Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jan 1966, p. 6

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6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, | Thursday, Jan. 6th, 1966 | Manchester News Sacrament was observed at church service on Sunday morn- ing. Service at the regular hour 11.15 a.m. next Sunday. The U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs, Grant Franklin on Thursday, Jan. 18th at 2.00 p.m, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cochrane and Mrs. Viola Schnapp, Buf- falo were recent guests at the home of Earl Mitchell and Mrs, Bain. Brenda Taylor, Stouffville, spent two weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Crosier, Misses Joyce and Lynda Mer- chant of Gaspe visited their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. L. Best last week. The inaugural meeting of Reach Township Council was held on Monday, Jan, '3rd at eleven oclock with Rev. R. C. Rose of Port Perry Anglican Church as guest speaker, Town- ship employees were entertained to a dinner at the Town Line Cafe. The regular council meeting followed, Christmas and New Year vi- sitors at the home of Mr. and Pictured above is the Installing Team who recently installed the new 1966 officers of Fidelity Lodge, Front row, left to Clarke Williams. ..Centre row, L, to R.; W.B. Hugh Espie; W.B. H. McMillan; W.B. Roy Cornish; W.B. Norm Heayn. Back row, L, to R.: W.B. Grant MacDonald; W.B. Grant Christie; right: R.W.B. W. J. Carnegie; W.B. Clinton Midgley; W.B. Mrs. A. Roach were Mr. Harry Hugh Santer; W.B. Gordon Jeffery; W.B. R, Davidson; W.B. W.B. Albert Cawker; W.B. Hon. M, B. Dymond; W.B. Jack Helm; W.B. George Lane, Cowan, Minden; Mr. and Mrs. John Cranley and children of Aurora; Miss Carrie Cowan, Toronto and Mr. Stan Isoki Toronto; Mr, John Morgan, A Happy New Year to All North Bay. The Manchester Mulhollands enjoyed Christmas Day with their relatives Mrs. S. Mulhol- land; Mr, and Mrs. C. Nightin- gale and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Well, the great holiday season with its hectic rush is over once more, and how glad most of us all are to settle down to normal living again! Everyone reports a splendid Christmas despite the weather. | Most of our family gatherings | were purely local but some ven- | tured as far as Toronto. Dur- ing the holiday week our visit-, ors there included--Mr, & Mrs, | A. Moon and Clifford with other members of the family; Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson with the Tris- i trams; Mr. and Mrs. Keen and | Brian with Mrs. Cora Moase; | Earle and Diane Barr & Bobby Bruce with grandmother Barr, and Sylvia and Nancy W ana-| Petrozzi. Mr. William Mulhol- | land and son Michael visited | from Camp Borden on Christ- mas Eve. INVEST NOW 6h VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments. i maker with Mr. and Mrs. Aus Interest is payable tin Mitchell. 3 half yearly or may In return we had Mr, & Mrs' Peter Barr and family with Mr. | | and Mrs. Bill Barr; he left -to compound Miss Laura i Mark with Mr, and Mrs. A. | Bruce, and Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson . Wray and family with Ken and Insurance Ida Wray. Allan Wray remain- | Agency LIMITED : 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-2421 | ed all week. Miss Rosemary Nodwell from Hamilton was also at home. By arriving on Dec. 29, Carol Ann Sturman's baby brother, Mark Kenneth was just a little late for Santa. The delighted H. Keith Limited George Stone are pleased to announce the appointment of MORLEY BRUCE as an additional sales representative for Ontario and Victoria Counties. Morley is a native of Reach Township and has served this area on both Council and School Board duties. We feel that Morley will give the best service to your Real E state needs. Call him at once for prompt, courteous attention. | wishing him a | Dawson Creek). SEAGRAVE NEWS parents are Ken and Eleanor. On Wednesday Mrs, MacTag- gart and her sister Mrs. Pearl Thompson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. «0. -J, Boe to Beaverton where they visited friends and! relatives. On Sun., Dec. 26 Mr. Allan Crosier had the pleasure of at- tending the silver wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Pat- | | rick Duffy, in the Parish Hall | at Uptergrove. Mr. Duffy, a former reeve of Mara township served as warden of Ontario County a few years ago, Then 'this last Sunday Mr. Crosier received an unexpected i thrill when he had a phone call from his daughter Shirley Ann "Happy New Year", Shirley Ann is nursing i could be different. in fhe hospital at Ft. Nelson in northern B.C. (300 miles from The call was! made by direct dialling and Al-| lan said connections couldn' ¢| have been better. ! Seagrave's contribution to the real estate business is Mr. Mor- | ley Bruce, who recently received | his license as agent for H. Keith Limited. Mr. and Mrs. with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. of Greenbank attended the Keith holiday dinner on Wed- nesday evening in the Centen- nial room at Inn-on-the Park. Bruce Stone Greenbank corrspondent often writes accounts of the happen- ings at their disaster corner, | We have two spots over here which are_ potentially danger- ous. There is the main inter- section where motorists and children keep the merchant's | wife in a constant state of jit- ters. Then there is that corner where Henrietta St. curves south in front of the Tobins. foot ditch with steep sides and no markings whatever. The re- sidents have protested on sev- ral occasions about the danger not only to motorists but to the 20 or so children who play near, So what? On snowy Sunday the snow-plow slid partly into There | we have a narrow road, a four- that ditch where it remained most of the afternoon. This; really tickled the natives who come out to laugh and take pic- tures which they threaten to have printed. They were laugh- ing this time but next time it The "Young Peoples" had their meeting long enough ago to just miss the last news bud- get. Those taking part in the worship were Harvey Monahan and Ron Abraham, Mr. Harris | showed a film on "Life in Trini- dad", At the conclusion of the meeting the members enjoyed games and lunch, The Annual S. S. meeting was held on the evening of Dec. 28. Reports were received which told us that the average atten- dance for '65 was 77, that the finances were in a healthy con- dition, that there were 25 names on the Nursery Roll and that the birthday box proves we are getting younger. Doug, Mec- (Continued on Page 7) INVESTMENTS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED BY VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST PAY 6% FOR 5 INTEREST YEARS: ¢ ~~ INTEREST PAYABLE ¥ YEARLY OR LEFT TO COMPOUND Ja YEARLY authorized by law as an investment for Trust Pynds 308 Dundas Street West WHITBY J v)

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