Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Feb 1966, p. 13

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> ara mga 1 read dozens of verses this morning trying to find one | which might bring joy or com- | fort to some one but couldn't! seem to see what I wanted. As | I sat thinking, I was looking at | a paint by number picture I/ painted yesterday while the | blizzard was raging. When this picture was half done I never saw such a mess of little dull dohs and swirls, It looked like | a big fat nothing, but I thought | the artist who painted the ori- | ginal had had something beauti- | fu! in mind. What a pleasure { as 1 continued, to see my piec- ture become a thing of beauty. | Mrs. F. EPSOM NEWS AS By Jean Jeffery away suddenly last week is Bill Keadry Jr's. father, and dear brother of Mrs. West who mourn his passing. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Wilson were dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs, Earl Wilson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prentice of Scugog, Mr. Corless Ashen- hurst of Uxbridge & Mr. Lloyd Fogue of Bethesda called on Myr and Mrs. F. Munro recently. Mis, H. Keyry is visiting this week with her sister Mrs. Ro- gers in Brooklin, Mrs, George Johnston & Gary visited her Grandparents Mr. & week, _ Munro one day last: Despite zero temperature and stormy conditions there was a | good attendance at Burn's | Church on Sunday, Jan. 30th at | 11.30 a.m. for the observance | of Youth Week, The members of the Senior High Fellowship assisted: Jim | Daw conducted the Service of! Worship with Lisa Gaudaur reading from the Old Testa- ment Amos 7 - verses 10 - 17; | and Jean Godda reading from the New Testament, St. Luke Chapter 5 verses 1-11 and | Nancy Taylor gave the Pastoral | Prayer, To-day I see the beautiful sett- ing sun. A sky filled with col- | ourful clouds. The reflection of | the sun causing shadows to fall | on rocks and trees and water. | 1 thought so it is with life itself. So after we are troubled because everything seems such an awful mess of unconnected this and that, and we worry be- cause we fear we can never make things come right. But there is a Master hand who has planned our life and having pa- tience and following his pattern when the sun sets we will be able to see clearly in sunset sky the shadows and reflections and the whole will become clear. We will hear a voice say 'well done', "To thine own self be true and it must follow as the night, the day Thou cans't not be false to any man." ! Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke | "and Mr. and Mrs. Donald As-! ling visited the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hall of Galt. The young people shivareed (There I had to get out the die-! { | Mr--and--Mrs: Ray Munre--and family had a birthday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. FF. Munro on the occasion of Mrs, F. Munro's birthday. Mr. & Mis. G. Prentice were supper guests one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs, E. Till of Greenbank. FIRE DEPT. (Continued) verses time lost on jobs, and the cost of living soaring into orbit the way it is, we find we are no longer able to look after ur responsibilities as fire- fighters at the present wages, 5 After careful consideration of | { vour position and our own, by the members of the Department. we feel a total of $3,000.00 an- 'nually. to be divided among the men, - would be sufficient. As vou know, this sum of money constitutes approximately one tionary. I never can remember. half of what one full-time mem- how to spell that one) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman, one even- ing last week, The sympathy of the com- munity to the Evans family in their bereavement. In the pass- ing of Mr. Frank Vaill of Ro- | chester, The brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Evans. | "We are pleased to learn that Mr. Alan Card who is a patient in Uxbridge Hospital is recov- ering from his recent illness. We also offer our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. W. Kendry and Mrs. West in their bereavement. Mr. Wm. Kendry who passed Yer would demand per year, which in our opinion. is quite reasonable. We would also be very appre- ciative if the Village of Fort Perry would negotiate with Reach and Scugog Townships for the above named reasons. to | have the men on the Depart- ment receive Five ($5.00) Dol- lars for any time up to two hours. and Two ($2.00) Dollars ar hour thereafter, when called cut of the Village to a fire, Trusting the above meets with your approval, we remain," Schools Merge (Continued) During 1965 the average daily attendance on the Island was | 87.4 and when this A.D. A. falls "to less than 100, a School Board | is required to join with a larger | area. Members of the Consultative | Committee. tagether with two School Inspectors, Messrs, P, Wiseman and J. McClelland, an- swered questions from all three Boards. Problems of transpor- ing pupils to another area were discussed, mill rates; ment; possible future pupil po- | pulation and many other perti- "nent angles. Following discussions, 'the three Boards separated to talk {in private sessions and decide con their acceptance or otherwise of the Scugog Township School | students, At the final gathering of the members present. Chairman Ot- o Kreig of Scugog School Board announced