Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Jan 1966, p. 11

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z PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS Minutes of a regular meeting | of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in Municipal Office on Tuesday, January 11, 1966 at 7.30 p.m, Reach Township has arranged a meeting with Councils con- cerned Re Charles H, Brignall Ambulance Service. Thursday, Jan. 13th at 8 p.m., Reach Twp. Hall. It was left with Reeve J. J. Gibson and councillors Bruce Beare and R. A. Kenny to at- tend this meeting, } / On Resolution the High School Area Board were given permission to connect storm drains from the proposed addi- tion to the High School to the --storm drain on Queen Street." BY-LAW #1426 to authorize the borrowing of up to $80,000. was read three times, passed, signed and the seal of the Cor- poration fixed thereto. BY-LAW #1427 to make var- ious appointments for the year 1966 was held over until the next meeting, pending fur- ther information. The following statement of Accounts was authorized for payment: ) 1965 Business General Depart, .......... $2,372.98 Truck & Tractor ........ 492.52 Street Maint. .............. 739.84 Property & Parks ........ 134.88 Waterworks Dept. .... 641.32 O.W.R.C. covert 50.00 $4,471.54 Community Memorial Ree. Centre .......... $1,351.05 Community Memorial Ree. Centre ........ $12,485.60 1966 Business General Depart. ............ $ 61.00 Welfare Depart. ............ 90.33 $151.33 DEPUTATIONS -- Board of Health--Dr. G. M. Rennie, Mr. Stan Ploughman and Reeve J. J. Gibson re operation of Polar Cold Storage at the Neil Mal- colm builiding on Water Street. A letter was received from Mr. Charles Knox as follows: Operation of Polar Cold Storage Cold storage--holding unit-- fast-freeze unit for fast freez- ing of fresh govt inspected chicken waste which will picked up at Port Perry Packers and Chalet Farms twice or three times a week, brought immedi- ately to building where truck is driven inside. Fresh board cartons and pushed into fast freeze on a dolly. This chicken waste has very little blood in it since the waste is all washed and water cooled before we get it. The barrels are cleaned out with 600 1b. water pressure. This system uses very little wa- ter, because of pressure, conse- | quently the sewage will be prac-| tically nil. In any case, we are prepared to handle our own sewage by installing a large sewage pump in a catch basin and pumping it into 2 or 3, 500 gallon tanks connected in parallel, From there when full, it is pumped into a tank truck and taken away. be | chickey waste is put into waxed card-| "the town clerk to be cancelled." the sanitary division of the 0.W.R.C. for information on the above type of business and was advised that a copy of the let- ter signed by Mr, Charles Knox be sent to Mrs, Millscent, Di- ector of the Industrial Waste Division, O.W.R.C., Parliament Juildings, Toronto, Ontario. t was decided by the Board The Secretary. of the Board of Health was instructed to write Mr. Charles Knox that the local Board of Health is seek- ing further information before a decision can be given, (b) Chief R. J. Cameron re- ported to council on parking violations and some have pro- tested against receiving park- ing tickets. Chief R., J. Cameron also re- ported on the stop sign at the corner of Queen and Water Streets being down. (¢) Mr. A. Petrozzi, town foreman, appeared at the coun- cil meeting and reported that the Heating element at the wa- ter tank is not working, He suggested as the solution to the problem: A bubbler device op- erated by a compressor and motor. Council instructed Mr. Petro- zzi to first get the heating ele- ment working and then the bub- bler device could be tried. The town foreman was also given permission to install tool boxes on the 14 ton truck. LETTER from Mr, J. R. Helm submitting his resignation as a member o fthe Library Board, as at December 31, 1965, It was left with the clerk to contact the Library Board to see if they have in mind some- one to replace Mr. Helm. MEMO---Mr. Mervin DeNure complains of trucks parking on Mary Street in front of town vard and on opposite side of the street. This matter was left with the 'Chief of Police. MEMO -- Mrs. Earl Cook would like a tree in front of their property cut down and the water shut-off lowered. The above matter was left with the Deputy Reeve to in- vestigate. RESOLUTION -- "That a $10,000.00 blanket position band to cover all employees be ob- tained. The present bond on Carried. STATEMENT of Waterworks Material on hand which Mr, Petrozzi feels is not needed, The clerk was instructed to have the O.W.R.C. try and dis- pose of this material where they are still installing cast iron ma- terial, LETTER from The Canadian Mitchell Associates, dated Jan, 5. 1966. Re Proposed Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Project. During the recent visit of Mr. R. Kenny to our offices he en- quired further concerning the progress and status of the pro- posed Sewerage Project. Ac- cordingly we phoned the Ont- ario Water Resources Commis- and Mr, £0 Programme -was also mentioned, Owers indicated that he anticipated that the Village would benefit more from the proposed Provincial Programme than would have been the case under the Municipal Works As- sistance Programme, It would appear that a deci- sion is reasonably close concern- ing the progress of your pro- ject, and we hope therefore that construction may be anticipated to be well underway, if not sub- stantially completed, during 1966. LETTER "from Mr. W. H. Gilfillen, Sec.