. 230 pm, and Mrs. Ben Smith will con- By Mabel Cawker Mrs. Sam Naples was hostess for the first Handicraft Guild: meeting, held in the new year on the afternoon of Jan. 11th, The Pres, Mrs, Louise Patter- son chaired the meeting, assist- ed by the Sec'y Mrs, Allen Mar- tyn. A most cordial welcome was extended to the goodly number attending, and the meeting 'was opened by all re- peating "The Lord's Prayer" in unison, The minutes were read by the Sec'y, and approved, and the Tress. Miss Audrey Kent pre- sentsd the financial statement showing a favourable bank bal- ance. 4 Durhig the transacting of busiriess, after considerable dis- eussion, arrangements were made for the annual Rug and Art Exhibition, This import- ant event of the year will be held in the Masonic Temple Queen St., Sat., May 7th, after- noon and evening, 1 p.m, - 9.00 p.m, Members agreed also, to have a sale of Handicrafts at the Exhibition. The committee $0 plan for the Exhibition com- prise:--Mrs. Louise Patterson, Mrs, Ben Smith and Miss Aud- rey Kent. Many beautiful rugs were on display at the meeting. Of par- ticular interest, was the Fla- mingo rug designed by one of the members, Mrs, Grant Innis of Manchester. Mrs. Grant MacDonald offer- ed her home for the next regu- lar meeting, Wed., Feb, 9th at Miss Audrey Kent vene the lunch. As this will be the first an- niversary of the Guild, we hope all members will be present, Handicraft Guild Hold First Meeting Of The New Year Each. member will display any crafts she has learned during the year. We feel this first year in the Handicraft Guild has been a rewarding one; much knowledge has been gain- ed by members in various crafts etc.--we have a challenging fu- ture--a common goal --let us put forth a greater effort in 1966, At the close of the meeting tea was served by Mrs. Grant Innes, assisted by the hostess. Ont. Cty. Jr. Farmer Debating Team Wins 2nd Round The Ontario County Junior Farmer Debating Team won an- other round of Provincial com- petition against Welland County last Friday, January 14th, in Milton, The topic for the de- bate was "Resolved that Farm Credit is too readily available to Ontario Farmers", The Ontario team consists of Anne Dryden of Brooklin, June Parliament of Cannington, Bob Barlow and Neil McLeod of Blackwater; and is coached by Mr, Allan McPhail and Mr, Jim White of Cannington. The Ontario debaters have now won two rounds of Provin- cial Competition, and will enter further competition, against North Simcoe, towards the mid- dle of February. The topic for the third round will be "Re- solved--that--the Expropriation of Farm Property is Detrimen- tal to Ontario Agriculture". The Ontario team and coach- es are to be congratulated on their record thus far in the Pro- vincial Junior Farmer Debating Competitions. WES PLUMBING Office LANE HEATING ELECTRIC Port Perry, Oni. 985-2473 Res. -- HEATING OIL-- For Your Comfort DURING THE COMING COLD WEATHER SEE US FOR HEATING OIL We have FIRST QUALITY Furnace and Stove Oil and offer you Automatic Delivery with FREE Cleanout Service in the Spring. Phone Port Pry 985-7951 REESOR FUEL & LUMBER -- | for a five year term, at the An- Of Blackstock Mrs. Cecil Hill was appointed as an Honorary Elder and Mrs. Ross Duff, Mrs. Noreen Mal- colm and Mr. Lewis Swain as active members of the Session, nual Congregational Meeting held on Monday evening. The meeting was opened by the Minister with a Hymn, read- ing and Prayers when the sick members were remembered. The Minutes of the last An- nual meeting were read, The Treasurer, Mr. Ivan Thompson, reported a balance on hand, The Meeting moved that $600,00 of the balance be transferred to the Renovation Fund. The Envelope Stewards Mr, & Mrs, Roy McLaughlin reported that givings were slightly low- er than last year, but Mr. John Carnaghan the M, & M. Trea- surer announced an increase of Just over 10% in donations to rst if ---------- ---------- Women Appointed To Session United Church the Missionary Fund. After other departments of the Church had made their re- ports Messrs. Gordon Paisley & Ivan Mountjoy were appointed to the Board of Stewards. The Organist and Choir Lead- er were thanked for their work during the past year and asked to serve again. PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs., Jan. 27th, 1966 -- 3 "Mrs, Ivan Thompson thanked the Church on behalf of the Guides for the use of the Build- ing for their meetings. A Com- mittee was appointed for the Fair Supper after which the Minister reported on the Mem: bership, The Chairman of the Board of Stewards, Mr, Harold Kyte thanked Rev. Romeril for his Services and asked him to stay for another year. OOOO OOV aa 728-6201 (3 lines) Four Seasons Travel(Oshawa) TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. -- No Service Charge -- OSHAWA _ 57 King St. East for farm work. B Comfortable and long wearing. Be sure to ask for Specially designed Thoro-bilts by SISMAN A.W, BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE Work - Boots 8.99 3.99 10.99 FULL GRAIN LEATHER WITH GROUND CORK SOLES INSULATED, HIGH CUT BOOTS snes] 4.95 w | e228 Work Oxfords »:-«=s8 50 Lined Pants rw - om cor 56.75 Rubber Boots »: Winter Coats ww 25% oscon Folding Doors mn com 0312, 95 4.50 q x ¥ Af HSS ENT od ee SES, YEA I - nD PTT AT . REP NR ) DR he Ba rx RS A Te yay SE