the decision of his Board to join with Port Perry Fublic School. Chairman Mr. J. Reid urged Scugog and Port Perry to hold meetings without delay in order that plans could be finalized for ~~» incorporation of the a ddi- assess- ! tioral pupils into the Port Pery School, He also urged the members of the School Boards to give throught to a possible future tri- area amalgamation, combining all three school areas. How- eer, both Port Perry and Reach declined to make any state- ments on such a plan, preferr- | 2th ing to leave this for the future, | HBURN NEWS Rev. H. Buntain delivered the message on the theme "Called To Be", and the choir sang as their anthem "I will lift up my Soul". The bearers of the offering were: Jim Hopkins, Maurice Hopkins, Brian Daw and Ste- phen Daw. . On Sunday Feb. 6th the week- day organizations will be pre- sent and share in the leadership of the service of worship and the Junior choir will sing. Mrs. Russell Batten; Mus. Alfred Fisher; Mrs, H, Ashton; Mrs. Lindsay Death; Mrs, Ed- gar Heron and Mrs. C. Harrison attended the annual meeting of the Lindsay Presbyterial WMS he!d in Lindsay on Wed., Jan. in St. Andrew's Presby- terian church with morning and afternoon sessions. The Ladies Guild met in the basement of the church on Wed- nesday evening Jan. 19th at 8 o'clock. with the President Mrs. Wm. Gardner conducting the meeting. Hymn 22 "Sun of My Soul", was sung. The scripture read- ing Psalm 46 was read by Mrs, Grant Parrott; followed with meditation and prayer by the president, Mrs, Edgar Heron installed the new officers for a two year term, President--Mus. John Hopkins Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Ray Graham Secretary--Mrs, R. Taylor Treasurer--Mrs. James Lynde Piarist--Murs Grant Parrott. t was decided to have a Va- riety Suppper on Feb. 18th at 6.30 p.m. followed by a short programme, Council Ceonsiders Ambulance Issue Reeve J. J. Gibson reported to Port Perry Council the outcome of a meeting held January 13, 1966 at Reach Township Hall Manchester, regarding the Charles H. Brignall Ambulance Service, At the meeting, a resolution was passed unanimously by the Townships of Scugog, Reach, & Cartwright, plus Port Perry. that the subsidy given to the ambulance operator would not be raised, but he would be ad- vised to increase his rates. VanCamp Construction Remove Sno * E sunn xy " a) -- ? 24 ' iL On J a ® a] = & == = ® e = > = == e = = Re N 5 =N { EE PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 1966-13 Uxbridge Double Score On Port Perry The Port Perry Bulldozers dropped an 8-1 count to the bol- tered Uxbridge Blackhawks last Tuesday evening in the local arena, "Port Perry got off to a good start picking up two fast goals before Uxbridge got on the scoreboard. Mert McKee and Dale McNenley picked up Port's tallies in the first whil® Art Rennick scored for Uxbridge. Jim Burnett put Port up 3-1 at the 5.50 mark of the second. From this point on the Uxbridge crew took five unanswered goals in ten minutes when the Bull- dozers slowed to a walk, Port Perry pickd up one mar- ker in the third while Uxbridge hit the scoreboard twice. ;McKee scored his second of the night for Port while Rennick and Tripp fired for Uxbridge. Except for the ten minutes of the second period the Port Perry boys played good hockey, but had no luck around the Ux- bridge net. They missed enough i chances in the first period to win the game but Lyons in the Uxbridge net played well and held them down to two goals. POLICE (Continued) At a later meeting, Mr. Wm. Fardoe of Toronto was the suc- cessful applicant and notified of his appointment by Mr. J, F. Raines, Municipal Clerk. Mr. Fardoe made no effort to ac- knowledge the letter of appoint- ment until the 14th January. I received a letter from him stat- ing, after serious thought and consideration, that he could not accept the appointment -- this letter is on file in the Clerk's office. I would like to suggest to Council to rescind the above- mentioned resolution. give the 2 present officers the following increases in salaries, effective February 1st, 1966 for a three- year period. Constable Roy from $5000. to $5600. per year: Chief Cameron from $5600. to $6600. per year. both officers agree to sign a contract for the 3-year period effective Febru- ary 1. 1966." Council decided to consider the proposition of Chief Camer- on when a full Council is pre- sent, T-B Association Needs More Money The $32,000 goal the Ontario County Tuberculosis and Health Association set in its Christmas Seal Campaign is $1,470 short. These figures were released by Mrs. Madeline Collins. exe- cutive secretary of the associa- tion. [Letters have been sent out to former who have nat been heard from this year. and it is hoped that contribu- tions from these will up the amount short, The $1470 isn't a large sum contributors, make but will help greatly in the work of aperating monthly chest. X-ray clinics; tuberculin testing; ma-< T.B surveys: health education: TB research, ete. Christmas Seals were sent out to 33.683 homes in Ontario I County. and more than 12,670 answers were received with "contributions. Mrs. Collins is depending to a great extent on the former contributors to make up for the sum now lacking, CRC , . as a --~ ne SEE SS w i) ~-, Ae ~e ~ig' Aries ¥ STA RENT ---- TET

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