-Treas, of High School Area Board. It is now hoped that the addi- tion to the Port Perry School will be ready for tendering the week of January 24, 1966. The delay has been caused by many factors, but it is hoped that an improved construction market may prove beneficial in obtaining competitive tenders. The old school is now steam heated. In order to provide for a more efficient system, and reduce maintenance costs, the Board voted to repipe the old school and place our entire sys- tem on oil fired hot-water boil- ers, The elimination of steam does away with the possible ne- cessity of employing stationary engineers, The uncertainty of a start on the sewers in Port Perry has caused the architects to schedule the work, and if the sewers are not available it will delay work on the addition to the north side, It is sincerely hoped sew- ers will be available and not necessitate the installation of a weeping bed at considerable extra expense. The Board realizes that one of its most exacting problems in 1966 will be to provide accom- modation in September in Port Perry. A shift system, or the renting of more classroom ac- commodation, causes additional expense, and creates administra- PORT PERRY STAR, Agia se . EE AN VIET SARE, ' : i F RAL] a A eis ¥enY y x Thurs., Jan. 20th, 1966 --11 tive problems; it also creates a hardship for the students. The Board is endeavouring to minimize these problems and provide the best education for our students, but to this end we must have your co-operation. The Board also feels that in view of the uncertain money market some thought should be given to temporary financing and the debentures not issued until the project nears comple- tion, The 1966 membership to the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves was renewed at a cost of $20.00. LETTER from the Depart- ment of Economies and Devel- opment stating that there will be a public meeting of the Ont- ario County Zone to discuss the formation of the Central Ont- ario Regional Development As- sociation, to be held at the Le- gon Hall, Uxbridge, Ontario, on Thursday, January 27th, 1966 at 8,00 p.m. A film entitled, Strategy for Change" illustrating the Ont- ario scene in regional develop- ment will be shown. There will also be a panel of persons with a background in regional devel- opment who will be available to offer their advice and an- swer questions, The application for a build- ing permit by Ted Griffen for James Bower, Lot #40, Ottawa Street was granted, Councillor R. A. Kenny re- ported on the need for improved street lighting and that this matter should be given attenton during 1966. : WANT ADS a a ed BUYING A HERD SIRE? Check to make sure he-- -- Isn't a big eater -- Keeps himself clean -- Sleeps in an unused corner -- Never loses his temper -- Has a priceless pedigree but can be bought cheap -- Will indicate in advance how his offspring will "do" Should you have difficulty in finding such an animal, contact CENTRAL ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING 1 5" A.1. Proven and Selected Young Sires BUSINESS DIRECTORY G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985 - 2341 " EADE'S NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates, Pleasant Surroudings PHONE 985-2806 WANTED L Dead Horses or and Crippled Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2. Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec./66 INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOME? .Check Our ® SPECIAL RATES e For Homes Under Construction EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-2421 Port Perry, Ont. Dec. 31/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. DUFF ELECTRONICS TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Formerly Apex T.V. Service Jan. / 66 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Féb. 28/66 SEE Ethel Nottingham This operation will be com-| sion and later spoke to Mr. IL. " Velephone collect, Hampton (OF ve plotely contained in our build- | Owers on this subject, ED. PECONI & SON LTD.| 'vlephone collect, CO-OP INS OR ANCE ing until such time as sewage Mr. Owers indicated that this, "R.R. #2 WOODVILLE MARGWILL FUR FARM NEEDS Sv: i rating in Port| and a number of other similar Collectors Licence 802-C-66 Pon. ore # projects in the Province, were . Feb, 4/66 Ls TYRONE n VERILE, One § 1 ie reported on | under very active consideration| TT leonse No, 4-(- one 655-48. (2) G-M_Reunie 10) ro sion | MONUMENTS ~~ MARKER: | o Cash on the spot o Feb./66 having made certain investiga-| at this time and a decision ' Mar. 4/67 tions including the phoning of | could be expected fairly soon. RIMAR oo Man AIT TTMACKEY & BAILEY the Health Unit at Cobourg. He also advised that Dr. .Dy- Barristers, Solicitors, Councillor R. A. Kenny re- mond, your local provincial MEMORIALS A. K. Johnson 0.D. Notaries Public. ported 'that such a storage member, was personally keep. 4 ? 23 Caleb Street i could be operated properly, but ing in close contact with the Phone : 723 - 1002 OPTOMETRIST PHONE 985-2127 i that we have no guarantee in| situation at Port Perry and also) | [0g 0 oamaw a Mary St. 985-2383 | PORT PERRY, ONT TH) | : at Beaverton and Pickering Vill- ' . i this respect. ants 1 Dec. 2/65 | Apr./66 | Dec. / 85 ul & Reeve J. J. Gibson reported age, The loss of gran s under rel . that he had the clerk phone to| the Municipal Works Assistance : a J BE EA Ge Ks JT TR

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