th, and under the super- vision of the Chief of Police, Constable Robert Roy was as- signed to the case and believes he has broken up the ring of house-breakers. New evidence fs being uncovered as police Port Perry Star 'Xmas' Closing The Port Perry Star Office will be closed for Christmas holidays at. 6.00 p.m. on Thursday, Dec, 23rd, and there will be no issue of the Star published between Christmas and New Year's. The office will be open At a recent meeting of Port Perry Council, the applications for Police Constable were re- viewed and Mr, Wm. F. Fardoe of Toronto was chosen from the 10 applicants, Mr. Fardoe was born in Win- nipeg and during the war years served overseas with the Cana- dian Artillery. From 1949 to 1952 he was a police constable in Herts. County, England and five years later was appointed Inspector in Kenya, Br. Rast Africa, - Returning to Canada, Mr. Fardoe served as Constable in Weyburn, Sask until 1964 when he moved to Toronto. past vear he has been employed by Silverwood's Ltd, Mr. Fardoe is married with! a family and will commence his Port Perry duties early in the New Year. Other applicants for the job of Police Constable were: R. W. Stevenson. Mimico, Ont. David A. Edwards, R.R. 2 = Town Hires 3rd Policeman Physicians' of up to $200. per man per year, doe as second Constable, Port For the!| Perry's Polic Force will now | consist of three members, head- ed by Chief Robert Cameron. John Page, Hamilton, Ont. Ernest Jeffries, R.R. 1, Port Perry John R. Watson, Downsview, Ont. | is Ray J. McCully, Port Perry. f Salary to start will be $4,800. with an increase of $200. within | the year, if satisfactory, Other, benefits are one-half of Ontario Hospital coverage; one-half of Services Ine, and one-half the Pension Plan to be paid by the Corporation of Port Perry. Uniform is given With the addition of Mr. Far- Hospital Report | Week Ending Dee. 18th Admissions Operations Emergency Treatments.. 9 -- Ww Former Resident + iE § PORT { PERRY i if 8 0 35 i " AYE i. 14 eee eter teem ees rR Volume 101 THURS., DECEMBER 23rd, 1965 Number 13 AY --_-- TD TTT aot, Yh : Mo M al International K Sales Analyst i qe ionally Known Sales Analyst § fo in 0 Speak In Port Perr de: Norvin Allen, vice-president | chant groups through Canadian i. of Canadian Media Services, Na- | Media Services, with offices in|' i tional sales promotion firm, will | London, Ontario. Among the: 1 present a "Dynamie Evening in | Ontario towns and cities parti- 5 ve Human Relations and Selling | cipating in this unique program ': fr Your Customer" at a dinner are Sarnia, Burlington, Wing- he | meeting at the Legion Hall, ham, Walkerton, Ridgetown, if Harriston, Fort Frances, Ux- : 110 Years Oid Former local resident George E. Lintz of Saginaw, Michigan, celebrated his 110th birthday last Tuesday. Possibly the old- est man in Michigan, he is ing good health. Mr. Lintz, is a half brother bridge and Poit Perry. to the late Mrs. Thomas Mid- gley and Mrs, William Midgley of Port Perry. Two brothers, John of Carmen, Manitoba, and Henry of Bay City, Michigan, predeceased him. Professor Norvin Allen Prior to his association with sales promotion firms, Mr. Al- len taught public speaking at the University of Oklahoma, was vice-president and general manager of Consumers Re- search Institute of Oklahoma and later was the department head of the School of Broadeast- Three nephews living in this are Herman Midgley and Lloyd of Port Perry and Bert of Prince Albert. (continued on page 24) SR ry LN A FT EAL Tals WE or Se a pe aE my IR Bis aie RYE __ STS 2 Tuesday, Wednesday and Blackwater, Ont. Births species 2 Mr. Charles Brignall of Port Perry was recently installed as . Thursday, Dec. 28th, 29th Donald K. Garvev, Oshawa Deaths Worshipful Master of Fidelity Lodge No. 428, A.F & A.M. This and 30th, and then closed Gerald Bonnell, Prince Albert Discharges is the second term for Mr. Brignall as he served as Worshipful until Monday following Donald G. Shaw, McLaren's Remaining Master two years ago. He was installed last week at their | New Year's Day, Beach, Scugog Twp. -3 Installation Ceremonies in the Lodge Rooms.

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