Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jan 1966, p. 5

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"corated tree, PROSPECT NEWS On the evening of December 17th, the Prospect Sunday School, under the direction of the teachers, held their Christ- mas Concert at the church, All the children took part, each dis- playing his talent. Many thanks to Mr, and Mrs. Norman Yeo for adding to the evenings en- tertainment 'with interesting pictures of their trip last fall to Ireland and England. Jolly Old St. Nick arrived on sche- dule to unload a beautifully de- A social time fol- lowed, when everyone retired to the Sunday.School room to par- take of sandwiches "and hot chocolate. The Christmas Sunday Ser- vice was held, on December 19, Special music consisted of a de- lightful solo by Miss Margaret Vernon, "The Virgin's Slumber Song", and an anthem by the Choir, "Christmas Memories". On Christmas Eve, a Candle- light Service was held at Man- chester. The church was filled to capacity when members of Scugog and Prospect Churches staged a Christmas Pageant, The U.C.W. will hold their first meeting of the New Year], at the church on Thursday, January 13th at 8 p.m. Mrs, Meta Howsam will show pic- tures taken on her vacation last summer to Hawaii and Alaska. An invitation to attend has been extended to the Manchester ladies. . Mrs, Meta Holtby spent the Christmas holidays visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Dyle Thom- son, and family, and her sister Mrs, Ernest Smurthwaite. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Legge spent Christmas with their parents at Manitoulin Island, Mr. and Mrs. Burnsell Web- ster entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster and family, of Toronto, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Stevens and Family of Toronto and Mrs. George Smith, of Whitby, spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith & Family. Happy New Year to All! Senior C itizens Club The members of the Club had a very enjoyable party at, the Hall on Friday evening, Decem- ber 31st. It was a happy, friendly get-together. There was a nice crowd, not quite as good had it not been a foggy night, and family gatherings, ete., so much going on, Under- stand Mrs, A, Prentice, Mrs, W. Nott, and Mrs. Robertson were the ladies responsible, as usual others helped a lot too, by their presence and donating towards a dainty lunch. Progressive Euchre was play- ed until 10.80 p.m. Prize win- ners: Miss M, McLaren, Mr. M. Moase, Mrs, M. Crozier, Mr. M, Howsam. All then had a good old sing song with E. Redman at piano. Highlight was at 12 p.m. when a circle was formed, each was given a glass of deli- --elous fruit drink and glasses elicked as the clock struck 12. Several gave toasts for 1966. Much hand shaking, mistletoe was hung there and even if we're Senior Citizens, lots of fun was derived from the old custom. All in all it was a de- lightful evening. Old Lang Syne was sung, At 12.30 all eaded for home, maybe tired but contented to start another New Year looking forward to the activities that will be plan- ned in the future for Port Perry's older citizen's and those of surrounding districts. Come and join us, a wonderful way to wind up your golden years. / Next meeting for members at the hall Wednesday, January 12th at 2.30 p.m. Next Euchre at Citizen's Hall Saturday, January 8th at 8.30 p.m. Come one and all for a pleasant even- ing. A good start for the New| Year. Prizes and lunch for a small charge. Many thanks to Editor and Staff for their co- operation in inserting these write ups (on behalf of our Senior Citizens) for the year 1966. It is greatly appreciated. Once more to all Happy New Year. * LA LJ The Joy of Church Bells New Years Eve we sang Old Lang Syie, And reminisced about olden times, We remember the beauty of England's valley's and dales, As the Bell Ringers played on the old Church Bells, The midnight services held near and far, Remembering Christ's Birthday, Wise 'men following the Star. ! "Twas enthralling to listen to the Church bells ringing, As people hustled to hear the choir boys singing, For the Bells were singing the Old Year Out, And the New Year in, UTICA NEWS The Official Board meeting for Utica and Epsom charge will be held in Utica United Church on Tursday evening at 8 o'clock. Communty Hall on Friday even- ing and welcomed in the New Year. Mr. and Mrs, James Mitchll & family held Christmas in the Hall on Christmas Day. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hawes, Whitby, Mravand Mrs. Frank Kendall, Mr. Wm. Philip & Mr, and Mrs. Harry Harper spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Larry Kendall. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Crosier spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Scott in Toronto and New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare and Mrs. Lue Beare in Claremont, Mrs. Delia Harper was a guest with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Harper, Oshawa, over the New Year. