ST A + CNY . ~y SCRE LRAT NY UTICA Sunday aripitans NIN Mr and. - ane \ 191 Queen St. NEWS Communion Service will be held in Utica Unjted Church op Sunday, Feb. 18th at 3.30. Mrs, Lue Beare and Miss Ruth Haynes of Claremont vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall visited with: Mrs. George Till, Greenbank, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Albright of Claremont were guests with Mrs, D. Harper on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Mitchell calling on Mrs, Lloyd Brawn, Epsom, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell & familys Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray and David of Port Perry were IGIVOYS Wii aar James Mitchell. Mrs. Gordon Day and Anita of Brougham visited with Mr. and Mrs," James Philip on Sat- urday:, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ballard holidaying in Florida. Happy holiday. h Mr, & Mrs. Chet. Geer visited with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Geer on Sunday evening. INVEST NOW 6%! VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments. Interest is payable . half yearly or may be left to compound Emmerson Insurance Agency " LIMITED Port Perry Telephone 985-2421 world news in fecus Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston, Mas. 02113 enter my subscription to the for the period checked be- tow, § enclose $------ (U.S, Funds) 01 YEAR $24 00 6 months $12 [13 months $6 Name. * Street Cty. State. ZIP Code ! Davidson and Mrs. Spencer who The February meeting was held in the Church Parlor on Tues., at 2 p.m. "Mrs. Phair pro- vided music while the ladies Mrs. sided and the meeting opened gathered. Thomson pre-! with verses and prayer followed 613 Psalm The theme "Light" was portrayed by the singing of hymn "Jesus Bids Us Shing". 764 was read' in Unison. by Mrs, Thomson as leader as- sisted by Mrs. Raines, Mrs, Greenbank UCW by Mrs. read passages from the Book of John. The offering was received and Dedicated. Mrs, Harper led in prayer followed by hymn 436. All repeated the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Raines read an interesting account of Education in Trinidad from the Study Book. The President Mrs. Harper presided for the business, wel- coming the ladies present and thanking the group in charge. Minutes were approved as, read | Spencer, 19 members PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Feb. 10th, 1966-15 answered the roll call. $126.02 reported in the Treasury. Mrs, Christian Arrangements & about the Guy reported for Stewardship. vy. discussion Annual Meeting at Oakwood were made, Voting delegates appointed were Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Ianson. Mus. Leask to bring back the report. Mrs, H, Mec- Millan discussed the bale re- Methods 1966 Mrs, of rais- received Harper quirements. ing money for much attention, and Mrs. Harris were appointed to secure a speaker for the Thank Offering Service which is to be held in April. Prices of future banquets and wed- dings were thoroughly reviewed and it was thought that prices should be raised or menus cur- tailed in order to be in line with what other communities charged and supplied, Mrs. Phoenix was to secure a new Study Book as Trinidad almost completed. All enjoyed lunch following adjournment. -- KS SNL, IT'S SO EASY ! This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash register tape-- Complete dollars only will be doubled, ) IMPORTANT-- For easy counting at the checkouts only complete dollars will be doubled, for example; if your cash register tape totals faa you receive an sditional $18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE ! Double Tape Days is just another feason why we say you always get a little more than you expect at IGA. ADVANTAGE OF DOUBLE CLAIM GIFTS FASTER. 7 PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 9, 10, 11 & 12 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TAKE oo ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Scotties Facial Save 16c Pkgs. of 400 TISSUES 2-49: Save 12¢ 5 Ib. Bag 49: SHIRRIFFS SAVE 10c |G A MILD - CALIFORNIA Size 113's Sunkist Oranges CANADA No. 1 GRADE PEI Potatoes 4.9: Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade Instant Potatoes 12 oz Pkg. 49: Coloured Cheese 12 oz. 49: Wedge DOUBLE JAN nd SEDAN 5° TAPE DAYS TO Raspberry or Strawbe -1GA JAMS HUNTS, . Save 14c CATSUP rry Save 10c 24 oz. 4 0 Jar 11 oz. Bottles 3-49: FRESH PORK Rib Portion 35. wn. 5 Qc Emporer Grapes J 49: Tenderloin Portion ». 69- Doz. -4 Qc Roast o- Chops conn (i. 8 ok FROZEN FARMHOUSE Puritan Snack Pack Save 10c Meat Spread AA LARGE Apple Pie ronmiy size 7 . 7 o) / LOIN SALE boo 49 OPE'S 1GA FOOD 7 Ce Ls at ISAT AY PEAY RI 3 fhe