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brown and family spent Christmas with Mr. Butler at Highland Creek, and New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Ron Kelly and family at Blackstock. Mr, and Mrs. George Harper and daughters were with Mrs, George Gibson at Taunton for New Year's. The Redman family held Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Murray Geer. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Geer and Strongs. Mr. and Mrs, Mel. Hodgson, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Janes, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Doug McKinley, Willowdale, and Mr. and Mrs. family held Christmas with thas Jean Jeffery Winners at the Christmas Euchre of the Epsom Commun- ity Club party were for the men: Chester Geer, Norton Sy- mes, Jeffrey Bailey. For the ladies Dora Watson, Mildred Thompson, Dora Geer, There were also ten special Christmas prizes. There will he another party this Friday evening, Jan. Tth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro en- tertained their family on Christ- mas Day and on New Year's Day Mr. and Mrs. F, Munro had family dinner at their home, Mr. and Mrs. R, Armstrong and Tommy spent Christmas with her family at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs, Ho- ward Gourlie. Miss Bonnie Wallace of Oak Ridges spent the Christmas holi- day with her cousin Miss Dar- lene Lyons and Joe Lyons of Scarborough was the guest of his cousins Allan & David Ly- ons for the holiday week. Congratulations to Mr. and Murs. A, T. Powell who have an- other grand-daughter. This is a daughter for Dr. and Mrs, EPSOM NEWS and family were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Ash- worth for Christmas. Mr. Kenneth Jeffery of Parry Sound also Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Koster and Kirby of West Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs, G. Jeffery on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stewart and family and Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Walker of Toronto were guests for several days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart. Mr, and Mrs, Harlan Clarke, Prince Albert, also a guest of the Stewarts on New Year's Day. Mr, and Mrs. G. Prentice and family joined the Noble New Year's Re-Union party at the Legion Hall on New Year's day. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Munro call- ed on Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Boy- ington of Claremont on Monday. Mr. Arthur Brawn of Colum- bus was a guest of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brawn on Christmas day. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Medd and daughters visited with Mr, and Mrs. D. Catherwood of Whitby on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. David McKinley visited their parents in London Allan Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice for a few days at Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kent spent PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs., Jan. 6th, 1966 -- 5 the Christmas week with his 1 fa- mily near Brandon, Man, Mr, and Mrs. R. Munro called on her parents Mr, & Mrs, Wm. Graham of Wick on Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Taylor called on her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Milton Best on New Year's day when they celebrated their Gol- den Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hough- land, Esther, James & Jeanette spent New Year's day with his family at the home of their parents Mr, and Mrs. E. Hough- land of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Marten and Lynda of Bowmanville and Mrs. Russell Worden spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. Christie and daughter Dar- lene. New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Christie (continued on page 9) MEATS TENDER STEAK or ROAST FRESH MEATY SIDE TENDER SLICED BEEF LIVER MAPLE LEAF CANADA PACKERS FREE DRAW on $5.00 ruce Bailey and Allen were with the Geers for Christmas, ~ CANADA'S FINEST} Round or Rump LB. 85 SPARE RIBS 7 3- WIENERS b.0ko 49: HAMBURG :+.1.00 BOLOGNA corks. 19: Winner of last week's Draw Mr. James Tripp. Groceries with a, $5.00 Order or Over. FILL YOUR CRT WH: MONEY Sh SpECH WED. - SAT. JAN. 5-8. DONALD DUCK ga JUICE ORANGE JUICE TE I A a CLARK FANCY TOMATO On Sale At Your CARLOAD FOOD MARKET, Prince Albert 48-0z. whe CORN _-ll ib. Zh Pe Sana SH > A Worth of SH a SR ee ii AYLMER CHOICE CREAM Sie alec fe Sais ies 3 Pea and Veg. SOUP CHEF-BOY-AR-DEEN PIZZA With Cheese Sa nie > IR = TOILET ° | TISSUE 2 Roll roc fg SH SE be SHES SARE WEST si | Sollee SB SERRE 2) 930 HABITANT Dre] S200 su] PUREX STORE HOURS 8:30 8:30 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. EXCEPT TUESDAY a.m. to 1:00 p.m, FREE DELIVERY prog - SRTERES ----_ = i ren 7 CPS a eo PP ----. PI Je "or i, a 3 PS ous ee, --~

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